a little bit of winter warmth

Sorry I look a bit rough, I’m on strong pain relief for whatever is going on with my back and it’s wiping me out!

I’ve gone from not owning/wearing a hat in years to suddenly having quite the collection of them and wearing them as soon as the weather turns chilly.
And now the weather has turned extra chilly and so the arrival of this Stone Union bobble hat from soon to officially launch web store Brit Fash could not have been better timed. It’s probably the most warm and sensible hat I own (I tend to head straight for the novelty section and own one with ears, one that looks like a penguin and a faux fur trapper to name but a few) and so comfortable too. I think the last time I wore a bobble hat I was about eight but I’m ready to rock this one all winter through.

As the name would suggest, Brit Fash is the online destination for both established and emerging British designers. This really makes me happy as I’m thinking more and more about where the things I buy are produced and I think I’ll be a pretty frequent customer of the site. I’ve already got my eye on some Christmas Jumpers and this tartan number too.

What are your views on bobble hats? And what do you think of Brit Fash in general? I’m a fan already!


5 comments for “a little bit of winter warmth

  1. Such an inspirational post! I enjoyed reading it 🙂 I love your blog, too!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC and Bloglovin? If you would, just follow me and leave a comment on my blog, so that I can follow you back 🙂
    Tina from the Style Sinners
    Twitter – @TinaStefanovic
    Instagram – @tina_stefanovic

  2. Aww, i LOVE a good winter hat… i have to admit that winter fashion is one of the (few) things im going to miss about the UK this year! x

  3. Your never to old for a bobble hat!!!

  4. Your hat looks so warm! I just bought a snowman one for Christmas!

  5. I’m really loving hats at the moment too, especially bobble hats! I hope you start feeling a little better soon! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com