What’s up pussy cat?

Jumper: ASOS
Skirt: Primark
Tights: Primark
Boots c/o Shoe Zone
Yeah yeah, another cat themed item of clothing…I hadn’t realised my collection was quite so vast, oops! This jumper came from ASOS last year and I had somehow forgotten I owned it. As soon as I re-discovered it I decided it needed to be worn so I popped it on with this Primark skirt which I picked up for a mere £3 a couple of weeks ago. I think it was reduced because the sizing is stupidly small, I had to go up one from my usual size and it’s not because I’ve gained almost a stone as everything else still fits!
Whatever, size is but a number and nobody really cares. I love the skirt and plan to wear it lots. I’ve also found that Primark make the best black tights…£3 for three pairs and they seem to be Laura proof in that I haven’t yet made any holes in the toes!
I’m totally in love with my new boots from Shoe Zone. Their A/W collection has some incredible value on trend styles and it was these with their gold detailing that called out to me most. Their arrival last week could not have been better timed as my sciatica got worse big time and I’ve been unable to wear anything but the flattest of flats on the few occasions I was able to leave the house. Fingers crossed it’s on the mend now. It’s been five very long and painful weeks, I have lost count of the number of times I got stuck in bed, on chairs and other various places last week and I actually cried from pain for the first time in my life.
I digress.
Shoe Zone used to be somewhere I never shopped in. Now they are one of the first places I look when I want affordable shoes and boots. They last well too, I’m still wearing a pair from last year that I’ve truly put through their paces. Value and quality, that’s what I like!
Bonus shot of Mae who will go out of her cat flap but refuses to use it to come in again. She is being so naughty lately, any taming ideas?

9 comments for “What’s up pussy cat?

  1. Aw cute outfit. Sometimes Primark really comes up trumps!

  2. I just did a post on kitty cat clothes. I want your beautiful jumper so much

  3. I love those boots and there is nothing wrong with the size of your cat clothes collection! 😉 x

  4. Great outfit! Love the cat jumper <3, so cute.

  5. Have you tried tempting her back in with kitty treats or catnip? Our kitties will do anything for those!

  6. Fingers crossed your sciatica doesn’t flare up again lovely, it can’t be easy especially in this cold weather. ShoeZone are a company I have worked for and I have to say that they really are great value for money. I love your cat jumper, but I can’t offer any cat-taming ideas I’m afraid – maybe a look on Google or Youtube would help? 🙂 xxx

  7. That cat has a really cute face. Lots of kitty jumpers don’t have such sweet faces! The boots are really nice. Were they recent? Might have to get a pair!x

  8. KITTY….. this might stop, eventually, sorry. Love the gorgeous skirt, haven’t been to Primark for an age, but they do have awesome tights, so may have to drop by soon-ish to restock. Also, gorgeous boots, although I fear my ankles would be too fat for them *sad face*