you can thank me later

You can thank me later for this post, right now there is shopping/browsing/drooling/wishlisting to be done!

Always on a mission to find gorgeous jewellery I was delighted to find Stephen Einhorn

“Stephen Einhorn has always had a passion for design. In 1995 he sold his successful advertising model-making company to open a jewellery shop and workshop in Islington. He wanted to concentrate on his own designs using the many skills he had developed over the preceding years. He was one of the first designers to focus on men, having noticed a large gap in the market for men’s jewellery. Paul Smith commissioned Stephen’s very first men’s jewellery collection plus many subsequent collections including a women’s jewellery range sold as ‘Stephen Einhorn for Paul Smith’.”

It’s refreshing to see a website that also caters for jewellery loving men! It certainly makes getting ideas for gifts that bit easier (not that I have a man in my life, but I know enough people who do!) Here you’ll find the men’s jewellery range.
There are also amazing women’s pieces that have my heart all a flutter…allow me to introduce you to my favourites.

Please note, I do try to keep my wish lists affordable for my personal budget, but sometimes I find things that drive me to strictly dreaming!

My top three for men:


Fang Cufflinks


Anchor Pendant


Lioness Ring

And my guide for the girls!


Pigeon Pendant


Bumble Bee


Bluebird Studs

What do you think?
Anything found it’s way on to your wishlist/shopping bag/man’s shopping bag?


20 comments for “you can thank me later

  1. No you are naughty! Don’t show me beautiful bumble bees I adore them. I would kill for those bird studs too, but they are a little out of my price range, however Santa has big pocket’s I might ask him 🙂
    Kandi x

  2. Flip! Just checked out the price of the Bee ~ I don’t think even Santa can stretch to that ~ I can dream though. Perhaps Bill Gates needs a new wife, I’ll give him a ring…
    Kandi x

  3. Those fang cuffs are brilliant and the lioness ring is fantastic too, but my personal favourite is that pigeon necklace because I have a soft spot for pigeons, especially when I see people kicking them along the high-street 🙁 Great list! xxx

  4. I think I’ll have the anchor pendant for myself, screw the boys!

  5. Oh that pigeon is just too cute.

  6. Unfortunately my hubby would not like any. But I think they are cute.

    X x x

  7. Those fang cuff links are making me want to wear man shirts LOL xx

  8. Kat

    Love the pigeon pendant! The fang cufflinks are genius too- will have to check out the website 🙂


  9. So cute! I love the bee!

  10. i love the anchor cufflinks ^^ i wish ryan wore shirts now T_T

    nice pickings :3

  11. Anchor pendant .
    Visit my blog and follow me if you want xx

  12. Okay, the pigeon pendant is a winner. Closely followed by those fang cufflinks. ‘MAZIN x

  13. Vee

    men will love cuff links that double as weapons!

  14. Think hubby would quite like the cufflinks. I love the bluebird studs though, so pretty. x

  15. Wow the lioness ring is pretty amazing…going to check the price tag…probably FARR too expensive for my pitiful budget 🙁

  16. The anchor pendant is gorgeous!

  17. Those fang cufflinks are so cool, and that anchor pendant and lioness ring.. all the mens items infact! But i think i need that bumble bee necklace in my life! xx

  18. Ooo, these pieces are so wonderful. I love the Lioness ring! Gorgeous.

  19. Mat

    those fang cufflinks are unreal! not my style as ive never worn cufflinks but really cool none the less