You Can’t Sit With Us

The slogan tee- not something you’ll often find me sporting but every now and again I find one that tickles my fancy and decide I’ll break out of my comfort zone. Mean Girls inspired clothing has been popping up everywhere over recent months; it was the chick flick of my teen years and supplier of many a catchphrase such as the ubiquitous “you can’t sit with us”. When my blog advertiser Lush T Shirts not only decided to host a giveaway but to also send me a top of my choosing it was pretty obvious which one I was going to go for.
Tee c/o Lush T Shirts  | Skirt: Primark | Shoes: New Look | Ring c/o jewellery world
I can’t believe this is only the first time I’m showing this Primark skirt on the blog, so many bloggers have it and I’ll admit, I was smitten the second I saw it in the shop window and had to make a cheeky trip in on the way home from Ben’s one Sunday afternoon in January. For £14 the quality is impressive, it fits rather on the large side but other than that it’s my dream skirt! I’m really hoping Primark bring it out in some more colours, a rainbow of pastels would be perfect! I liked how the girly skirt contrasted with the tee, that and the whole “on Wednesdays we wear pink” thing.
The beady eyed among you might also notice that I’ve swapped my usual silver rings for a more delicate gold one. I’ve found my jewellery tastes changing lately and at the moment I’m favouring gold and delicate over silver and chunky. Jewellery World have a huge selection of gold rings at good prices and I have my eye on several more to wear alone or layer up.
I should have been back at work today but alas I’ve been signed off for another fortnight to give my back time to strengthen. I’m quite gutted but I’m planning to use this two weeks to get my blog up together and get some much needed strengthening exercise in; if you have any hints and tips then please do share them, I need all the help and variety I can get!


12 comments for “You Can’t Sit With Us

  1. Hey Laura! You look amazing!! I love the mean girls tee, I have way too many slogan tees 😛

    And when did you get the new layout? Do you mind if I ask which one it is?


  2. Loving the skirt, not only the colour but the cut to. Pretty in pink hun.

    Sorry to hear you are off for another tow weeks, I know you were looking forward to returning to work. make the most of your two weeks off.

    X x

  3. If you have a slogan tee it has to be from the world’s best ever movie! Love this. I want your pink skirt. I have been looking for a pink skirt for literally years. I don’t know why it is so impossible to find one.m

  4. I love your skirt! It must be frustrating but get all the rest you need, you don’t wanna go back to work before you’re ready girl! Sorry for the lecture paha I don’t know if it’ll help but I used to hold a bottle of water put my arm in the air and bend it if that makes any sense at all haha! Really tones up arms too xxx

  5. Rebecca Young

    I love that skirt – both the colour and style.


  6. This skirt is gorgeous, I really love the colour on you! Frustrating that you can’t go back to work yet but it will be worth it in the long run!

    Maria xxx

  7. You look fab!

    Sorry you’re not able to go back to work. I say that with slight jealousy, I’d love time off. All I want to do is blog blog blog blog I don’t have time for a real job haha.

    Corinne x

  8. Such a sweet little ring! Mean Girls is one of my favourite films, my fave quote is, “So you agree, you think you’re really pretty?” – Bahahaha. <3

  9. Such an awesome t-shirt! X

  10. Your dress is a gorgeous shade of pink – I love it! You can’t go wrong with that shade of pink, especially in Spring! I’m sure you’ll find a lot of pretty outfit pieces to style your lovely pink Primark skirt with in the months ahead. Be careful not to overdo it while your back is healing. Once you’re mostly healed there are exercises that your doctors can recommend. Best wishes for a full recovery and an end to your back pain and frustration.