06.01 snow business

Oh yes, another snow filled blog post. Up until last night, unlike much of the UK, we had avoided major snow,
well, upon waking this morning I was greeted with


For many, this will seem like nothing. But for where I live, this is a LOT of snow!

Sadly, I HAVE to go out, which means an outfit full of layers and the addition of wellies.
Here is the basis of my outfit, before cardigans and coat, scarf etc were added.




I’m expecting the village to be a ghost town, we have a large elderly population who won’t want to venture out,
and although people have gone in to work, many left on foot, not brave enough to attempt driving.
My dad, on the other hand, decided snow was no match for him and left for his job on the other side of the city! I’m not sure if he’s actually there yet (three hours after leaving!)

Have a great day,
and stay warm

106 comments for “06.01 snow business

  1. blanka

    that hever happens here in my place!
    u are so lucky!

  2. wow, good luck surviving the snow!! that’s such a gorgeous picture. even though it is so hazardous, I’d do anything for some snow down here!! xx

    ps, lovely outfit =]

  3. Good luck in the snow ! Pretty dress you have on there!

  4. So much snow, and I don’t even own wellies!

    Isn’t it nice before anyone walks on it and turns it to slush!

  5. I live in Manchester, and its AWFUL here! Second day not been in college and I REALLY WANT TO GO IN πŸ™ How sad that sounds ahha…but no one is in and cant get there. Yesterday my mums car got stuck when driving – bad times.
    AND I work at the trafford centre…God knows how Im going to get there tonight!
    Have fun with the snow…Yes wellies ARE an essential.


  6. aaaaahhhh…am sorry that you have to go out on a weather like this. Take care..

  7. Oh so beautiful, but it must be deadly cold at the moment!!

    I love the basis of your outfit, especially the dots:)


  8. The snow finally stuck here too, just about to post pics aswel

  9. That is nothing! :p hehe
    No but seriously, now you can make a snowman and have snowball fights and everything! isn’t that cool? :p

  10. not having seen snow in 20+ years, that sight looks amazing to me. But I don’t think I’d be able to stand the cold!
    I hope your dad got to work (and back home) alright.

  11. Eri

    OMG! The snow has really hit you hard, it did a little bit in London but not much. I also made to work today with wellies and a lovely ski jumpsuit over everything else.
    Hope it gets warmer soon.

  12. stay warm! i love your boots, they are so pretty.

  13. Love Ur rainboots!


  14. Oh ha ha, it looks like you’re in a Winter wonderland scene! I do not envy you having to venture out at all, it looks so cold out there…I heard on the news yesterday that the temp might reach -20, can you imagine that? I don’t think I’d survive! xxx

  15. it snowed lots here too woo hoo xoxoxo

  16. Hi

    Cool blog. like your outfit. do visit me.

  17. It looks so pretty! And you’re perfectly prepared xo

  18. Love the boots.(and the snow:)

    Hope your dad made it ok.

  19. i love the snow pictures. that dress is so flirty and feminine, and the boots remind me of an impressionistic monet water lily painting =)


  20. Jen

    Fab wellies! That’s a lot of snow but I must say, we have more! πŸ˜›


  21. Awww, a winter wonderland! we’re supposed to get some snow tonight here in the midwest in the States! I’m ready for spring, lol

  22. Amy

    Ugh, I am over snow already. LOL I am sorry you have to go out in it, but you look adorable doing it. I love that dress!



  23. Wow, that is a gorgeous picture of the snow but I totally don’t envy you. In fact, my city is expecting a full blown blizzard today and tomorrow. I’m dreading it.
    You look absolutely adorable in that outfit. I love the dress. I’m envious you manage to look so good during awful snow days. I just throw on jeans and a sweater and pray for summer. LOL!

  24. love those wellies!
    gee wish there was snow here


  25. awesome boots. your dress is so pretty and I think it’s the perfect snow look πŸ™‚

  26. wow thatΒ΄s a lot of snow! have fun outside though!

  27. you look cute, even in wellies! I know you hate cold, but that snow looks really beautiful :))
    have a lovely day, darling.

  28. Love the dress <3

  29. pretty! o0h lucky you it never snows here in southern california!

  30. i can totally relate-it’s been like that here in Upstate NY for the past week. I do love the snow but i longingly look at all the shoes I can’t wear and feel the sadness in my heart. I’m so over uggs.

  31. Careful in the snow my love. I fell over yesterday and am suffering now!
    Love your wellies πŸ™‚


  32. MJ

    Crazy – in weather like this everyone should stay indoors!


  33. brrrrr! my sister just landed in london today and says it is freezing and snowing–who knew it would snow there?
    hope you are staying warm!

  34. darling this snow business is taking overt isnt it! hope you are keeping warm darling.
    love that last photo

  35. the snow is sooo pretty
    wow, i looove this look tho
    the brightness of it works soo well
    im loooving your footwear esp. how fun and romantic!

  36. thans for all your comments! I think the pics you made are lovely, at my place it’s snowing like that as well!! xo

  37. I love your dotted pink dress…such a visual delight amidst the snow. xoxo

  38. God i am so fed up of the snow, we’ve had it on my road for 20 days now. Its so bad today x

  39. bucharest look like that a couple of days ago but now snow started to melt…
    love your outfit.don’t you slip on the ice with wellies?I’m just curios ’cause I saw a lot of girls wearing them on snow.

  40. I’m a little jealous of your snow! You look so pretty! Love that dress..it’s perfect πŸ™‚

  41. Oh my, you should be so cold there, take care!

  42. I love the picture with the snow. You look fabulous with that cute outfit. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    -The Trendy Fashionista

  43. Snow is a big problem for us in EU nowadays. But your gorgeous with your today’s outfit though!

    Brave to go out. Well, I use to use my skiing pants as in Stockholm, we have between -18 degrees to -22 degress so not funny to be frozen Β§;-)

    Enjoy…& keep warm.

  44. Wow! For that kind of snow, I’d look like the marshmellow man with so many sweaters. It’s 40 today and I’ve got on a huge sweater and jeans with a camisole underneath–the other day in the house, I had to wear two sweatshirts and two pairs of socks!

  45. It’s so cold and snowy here in Sweden where I live too!

  46. Love your wellies they are fab! Luckily managed to make it into work today, no idea about tomorrow I think its meant to be getting worse again?!

  47. Ugh. Driving in the snow is always a nightmare. Good luck out there today!

  48. Love your boots.
    Thanks for your comment!!

  49. Love the picture of the snow! Your wellies look really good as well.

  50. hey sweets. love that close-up photo of you.

    the snow melted as soon as it hit the ground here. I still didn’t dare to go to Bicester village just in case I couldn’t get back to London. Have to admit I laugh at Brits panicking over so little snow. In Sweden I would wake up and be all snowed under and everything went on as normal- the buses, trains…everything on time.


  51. hey sweets. love that close-up photo of you.

    the snow melted as soon as it hit the ground here. I still didn’t dare to go to Bicester village just in case I couldn’t get back to London. Have to admit I laugh at Brits panicking over so little snow. In Sweden I would wake up and be all snowed under and everything went on as normal- the buses, trains…everything on time.


  52. hey sweets. love that close-up photo of you.

    the snow melted as soon as it hit the ground here. I still didn’t dare to go to Bicester village just in case I couldn’t get back to London. Have to admit I laugh at Brits panicking over so little snow. In Sweden I would wake up and be all snowed under and everything went on as normal- the buses, trains…everything on time.


  53. how stunning! the polka dot dress is soooo pretty.
    looking at your winter wonderland photo makes me wanna sip a hot chocolate.


  54. Snowing over here in Dublin too! Wish to be over soon πŸ™

  55. ooh don’t you just love it when you wake up to a sight like that! Beautiful! πŸ™‚ Hope your week is going great Laura!

  56. saw it on the news… hope your dad was safe!

  57. Oh wow, that first shot is gorgeous. I really want snow, but I can’t imagine how cold/inconvenient it must be!
    I love your polka dotted dress too!

  58. It hasn’t snowed yet here! But I love your outfit especially the polka dot dress. The color is so prety too! πŸ™‚

  59. the snow looks so beautiful…and what an adorable pair boots you got there…where did you find those? I am in love with them.

    Have a great week and stay cozy πŸ™‚

  60. Love the first snow shot you shared…it’s beautiful!

    And your dotted dress as well…lovely!

    Have a great week, cheers: Evi

  61. LOVE snow and LOVE your outfit! these boots are great!

  62. You’re so pretty! I love the snow, and your coloring with this outfit. A newcomer to your blog — I really love it!


  63. Laura! Everything about this outfit – from the dress to the boots – is covetable! And the snow…that’s covetable, as well – it’s so hot here in Southern California!! πŸ™‚

  64. Jen

    i absolutely adore that outfit on you, you look fantastic in those wellies and your dress! and i’m so jealous of your snow, it looks gorgeous. πŸ™‚

  65. Wow…it’s gorgeous!

  66. such a cute outfit!
    cant wait for summer :)++

  67. Wow, for me… that is an ENORMOUS amount of snow! What a beautiful picture too. It looks so magical but I’m sure it is quite a burden.
    Wonderful outfit! I want wellies, I could wear them when it rains!

  68. brr i hate snow! but how perfect are rainboots for them though? you look great

  69. Looks like a fairyland! I know it’s cold and inconvenient, but it is awfully pretty.

    And I love your bright pink top! The color is so warm and happy!


  70. brrrr…looks cold!
    But the color on you looks so nice~

  71. oh my word! u look soo chic even in winter!! sooo jealous babe!

  72. Beautiful snow! I love snow in moderation but do get tired of dressing appropriately for the weather after a while. The polka dot dress is gorgeous as are the wellies!

  73. the weather looks very cold!!


  74. You are so lucky! I want snow! Gorgeous outfit!

  75. Kel

    Great outfit, love the wellies!! πŸ™‚
    You have some really pretty print dresses, love the colour of this one.

    We’ve had a lot of snow! I almost lost the dog in a pile of it the other morning, how is your cat getting on??

    X xx

  76. The snow picture is so pretty and I think that’s a lot of snow too. Love your outfit, yet again.


  77. I love your dress, such a pretty colour. That seems like a lot of snow to me.

  78. Tell me about it and thanks for your comment, I love the soda bar idea too. Whereabouts in the UK are you? We’ve had snow for at leasttwo days now and it doesn’t show signs of disappearing yet…Love your wellies btw xxx

  79. you looks so cute…especially for a snowy day! i didn’t even know one could dress so pretty on a cold day like that (i live in Los Angeles).
    xoxo alison

  80. Love your dress and Wellies, darling!


  81. I love your dress …the wellies are awesome! The snow is beautiful!

  82. Pia

    your snow looks so peaceful!

  83. love the polka dots!

    and your UK snowstorms are actually showing up in the US news haha

  84. The snow looks beautiful πŸ™‚

  85. I guess I’m saying this to all you sweet UK girls, but I am really jealous of all that snow! and your wellies are so cute!

  86. And yet here, in Vancouver Canada, where the FREAKING winter olympics are being held next month…NO SNOW!

    And I actually wouldn’t mind snow right now! I’m not working so I don’t have anywhere to go anyway πŸ˜›

  87. We got a ton of snow lately too! I’ve been wearing boots nonstop for about a month now!

  88. wow that’s a lot of snow but great boots! πŸ™‚

  89. Your garden looks so pretty with the snow, ours just looks crap! πŸ™‚ β™₯

  90. I’m hating the snow, I’m sooo over it! Love those boots though, much more appropriate than what I’ve been teetering around in!

  91. i love you wellies they are adorable. and i am loving the snow to made two giant snow men last nigtht with my little cousin it was so much fun, last nght that is this morning i slippped on the icy groung yep that was not fun…can’t wait for the summer haha:)xxscisi

  92. the snow is gorgeous! your dress it cute i like how you paired it with jeans and the boots

  93. I’m not a fan of snow but this looks beautiful! And I love your boots πŸ™‚

    P.S. thank you for your comment on my Dear Body post πŸ™‚

  94. WOW 96 comments! :O
    Just wanted to say that I love the boots πŸ™‚ Gorgeous!!
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  95. Gorgeous photos love! Those boots are amazing! XOXO

  96. I just can’t get enough of that snowy picture ! So beautiful πŸ™‚

  97. that polka dot dress is really cute and so are those boots:)
    ooooh I want snow!!! I never get snow:( it looks wonderful!

  98. I love those booooots! You look awesome, girl! And the print on that dress is just adorable!

    Yes, the shirt is Bristol University in England! I’m not sure if there are any other Bristol’s, I’ve sure never heard of any!

  99. oh that is a lot of snow. wow! so white.

    i love your polka dot dress. so cute on you.

    I am Denise Katipunera

  100. Wow that’s definitely a lot of snow! Love the purps on you!

  101. yeah there has been a lot on the news in AUS about all the snow in the UK but I am still a little jealous!
    I hope your cool wellies lifted your mood a little!

  102. gotta love the beach, huh πŸ˜€
    Oh wow, thats quite a lot snow. I know sweden has bunches to now ! I’m glad I’m not there hehe.. but itsn’t it kinda uncommon for the uk to have snow at all, or do you usually have that?

  103. love your bootS!!! so nice πŸ™‚