What I Wore (weekend edition)

Happy Monday guys,
second post today (check below for the important one!)
Here’s a quick round-up of what I wore over the weekend, sub-standard photos and all!


A Primark dress purchased when I went on my shopping trip with Mum and semi-forgotten about. Our house is warm, hence the lack of layers, when I went out a cardigan and jacket was added!
This dress will no doubt be everywhere in a few weeks but I couldn’t resist the sweet print.




Oh hey there no makeup (= tired face). I love how the dress is longer at the back than the front.


Like I said yesterday, I wore nothing of interest, just some old re-found river island jeans that would be perfect if they were a couple of inches longer. And a tee given to me by a friend.
Ohh and Go Go Philip Necklace.



I hate my thighs, hence the utterly random pose and my usual distaste for trousers!

What does your weekend style look like?

((there may be a lack of outfit posts this week, shame eh?! dad’s off work and looks at me like I’ve grown two heads when I try and do anything blog photo related…upside…we’re hitting up Matalan on Thursday!))


51 comments for “What I Wore (weekend edition)

  1. i love your weekend wear πŸ™‚ you seriously look so beautiful in dresses. πŸ™‚

  2. I really like that dress that u bought! x

  3. I wish our house was that warm, I’m looking forward to the days of having bare arms again!

  4. i love the dress with the tights, you look gorgeous with no make up btw! and of course i love the jeans and tee because it always looks good.


  5. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your thighs! Glad to hear you’re a healthy eater too πŸ™‚ Please post some of the vegan recipes if you try them out!

    Adore that dress. You look so pretty and your legs are to DIE for – they go on for miles!

    β™₯ Leia

  6. Such a pretty dress πŸ™‚ and the is not a single thing wrong with your thighs! You have lovely long legs!

  7. You look lovely in that dress- you seem to find some awesome Primark and Matalan dresses! Love the print too πŸ™‚ xx

  8. Laura your legs are fab, don’t be thigh shy! Love the print dress. I was wrapped up all weekend in out cold house. Boooooo.

  9. I second what Sophie ^^ said – your legs are fab, there be no need for hiding them! Although I am liking the super-cool random posing XD

    That Primark dress is beautiful – is it a bird print? Anyways, it falls perfectly on you, great shape πŸ™‚


  10. Lovely dress! I usually just slob around in jeans and jumpers at weekends :] xx

  11. The dress is gorgeous. I love the shape of it, and the print is sweet!

  12. I love jeans on you πŸ™‚

  13. that pretty bird print dress looke lovely on you !!
    i saw it in the store and left it as i dont’ think it’s a style whcih would flatter me xx

  14. oh wow i need toi check out primakr! and i love ur top ^^

    do u have a tatoo on the back of ur neck/shoulders? ^^?

  15. I love the Saturday dress!! It’s so pretty. It looks fab on you.

  16. oh I love that dress, it’s soso pretty! Love the cute print πŸ™‚

  17. That dress is just lovely on you Laura xxx

  18. love the pattern of the dress.x

  19. ~k

    Love the print on the dress. I bet it would look great belted too!


  20. I really like the primark dress. Is it see-through that you have to wear a slip or it has its own lining?

  21. That dress is beautiful Laura! I saw it in the window display at my local Primark but there was none left in store!

  22. That dress is so lovely, I love the print and the cut xx

  23. That dress is lovely – am v jealous!

  24. I’m such a sucker for sweet prints like that, and I miss Primark!!


  25. me like ur weekend wear. x

  26. I ESPECIALLY love the second outfit! Looks like a great way to enjoy the weekend πŸ™‚

  27. That dress is gorgeous! So light and flowing.

  28. I absolutely love the dress, and you look so casual chic in the top and jeans. Laura, you look gorgeous, and I see absolutely nothing wrong with your thighs. Give yourself another ten yrs… you’ll be looking back on photos of yourself wanting to pinch yourself for fussing so much now. lol!

    Hope you had an amazing weekend!!

  29. I like your thighs (if you hate them;) …so don’t hate them!

    That dress makes you the cutest of lil’ fairies.

    One day you’ll be out of your parents’ house and you’ll be able to blog whenever. That day will come sooner than you realize!

    Courage my sweet lil’ sis!

  30. That dress is really pretty πŸ™‚ I also like things that are longer at the back. Hurrah for Matalan, I haven’t been for ages! x

  31. That dress is extremely cute and your Sunday outfit looks fine. We all get days where we just want to wear relaxing clothes. xxx

  32. i adore that dress! also, i had a very “laura” day – trip to sainsburys then cooking! i made portobello mushrooms with melted cheese and chorizo πŸ™‚ xx

  33. I love this dress on you, absolutely gorgeous! I am also jealous of your legs, they go on for miles you lucky thing! πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  34. Gorgeous jeans!


  35. I think you look good in the jeans! x

  36. What pretty dress. Looking lovely as ever.

  37. The Primark dress is lovely – such a pretty print. xx PS The M&S cheddar cheese popcorn is absolutely delicious too.

  38. I adore that printed primark dress – such a cute one on you!

  39. Mmm, I love that dress! It’s so pretty and floaty and everything you could need to know spring is on its way! I need to get myself down to Matalan too! Your post the other day had me craving nearly everything featured! x

  40. gorgeous dress – I do like the pattern.

  41. Lovely! I love that dress. xoxo

  42. What’s wrong with your thighs?! You’ve got gorgeous legs.

    ps – yup, New Life is the place Char and I went to when we visited you. We should make some plans for a day trip there/Birmingham!

  43. Both of these looks are really cute! I love the dress!

  44. the first dress is adorable, i can’t resist a cute print πŸ™‚ x

  45. what is that a print of on your dress?

  46. very pretty dress!!! x

  47. the cut of that primark dress falls great with your body.

  48. I am a sucker for anything with birds on it!!!! That dress is amazing!