winter wonderland

An outfit made up of old favourites; New Look jumper dressed purchased a couple of years ago and mostly ignored due to it’s more fitted shape, Tesco value tights (because I’m classy and they work!) and those Sarenza boots that I really and truly will be glad to see the back of.

Those who said I was mad to face town on crutches were right, it was heaving and the concentration of getting through the shops in one piece (so many rude people about) meant my desire to browse was diminished; even in Primark I couldn’t find any enthusiasm. It wasn’t a total washout of a trip though, what I did buy were gems, if a little random- gold cat ears from topshop, a penguin knitted hat, the most beautiful Bertie velvet boots in Tk Maxx which I had wanted the second they were released last year…patience pays off as I snapped them up for a mere Β£22, I can’t even wear them at the moment but I had to have them, the woman who served me declared me mad; both for coming in to town AND for buying something I clearly couldn’t wear but no-one gets between me and my shoes.

It was the perfect ending to what has been an unexpectedly brilliant week off, you never expect it to be rubbish but this week has been punctuated with unexpected happenings and the very best of news- congratulations little cousin Soph and lovely Chris on your baby news
Going to make the most of it being the weekend and go back to work full of energy (or something like that). Tonight I’m going to see Peter Pan at the Bristol Old Vic with a bunch of school friends and tomorrow I will most likely nap, or maybe wrap some presents or something… once I’m back at work I’ll have no time for anything, festive madness has well and truly hit and it looks like I’ll be facing it on sticks, still…fingers crossed I hear something/the pain vanishes/my ability to walk without wanting to pass out from pain returns soon?!

What’s on your agenda for the weekend? Are you Christmas ready?


15 comments for “winter wonderland

  1. I like your dedication to shoes! And I like your jumper too, very festive xxx

  2. Loving the festive crutches! Can’t believe you managed to go shopping with them… Brave lady, I wouldn’t even have attempted it! xx

  3. I love your dress, it looks really cozy and the tinsel on your crutches are the perfect finishing touch. Peter Pan sounds really fun, hope you have a really relaxing weekend. I am having a really quiet one this weekend as I am feeling pretty exhausted.

  4. The jumper dress is lovely. Have fun tonight, I saw your purchases on instagram, a really good shopping day I’d say even if it was horrendous getting about.

    I am nowhere near sorted for Christmas, in fact I am having a bit of a nightmare this year, one of those times when you have so much to do that you just panic about it and get nothing done. Agh!!!

    Janine xx

  5. J.

    Lovely look, love the jumper! Perfect for this time of year πŸ™‚

  6. loving that jumper dress, you look fabulously festive πŸ˜€ x

  7. Love this Christmassy jumper. And the festive crutches! Sorry you are still struggling with it though, sounds massively annoying. Hope it heals sharpish! On another note, those boots are amazing Xx

  8. Oo I do like your dress! I nearly got the same one a couple of years back, kind of wish I had got it now! You’re brave to go out into shops this time of year at all – even with crutches! Hope you get better soon xx

  9. That New Look jumper has always been a fave of mine. Fingers crossed for your foot xxx

  10. Hope you get better soon!

    That dress is lovely, looks really warm and comfy! xo

  11. LOve that knitted dress x

  12. I like the festive dress! I never seem to find any gems in TK Maxx! xx

  13. This is such a lovely jumper! I want a really nice Xmas Jumper!

    I’ve got a Β£40 Zalando voucher, giveaway on my blog! Come enter! πŸ™‚

    Top Style Advice xoxox

  14. Loving the decorations Laura, very Christmassy.

    X x

  15. Velvet boots sound amazing!

    Maria xxx