Win a YEARS WORTH of Tea with Bistro TeaPods

I love hosting giveaways, I guess it’s the knowing that you’ve made the winner’s day at the end of it that makes it so special, although most of the time I find myself wanting to give everyone a prize.
This might just be the most epic giveaway I’ve done though- how do you fancy winning yourself an entire year’s worth of Bistro TeaPods?
I was sent some of these to try out for myself and I’m now trying to work out a way to get a year’s worth myself- these things are GOOD

There are several varities of tea available- from Earl Grey to green tea with mint (my favourite). The TeaPod is a novel concept and much easier than a messy old teabag. These are perfect for at work especially, you just pop a TeaPod in a mug (I like to use a glass one and watch it) add boiling water then leave it to stand and infuse, using the pod to stir. Brilliance.
The winner will recieve 12 boxes of 32 TeaPods (worth £175.20), so enough to last you a year with some spare! I’m already jealous of the winner and I don’t know who it is yet.
To enter you need to pop along to the competition page on Bistro TeaPods website HERE and answer the simple question. This giveaway is being hosted alongside five other awesome bloggers and the winner will be selected by Tufty the Cocker Spaniel- take a look at the competition page, what a cutie!
The competition runs until 30th April so you have plenty of time, I hope loads of my readers enter, I’d love one of you to be the winner! You must have a UK postcode to enter.
If you fancy trying TeaPods for yourself you can get a 15% discount by clicking here. Once again, the competition page is HERE
Good luck, let me know if you’ve entered. Also, tell me…what’s your favourite brew?
(stay tuned for another giveaway soon)


One comment for “Win a YEARS WORTH of Tea with Bistro TeaPods

  1. Kirsten Murphy

    I’ve entered! I want one of those mahogany boxes, what a gorgeous way of storing tea.
    Kirsten x