Half Light

You can tell this was a Monday outfit, because the photos came out worse than any other day. Damn you Autumn and your stupid half light. If rumours are to be believed (and around these parts, they are currently just rumours) we are due for an Indian Summer. This pleases me greatly, especially if it lasts in to the weekend (I for once have grand plans) and further, in to my week off.

Vero Moda dress, Primark tights and Kate Kanzier loafers.

A new sweet shop has opened in Bristol, called Fizzy Lips. Somewhat expensive but I got to indulge my love for all things peanut butter…although, thankfully, the pepsi isn’t peanut butter flavoured.
I wish the UK would cotton on and bring out exciting M&Ms, I tried the USA coconut ones the other day and loved them. Anyone care to send me mass supplies?*

Happy Tuesday folks


*I am half joking, but if anyone did want to do a little exchange, I would be delighted!

39 comments for “Half Light

  1. I’ve been hearing a lot about an Indian summer. That should be fun, right?

    Nice sweets you got there and I’m loving your vintage style dress.

    XoXo, Bree
    Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee

  2. xs

    love those tights! i’m looking forward to tight weather here πŸ˜‰

  3. Oh i so hope this indian summer turns up, it would be lovely!

    All of those sweeties look yummy.

    X x

  4. Wow.. I love your dress!!

  5. Tor

    You look particularly beautiful in these ones, it’s a really good look on you! The sweets look good, we had a shop like that in Leicester but I’ve yet to find the Liverpudlian equivalent. There’s so much American food I want to try…

    Have you ever seen the Japanese range of KitKats? There’s so many fantastically bizarre ones, I need to find somewhere that stocks some!

  6. Actual drool on my actual face. And the chocolate looks pretty good too. Balls x

  7. I really like these photos, you look lovely! Really like your tights πŸ™‚


  8. I hear it’s meant to get up to 27 degrees by the end of the week! Yes please me thinks!

  9. Peanut M&Ms are the best! Love your dress!

  10. that dress is so cute!! beautiful. i love reese’s cups, i used to get them from a shop around the corner from me, but since i’ve moved away i can’t find them anywhere anymore! boo!



  11. peanut butter twix?! how have I never seen/eaten one before?! I wonder if they’re as good as the pb kit kat chunkys…
    I think there should be a peanut butter version of EVERY chocolate bar.

  12. That is such a cute dress xoxo

  13. bring on the indian summer, the sun is shining here today.

  14. mmmmm I like my pb unsullied, can’t even mix it with syrup, honey or jam as some folks do. Keep it pure … so by the spoonful for me and no other way πŸ˜‰

  15. The weather has certainly chirped up a lot where I live today!

    I agree with the M&M’s, I don’t like Peanut butter but those just work! πŸ˜€

  16. I love your dress its such a lovely print. Looks lovely on you πŸ™‚ X

  17. I do like that dress and I like the fact your shots are closer for once- you can see the detail more!!

    Urgh, peanut butter flavoured- NOT my cup of tea!!!

  18. I also wish the uk would make better m&m’s! I love the pretzel ones you can get in the US. x

  19. Laura, that second photo is beautiful! You really suit that silhouette.

    IMO they should make peanut butter versions of everything. Life would be much more fun.

  20. OMNOMNOMNOM, love this outfit but those sweets are calling me!

    Maria xxx

  21. This dress is stunning, the colours are perfect for the Autumn!Fingers crossed for some warm weather!

  22. Adore that dress. and Reese’s is YUM

    Bhav x

  23. Lovely outfit, I’ve heard the Indian summer rumours too and don’t believe it.
    Too good to be true I say! x

  24. Aww your Dress is so beautiful. I love your style, its so cute.
    Mmmm I’m so very happy about this new shop amazing!! haha x


  25. we have fizzy lips in Cardiff too! I actually had the m&ms and white reeces on Saturday SOOO good!! xx

  26. this dress is so cute!! and your red hair is just perfectly vibrant… you’re adorable!!

  27. Jo

    Coconut M&Ms?? Seriously? I need some!!

    Love your dress, very pretty. I must admit to not wanting an Indian summer. I want it to get colder so I can bust out my tights again!

  28. very pretty dress and gorgeous photos!
    i’m not a fan of peanut, so would turn my nose up at those treats, and my waistline would thank me i guess.. πŸ™‚

  29. Hi! I’m from Manchester and I’m in the US till December, the amount of Peanut butter stuff here is ridiculous (and I’m allergic to nuts so can’t eat any of it!). If you would like me to send you anything please let me know, I’d be more than happy to!! xxx

  30. Mat

    so right about the m&ms, they have so many over there. they even had double dark chocolate peanut butter ones. really nice loafers

  31. You always have such lovely dresses πŸ™‚ xx

  32. Adrienne

    M & M’s just brought out their candy corn white chocolate flavor. So good. But I love all the flavors.

  33. Adrienne

    M & M’s just brought out their candy corn white chocolate flavor. So good. But I love all the flavors.

  34. Adrienne

    M & M’s just brought out their candy corn white chocolate flavor. So good. But I love all the flavors.

  35. Adrienne

    Sorry that my comment posted so many times. : (

  36. thanks a lot for sharing. i was looking for something like that.