
Yesterday was a true Monday! Dull, dreary and a touch of the blues…but it’s in the past now so here’s to a more positive day! We didn’t end up going to see Black Swan in the end, we were tired and the film ended late.

Anyway, this is what I wore yesterday…complete with utterly lame posing because there was a repairman downstairs and he already thought I was nuts, without adding taking outfit photos in to the mix!

Jewellery of the day:


I thought I’d lost the cloud necklace but it then randomly appeared on a shelf




I should probably have put makeup on first. I also really need to experiment more with these shorts and get some coloured tights action going on!

Well, time to go to work now,
have a great day all!

32 comments for “yesterday

  1. You are so lovely! Those earrings are gorgeous.

  2. dan

    really like them shorts πŸ™‚ xx

  3. Mo

    Love those earings!

  4. I really like the necklace and the earrings!

  5. I need them shorts! The colour is gorgeous! As are those earrings!
    Thanks for the make up brush recommendations. I think Im going to buy some from ELF. Not a lot of spare money at the minute!

  6. I love the shorts on you! I really think they would look nice with other jewel type colours but you are right, brown can be a difficult colour to style. I love the necklace though πŸ™‚ Also my whole family and village think I am insane when I am taking outfit pictures- the perils of being a blogger! πŸ˜›

    Maria xxx

  7. Ooh I have those earrings! SNAP! Do you remember where the cloud necklace came from? I absolutely love it.

  8. oooh are they velvet?? tres cool! xxxx

  9. Really unusual earrings, lovely! Nice outfit combo too, looks so comfy πŸ™‚ I took inspiration from your last blog post (no, I didn’t copy it, obvs… *ahem!* lol so you can see what’s in my bag! Hope you dont mind! x

  10. lol randomly appeared!!!necklace! it happens all the time! and i like them

  11. Those are so whimsical! Perfect for spring!

    Did you ever see Black Swan? What did you think?

  12. You have such pretty jewelery xoxo

  13. Loving the metallics!
    I’m super shy about posing in front of people, lol.. xx

  14. Love the earrings, they’re really unique!
    πŸ™‚ x

  15. I still haven’t seen Black Swan I thought I was the only one, the shorts are so lovely and your wallpaper is beautiful.

    I hope you have a better day today xx

  16. The cloud necklace is so cute! I love those shorts Laura, get playing with coloured tights, now!

  17. I like that cloud necklace it’s very cute and quirky! xxx

  18. Really pretty jewellery. I love the necklace.

    Nice outfit as well. I want to get into more of a habit of wearing shorts with tights. It’s a great look.

  19. Ooh, I so love your sweater, Laura – the subtle sparkle of it is absolutely stunning!! πŸ™‚

  20. Oh, I LOVE the shorts + glittery sweater combo. So festive and fun!

  21. adorable! πŸ™‚ as usual <3
    loveee the jewlery

  22. really really love the shorts!
    and the cloud necklace!
    both are gorgeous! πŸ™‚

  23. the necklace is so cute and i love your room! xx

  24. Ooh. shorts and coloured tights are an absolute must!
    Red tights are by far the best…


  25. Love the jewelery, the earring are so pretty.

  26. That is a gorgeous necklace! So unique! jazzy β™₯

  27. Aww, like this! Like the glimmer to the velvet and the jumper. Shorts are the best way to undermine the formality of thick velvet. x

  28. I absolutely love those velvet shorts – beauty!

  29. love both these pieces, both so versatile and cute πŸ™‚
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog x