05.03 new things

Happy Friday! We’ve made it through to another weekend! Who has exciting plans? I’m off work tomorrow so will be indulging in a little retail therapy with my Mum; fingers crossed the sunshiney but cold weather will hold. I so cannot wait for the temperature to start rising.

This will be one of my last non outfit posts, though I’ll probably try and do more of this type of thing rather than keep posting photos of myself.
I thought I’d show you some recent buys and favourite things.


Dresses! As you can see, I’m still loving florals. Both floral dresses are from New Look and both cost ยฃ12. The grey based one is my purchase I mentioned the other day. I can’t wait to wear them.
The cream dress in the middle is vintage and absoultley gorgeous, it is also really versatile as it can be worn in many ways. This came from a giveaway hosted by the wonderful platform princess who is a real sweetheart, so do go and check out her blog.


I’m really starting to get more in to accessories lately. I’m a bit hopeless at remembering to put jewellery and such on when I get ready but I am making a concious effort to change that. Most of these treasures came via a group of lovely ladies, who should know who they are ๐Ÿ˜‰


And these are my current favourite nail polishes. Buying them has become a bit of an addiction of mine, although I am trying to be good and not spend any more on them for a while.

Have a fabulous last day of the week

146 comments for “05.03 new things

  1. yay for pretty things to cheer us up ๐Ÿ™‚
    feel i need to post something, but haven’t done an outfit pic in a while :S
    have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Oh, the dresses are all so lovely!
    And the LO VE earrings are very cute.

    I have lots of nail polishes too, but mostly cheap ones. Although that Bourjois one’s somewhere in my collection too.

  3. Love the new dresses! Very summery ๐Ÿ™‚
    Enjoy your shopping day!

  4. Kim

    Lovely floral dresses!
    Have a great weekend!
    I’m off out tonight, one of my best friends is of backpacking near thailand for a few months.

    โ™ฅ xo โ™ฅ

  5. mmmm I have become nail polish obsessed too- i did the same for my last post! I need an orange and a mint green but!

    ooo and those shell earrings are to die for, I bet you’ll feel like a mermaid in them! I saw some awesome similar pink ones that im now regretting not buying!

  6. Love all the pretty things in this post!

  7. love evertyhing!!!!!

  8. adorable dresses, and lucky you for winning that giveaway!

  9. ohh how we adore buying new stuff, huh??? I need to refresh my closet this spring! I can’t wait! Ahh shopping spree!!!

  10. Hi dear, how are you?
    I love these new things, the dresses are gorgeous, so are the sailor accessories:)
    Have a great weekend.


  11. The floral dresses are fab Laura!


  12. I’m loving all of the dresses, especially the one on the right.
    Impeccable taste, you have it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Kb

    In love with the grey-based dress, so jealous it was a sale buy!

  14. Ah what a lovely cheerful post. That cream dress is utterly beautiful – can’t wait to see you wearing it!

  15. Kel

    I need that china glaze mint one. Looks so great.

    Love the dresses, and glad you are getting into accessories – that make the world go round! ๐Ÿ™‚

    X x

  16. I love those pretty dresses AND the nail polish! Yay for pretty things!

  17. I know what you mean about buying nail polishes, usually they don’t cost too much so you don’t think twice when buying it:P

    Love your new dresses, can’t wait to see you wear them! And I love the nautical theme of your jewelry:)


  18. Oh the floral dresses are so perfect for summer! Love the accessories, so good for making an outfit interesting!

  19. Love the creamy dress… ๐Ÿ™‚

    thanks for visiting my blog and left such a lovely comment ๐Ÿ˜€

    Glad that you like my jewelleries



  20. love all your buys but esp the gray based floral dress. can’t wait to see you in it.

    I’m working ALL weekend ๐Ÿ™ but my best friend is coming to visit me on Monday yay!!!


  21. I left you awards on my blog!

  22. Those dresses are so beautiful and classy and so YOU. I love your style. Its so elegant and chic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Since I got my ears pierced, I can’t not think about accessories ๐Ÿ™‚ I love jewelry!

  24. The dresses are both absolutely fab!! Need to get myself down to new look methinks xx

  25. What GORGEOUS dresses, I’m headed out to find some good ones probably next weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good one!

  26. I’m trying to find floral dresses for spring, but it seems as if all of them are too short(since I’m too tall..lol).
    I like the length of the ones you got, and they are beautiful!

  27. I know we discovered we had that grey floral dress in common, but did you know I also have the other floral dress?! It’s in one of my first posts I think – I absolutely love it, although have just realised that I’ve not worn it yet – so thanks for reminding me!

    Loving the pretty bits & pieces – I’m big into accessories ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also rather obsessed with nail varnish – seems we have quite a bit in common!

    Hope you have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚


  28. Such pretty dresses and just in time to get you ready for spring! And I adore those LO – VE earings, very cute and creative ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a fabulous weekend!


  29. loving what all your new things!have fun tomorrow,hope you’ll find cute things!
    I’m going to the mountains for a little excursion:)

  30. Very pretty floral dresses. I wish i could carry off such prints! That cream dress is such a darling!

  31. ohmydog! wish you’re my sister cos you have so much floral dresses. It’s hard to find nice floral dresses here. So when i see one i grab it immediately. Can’t wait to see you how you gonna style it.

    have a great day!

    I am Denise Katipunera

  32. ahh, beautiful dresses! especially first one!!


  33. lovely tea dresses

  34. Those pretty dresses are so you. I can imagine you looking beautiful in all of them.

  35. oo i love your new jewelry!! I can’t believe you guys don’t have a f21! I’d die. haha.

  36. i can’t wait to go home next week and shop with my mom and sisters! i’m thinking your ivory dress will be my fave of the three : ) jewelry is the perfect addiction and i’ve been very into nails lately, too. ive started learning how to do my own acrylics and nail art…i used to be obsessed! and now i’m getting back into it.

  37. The dresses you bought are really lovely!


  38. I am so with you on nail polish. I love buying new colors. : )

  39. great finds! love the floral dresses!
    oh i’m a nail polishes fan too <3

  40. Love all the dresses! I’ve been dreaming (literally) of wearing dresses like that. And I don’t want to spend a lot of money, either. I’m going to check out New Look next time I’m on Oxford Street. They’re a great cheap brand.

    It’s funny I’m into accessories, too, lately, and nail polish. I think it’s cause spring is in the air. My favourites are the turquoise & the hot pink (I’ve got both colours). I also bought a very pale opaque pink and pale peachy/tan from American Apparel in South Beach, Miami, but I don’t see it online any more. Maybe they stopped.

    My favourite accessory lately – the only necklace I wear apart from my pearls – is your necklace!

    Have a lovely weekend. I have no plans at all while my husband fishes with his mates tomorrow: so looking forward to doing absolutely nothing, maybe seeing a film! x

  41. I totally understand the nail polish buying frenzy โ™ฅ

  42. p.s. I see that Kel called that colour ‘China glaze mint’ – there is a wonderful book on colour called simply ‘Colour’ by VICTORIA FINLAY which I recommend everyone read – she writes beautifully – and she’s got a whole chapter about that colour, and china porcelain glaze. It’s actually slightly greener – pale – and the colour is called celadon. She starts off the chapter by saying ‘There was once in China a secret colour…’

    I posted about a pair of shoes in exactly that shade btw:


  43. Those New Look floral dresses are beautiful!!!


  44. Those dresses are so pretty!

  45. Lovely purchases and photos:)!!


  46. excited to see you in the creamy vintage dress, looks lovely, just a tad bit jealous over here. x

  47. Hey hun, them mix of florals are so bright and all so very lovely , Newlook always have the best frocks.
    A big thank you for your sweet comment, it made me chuckle …think my immune system is on hol’s too hehe ๐Ÿ™‚

    You have a super weekend! !
    prettyneons xXx

  48. i love purple, awesome bed spread!

  49. LO & VE earings is such a clever idea! And I like the color of the polish on the very left… Bright yet soft!

  50. Amy

    Those dresses are beautiful!

    I always wish we lived closer to each other so we could share clothes- you have the best things!


  51. Those floral dresses are so pretty!Fabu nail shades, the accessories are super cute

  52. I will forever love floral dresses – I only seem to wear them on holiday or in the summer though, but I’m going to try to break out of that habit…I wear way too much black! Have a fabulous weekend! xxx

  53. You’re such a sweetheart!

    I’m so glad you like it and as I said, you’re going to look amazing in it. The floral dresses are adorable,; I’m thinking someone might be off to New Look this weekend.


  54. retail therapy is the best therapy ever!! can’t wait to see the new purchases!!


    accessories are my fave!

  55. I have that same newlook dress ๐Ÿ™‚
    The lighter one ๐Ÿ™‚
    LOVE it…posted about it two days ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. What lovely purchases. Those dresses are just fabulous!

  57. Loved the dresses…. Those are so chic!

  58. im excited for this weekend too. its going to be super busy though!
    Cute dresses! They are so pretty!

  59. Love the floral dresses!! i have one in my wishlist on asos that i hope to get soon ๐Ÿ™‚
    vicki x

  60. Love your new purchases ! Can’t wait to see how you style it ๐Ÿ™‚ Mon Mode Blog

  61. Mo

    Thanks for your comment! I’m tagging you next!

    xoxo Mo

  62. I really like the vintage dress, can’t wait to see how you dress it! Also those bird earrings are adorable.


  63. Ohhhhh lovely loots! I’m so jealous!!!
    Can’t wait to see you wearing those dresses, they’re all cute!

  64. OOOh love your dresses Daisy. Have fun shopping ๐Ÿ™‚


  65. Bet those floral dresses will look amazing on you! Great pick ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. I also love floral dresses and have way too many of them!


  67. wow, that cream dress just looks smashing, I can’t hardly wait to see how you wear it. I love how nail polish works but am a complete spaz at applying it. For all of my painterly skills I can’t ever apply nail polish cleanly…
    ps. thanks for your last comment about my art, it meant alot to me. Even if you don’t “know” much about art, its okay, art should connect with you at an emotional level.

  68. Yay for floral dresses!
    can’t wait to see how you’re going to rock them ๐Ÿ™‚

    eclectic du jour

  69. Nice buys, cute dresses!

  70. The dresses are beautiful!

  71. Hello again! love those three dresses on this post. I’m also addicted to nail polishes although I use to buy pinks and reds.
    keep reading your blog…

  72. You will look so pretty in those dresses, I’m sure of it.

    Have a fantastic day dear, bisous

  73. Beautiful purchases, especially love the nailpolishes collection…I have been addicted to these as well recently ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Gorgeous dresses! And those little bird earrings and the shell ones are so pretty!

  75. LOVE the dresses!

    Checkout my mothers day UK giveaway:

  76. Beautiful purchases!

  77. love the print on the dresses!

  78. Love the dresses!!!


  79. I love the patterns on your dresses, so cute! Plus nail polish is also an addiction of mine ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. Love the dresses, especially the floral ones, I tried them both on and was in love especially the first one ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  81. Love them all!

    Merci beaucoup for the lovely comment =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chรฉrie,
    English Rose x

  82. i love your three dresses…especially the vintage one…it looks precious…I’d love to see you wearing it!

  83. Beautiful floral dresses!

  84. Eri

    Hi hun, hope you are well.

    Nice dresses, really like the first one to the left, I am also so into nail varnishes again and I am blaming Chanel for it… I haven’t got the particuliere yet so I was in search of something similar and ended up finding some cool colours!
    I have to take it slowly too, it can be very addictive indeed!

    See you soon. x

  85. The dresses are really lovely daisy :0)

  86. love the china glaze nail polishes! The aqua colour will be lovely for summer!

  87. Daisy that cream vintage dress is beautiful, so pretty, I’d love to see a pic of you in it xx

  88. That vintage cream dress looks divine! I can’t wait to see you in it! I’ve been eyeing up that floral dress on the right. I ended up getting a couple others from New Look though..

  89. Gorgeous dresses you cant beat vintage and the cream one is gorgeous xoxo

  90. I love your purchases. The dresses are all really wonderful. And of course, I am totally into the accessories, haha
    Have a good weekend

  91. those dresses are gorgeous! i just bought a cute floral one :o)

  92. Ohhh those dresses are so pretty! Planning a trip to New Look now. I really need to make more effort with my nails too.

  93. Beautiful new purchases, Laura. I’ve never met a floral print I didn’t adore. I’m looking forward to better weather too.


  94. I’m a nail polish addict too ๐Ÿ˜€ Love that silver grey on the right

  95. coolies, love d accessories :o]

  96. ohhh gurl!!! i love the dresses!!! I need to shop there! And I love all the other little accessories. Very cute! Hope you have a great weekend shopping. I went today and I found some lovely florals! Alas, I couldnt buy it because I was only at the mall for a short time and didnt have enough time to buy :[ Good thing I work in the mall. :p

  97. a lot of great buys… the dress on the top is my favorite! i hope you are having a fun time shopping! how did the weather turn out?

    Vi from Cali

  98. J

    i love your nail polish collection!! great colors!

  99. the dresses are soooo preeetty!

  100. GORGEOUS post!!
    love the blog
    stop by some time! xx

  101. dresses are so cute! and i love those bird earrings. ๐Ÿ™‚

  102. Luved ur dresses hun!! Hope ur having a good wknd! xx

  103. great dresses sis! love the vintage one the most! cant wait to see you wear it!


  104. The cream dress looks like it has endless possibilities, so perfect! Is the nail polish in the middle from the Alice collection?

  105. MJ

    Don’t even talk to me about buying nail varnish, I have so many…

  106. Lvely lovely dresses ! New Look has some fantastic things in at the moment…I am just hoping the sun keeps showing its face and our days beome a little warmer ! I also think I need a little trip to Asda to find some f those pretty earings you have!

  107. Love those new dresses they are so cute…Can’t wait to see your outfit posts in them…

    Love Jojo xxx

  108. Wow lady thats a lot of comments, amazing! All great, my fav is far right floral dress and sparrow earrings, gorge! thanks for popping by so often ๐Ÿ™‚

  109. Gorgeous dresses – love loves x

  110. The dress on the far left is gorgeous and sweet. I’m off to see Alice at the matinee this afternoon, so excited. Hope your weekend is fab!

  111. I adore that white dress.. soo pretty and Ive been into all things white as of late. ๐Ÿ™‚

  112. Meg

    Those floral dresses are so cute. I can’t wait to see you wear them!

  113. loving all your new things darling x

  114. happy sunny sunday honey

  115. what lovely dresses!

  116. Lovely post, i am so totally in love with the dresses!
    Oh, and thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my last post, and sorry for the delay!\

    Panda x

  117. want those birdy earrings. now.

  118. Ohh. Love the polishes and nice purchases!

  119. Jen

    Such beautiful things! I love the swallow earrings.

  120. EEEK! I can’t wait for you to wear them! Those dresses are so pretty! xoxo

  121. Lovely collection of dresses! And thos George earrings are very pretty too. George is great for inexpensive accessories. And don’t worry, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is terrifying haha xxx

  122. that nailpolish collection…amazing.
    ps-a note on my most recent outfit pic…i was totally thinking of your style when I put it together ๐Ÿ™‚

  123. looooooooove everything!

  124. Hey,

    I GAVE YOU A FASHION AWARD ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope your day is groovy ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovin’ the nail polish…the colour I’m sporting now is; Toasted Host, it’s a grayish purple.

  125. I so love the new look dress and the accessories are so right on trend.Love them all.

  126. the floral dresses are beautiful! hope you had a great weejkend.

  127. Gorgeous printed dresses! Love your nail polish collection!


  128. love the nail polish colors! my type of colors for sure! hope the shopping went well!

  129. love the nail polish colors! my type of colors for sure! hope the shopping went well!

  130. love the nail polish colors! my type of colors for sure! hope the shopping went well!

  131. love the nail polish colors! my type of colors for sure! hope the shopping went well!

  132. love the nail polish colors! my type of colors for sure! hope the shopping went well!

  133. the florals are so pretty!

  134. Oh, I’m in love with that cream dress! So gorgeous! I can’t wait to see you style it.


  135. yes yes yes!! i will email you my address… and send me yours too so i can pick out a cute pair for you!

  136. Aww Cute stuff !! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hope u had a nice weekend ! ๐Ÿ˜›

  137. Your dresses are gorgeous!

  138. Love the cream tunic!


  139. Aw such pretty things!Love the dresses. I’m also kind of adicted to nail polish…
    Thanks so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them!

  140. very pretty! the dresses are so spring ๐Ÿ™‚

  141. thanks for ur comment ๐Ÿ™‚ i am still jealous about the things you bought . youยดve got a good sence of style.

  142. Such pretty dresses! I love the swallow earrings as well.

  143. oh very good nail polish choice!