What I Wore

This is what I ended up wearing for the fashion fun yesterday. Before I went to bed the night before I had a couple of outfits in mind. By the time I woke up (late) Sunday morning, I didn’t fancy either of them.

The Lace Dress is from New Look (back in the Spring now), the tights are House of Holland and the boots are my new best friends, Chelsea from Yull. I also wore a vintage velvet blazer.

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway with Joe Browns, the winner of the amazing prize is Maria! I love holding giveaways so stay tuned for more!

How was your weekend?


35 comments for “What I Wore

  1. This works really well with your new boots:)
    Also, I can never resist a collar like that!

  2. Love those tights and the lacy dress looks great with the boots. Congrats to Maria for winning your competition πŸ™‚ x

  3. Love the tights, im happy that it’s getting cooler where you live because I get to see you kick arce tight collection.

  4. lovely lovely outfit – the dress and the tights are fab together πŸ™‚

  5. Beautiful outfit Laura! Love the pretty lace dress with the chunky boots πŸ™‚

  6. This lace dress is lovely, it looks really good on you and i like the tights you paired it with!

  7. The lace dress is so pretty and looks great with your boots. x

  8. Congratulations Maria.

    Love that outfit. I had an idea for an outfit Saturday and it got poo-pooed by the boys … so I changed, trying to not look like mutton dressed as lamb is tricky πŸ™‚

  9. Absolutely love that outfit! The dress is fab πŸ™‚

  10. Eeee you look so pretty Laura πŸ™‚ loving the tights!
    I always tend to plan outfits in my head the night before too, but I’m silly and will feel as though I HAVE to wear what I’ve planned even if I don’t fancy it anymore….i think I have issues! x

  11. that dress looks gorge on you. Great outfit choice x

  12. your dress is so cute!! and those tights are brilliant! i really want to buy some house of holland tights…
    Hope you had a nice weekend πŸ™‚



  13. My Paris weekend was sun-filled… fashion folks are rushing over here right as I write!

  14. Great dress and I love those tights xoxo

  15. Vix

    Gorgeous outfit! I can never plan a day ahead as I never “feel” like it when I look again in the morning. x

  16. Love that outfit! It’s funny how you can just change your mind about an outfit on the day even if it’s been planned for ages! x

  17. This dress looks so lovely on you, Newlook has got so much better in the last couple of years


  18. Love this outfit, it really suits you. No wonder you are in love with those boots they are gorgeous! x

  19. this outfit is gorgeous, can imagine how perfect the vintage velvet would have looked with it too. You look so elegant!

  20. Really cute outfit, love the tights!

  21. D.

    That happens to me too – loving that perfect outfit in the evening and then not feeling it in the morning.

  22. Thank yoooou πŸ˜€ LOVE this outfit on you, those tights are amazing!

    Maria xxx

  23. That dress is beautiful and the tights are fab!

    Congratulations to Maria! x

  24. Your outfit is lovely, that dress is so so pretty! x

  25. I rarely ever wear the outfit I’ve dreamed up the night before. My mood has always changed by morning xxx

  26. i wore tights on sat night and i melted!! too hot at the gig haha!

  27. That dress looks so great! A wonderful outfit!
    Wish you a great Tuesday tomorrow!

    XOXO Britta

  28. Rubbish weekend – ill in bed for the whole time πŸ™

    You are rocking those tights! I have the nude version but still haven’t got round to wearing them yet. Tut tut.

  29. Amy

    Love that lace dress! And youuuuu xx

    β–² WOLF WHISTLE β–²

  30. O_O!

    You looked amazing!

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  32. That lace dress is so pretty!

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