
The Friday before last I found out I was the lucky winner of £100 to spend at…I spent a fair few days contemplating my order and whether I was brave enough to take the plunge and go for a pair of the infamous Jordan jeans (I was, and I did!). One of the other things that really drew me in was this Winner Tee, not only was it incredibly apt, I also fell for the slouchy fit and the subtle but cheeky slogan.

Worn with jeans by Vila (stolen from Mum, so comfy!) and those Dune sequin flats I featured on a Sarenza post a few weeks ago; they were further reduced in the sale so it was a no brainer that I HAD to own them!

This was worn for a Saturday spent mooching around the shops with Best.Friend. and a night in front of Take Me Out and Casualty. You should know by now, I’m not one for rock and roll weekends, and as much as part of me wishes I was at LFW, the other part is exhausted just thinking about it!


31 comments for “Winner

  1. Looks great! And I love that you got a winner-tee with your winnings:)

    Are those the jeans? They look fantastic on you! Nice choices! and shoes;)

  2. Jeans look great on you. Love the touch of glamour too- the gorgeous sparkly gold shoes. xx

  3. I love the top and shoes, I’m a sucker for some sparkle X

  4. cat

    those shoes are amazing! still looking hot in jeans btw chica 😉

  5. I love this tshirt, it has such a positive feeling!

  6. Congrats on the winner! I wanna try the jeans now. Love your flats xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  7. Congrats on your win. The tshirt is very apt. Loving the shoes, you can’t beat a bit of sparkle.

    X x

  8. Laura this is one of my favourite outfits on you! I love the slogan on the t-shirt, something nice and inspirational for a change and those shoes are a hundred times amazing! xxx

  9. Coolest top ever! I love the flats so much. Anything with a bit of sparkle is sure to catch my eye.

  10. Congratulations on winning the £100! The t-shirt really is very apt, I love that you have a story behind it!
    Lovely outfit, looks so comfortable x

  11. Those jeans look beautiful on, love the t-shirt and the shoes, oh the shoes Laura.

    I so wish I could steal my mums clothes (and shoes) sadly she’s completely different sizes to me, and not inclined to sharing.

  12. You look great in this outfit! Those flats are fab!

  13. Ugh the Geordie on take me out was so cringe! Why did he milk turning off the lights so much?
    And as someone who excessively uses the word “wins!” I am officially in love with your t shirt


  14. Well done for winning, what a lovely prize! I love your hair colour xx

  15. Cute tee, very apt.

  16. Love the shoes! And jealous of your win 😉 x

  17. I love this look, so casually cool! WINNER in life! 😉

  18. I love those sequin flats! Outfit is gorgeous, congrats on winning 🙂


  19. love your shirt.. and outfit! your fashion posts are so inspirational (for me to be more fashionable )

  20. Oooh good choice! I love the shoes too!!! By the way, I’ve tagged you for a blogpost! Come and answer some random questions Kezzie style:
    I’d love love love to know your random facts and answers to the questions if you had time at all?!

  21. Congratulations whooop! Love this tee you chose.x

  22. I LOVE this tee and I can’t wait to see those jeans! Also I WILL be stealing those sparkly shoes….

    Maria xxx

  23. MJ

    Those sparkly pumps are really good – I want some!

  24. I love this top! xx

  25. Love that tee and those jeans fit like a dream xxx

  26. tam

    I love your shoes!!!! x x x