Dream vs. Reality

Here’s what I wish I was wearing to work today…



Both Love Label at Very

Here’s what I am actually wearing…it’s very much one of those outfits that looked better in my head. Front on it just looks shapeless (hence the posed photos!)




I’m sure a skinny black belt would fix this up a bit, but mine has gone walkies, which is always the way!

I’m feeling a bit down and out about how clothes are looking lately. Mid-season blues maybe? It’s no where near cold enough to warrant huge jumpers, but at the same time, I’d die of cold if I wore more summery stuff. Adding cardigans to floaty things just feels…wrong.

Oh hurry up warmer weather…I’m waiting.


31 comments for “Dream vs. Reality

  1. I will totally do a swap of weather with you as I can’t wait for it to get cooler so I can wear boots, coats, cardis and winter dresses πŸ™‚

  2. I love the top, your outfit looks great. I find this time of year difficult to dress for too. I find cropped cardigans usually work well with the more floaty tops/ dresses.

  3. Love that last portrait shot hun, you look super pretty πŸ™‚

  4. Love the print on your top. Don’t you hate when you have an idea of an outfit in your head and then you try it on and it looks/feels silly? That was me the other week… I think I’m trying to dress younger than what I really am.. Opps. Wish I was wearing that dress to work too.

  5. Oh I love that dress! Its gorgeous!
    Love the top your wearing too, very pretty!

  6. Such a pretty top. I know how you feel about the weather – its raining again here today πŸ™ also, random, but u have lovely shaped eyebrows. Mine are non-existant!!

  7. Oh I don’t think it looks shapeless at all, it’s lovely.

    If that top is anything like one I’ve got that looks similar, you could always try tucking it in and tweaking the floatiness a bit.

  8. i think it looks great together, but i’m with you on the weather thing!

  9. Love that first dress you picked out! Totally know what you mean about outfits looking better in your head than they do in reality… hahaha, that is often the way! The top is really lovely though.

    p.s. you are looking totally gorgeous! xx

  10. I like that dress…!
    and yeah I know how annoying it is to be teaming summer clothes with winter clothes. so wrong. Roll on summer! xx

  11. I love that top you’re wearing. Definitley looks really pretty.
    Yes! We need warmer weather.

  12. I love the print of the top, and the skirt looks lovely too xx

  13. I love spring. The new dresses make me want to twirl!

  14. Laura you look lovely- i way prefer your actual outfit to your dream one!

    And i’m with you on the weather front [no pun intended] x

  15. transitioning from one season to another is really difficult. you look lovely though πŸ™‚


  16. hey beautiful, really like the top. A belt could work but what about tucking it in and wear it with a shorter skirt. Think it would be stunning that way.

    Dena x

  17. You always look lovely =]

  18. Despite you are feeling a bit down, you look lovely in that outfit πŸ™‚
    And that first look is really to die for ***

  19. this is a lovellyy comffyy outfit πŸ™‚

  20. I can’t wait for warmer weather – I’m fed up of clouds πŸ™‚
    loving your outfit – the top is so pretty!! x

  21. That outfit you picked oout that you wish you’d worn is lovely, but the outfit you are wearing is just as nice! xx

  22. Nice dress but your outfit is just as lovely. The top is really nice. I know what you mean about putting on something pretty then covering it up, silly weather! x

  23. If you get your new outfit and feel like tossingh the old one I take donations!

    I am a 32 year old fashion impoverished woman. Please adopt me. I’ll send you postcards every month.

    You look great.

  24. I love your floaty top – you look professional, but fun!

    I am hearing you on the mid season blues – I really want to be able to ditch the tights and coat already! Well, at least the coat!

  25. I wish I could wear that lovely dress too.

    X x x

  26. Both cute outfits. Your real outfit looks great too. πŸ™‚

  27. I feel the same – bit blah about things due to fedupness with winter. Sure inspiration will return as the weather gets warmer. xx

  28. A skinny belt is now one of my staples! I’m fed up with layering up so much. Bring on the warmth!