18.12 tease

Good Morning lovelies,
in the spirit of Christmas, I’m teaming up with a fabulous cookware site to offer my USA/CANADA readers a fantastic giveaway…
however, before I start the fun, I wanted to build up some suspense (aren’t I so kind?!) by bringing you a little sneak preview of what is in store.

I’m also doing you a HUGE favour, as this site is a real treasure trove for those last minute gift shopping needs!

With everything from funky aprons to Rachel Ray cookware here are my top three picks.


Sushi apron $19.95


Owl oven mitt $7.95


Rachel Ray mini muffin pan (which I could give my right arm for, so cute!) $19.95

Go and have a look at the site,
indulge yourself and see if you can guess which fab product I’ll be giving away.


…stay tuned for a review, too.

(UK readers, don’t feel deprived, there will be a UK only giveaway for you asap!)

Also, please check out Red Boots Blog,
she does a fantastic and touching series of letters written by readers to their 16 year old self.
It’s a wonderful idea, and incredibly theraputic to do,
you can see mine here, read others or write/submit your own.

39 comments for “18.12 tease

  1. This looks stunning, thanks so much for sharing and I wil def check out their website : ) Have a lovely day xx

  2. wow owls seem to be such a subversive trend these days… not obvious but if you look they are everywhere…. creepy…

  3. Can’t wait to see what the prize is…’tis the season for cooking!

  4. Nice kitchenstuff! I like the sushi apron!


  5. Oh wow ! The kitchen stuff is fantastic, I hope they will ship to the uk if I order things !

  6. I read you letter, it’s amazing how far you’ve come.

  7. ahh your letter is very touching, great creative writing.
    Yes I am a UK’er I feel deprived πŸ™ bring on our giveaways dammit!

  8. MJ

    I love the letter – I was inspired and wrote one myself which I found quite moving, but I don’t think I’ll be putting it out there for the world to see!


  9. Eri

    Love the apron, makes me wanna bake a big brownie!

    I cant wait for you first giveaway!

    See you soon.

  10. I love the apron…I have a collection of aprons but I don’t cook. Insane yes! Hahaha!

  11. Kb

    Love your letter, am still not brave enough to do this.

  12. Sushi apron, that’s quite cute!


  13. funny πŸ˜€
    i can’t make cakes or cook or “women’s housework”.. I don’t know πŸ˜€
    interesting blog anyway. πŸ™‚

  14. lovely post on red boots blog, very moving.

  15. Oh, I so adore Rachel Ray; and I’m absolutely smitten with that Sushi Apron. Tres adorable!! πŸ™‚

  16. Jen

    those are all so cute. i’m not a baker but i would be if i owned those owl oven mitts haha πŸ™‚

  17. the apron is so pretty… looks like i can go out with it. lol


  18. i just read your letter… it made me cry. it’s so touching.

  19. Love the apron. So adorable!

  20. RE; Thanks! I guess “wow” is good!

  21. that apron is too cute!

  22. Very cute! Owls are one of my favorites! x

  23. yay, collaborations are exciting, i hope you have a lot of fun with that! awww that sushi apron is too cute!

  24. Jen

    The owl oven mitt is top of my wish list. Seriously, that is TOO cute.

    I’ve read a few of the letters to your 16 year old self… so touching. Looking forward to reading yours!

  25. I love to cook. This is such a great website.

    Great letter too. I wonder what I would say to myself 6 years ago…hmmmm.

  26. I checked out your letter on Redboots and i hope you are doing well now sweetheart. :)Your family and friends will always be there for you. πŸ™‚

    The mittens….arrrggh…i love it! hoot hoot!!

  27. Amy

    I don’t cook, but if I had this kitchenstuff, I just might start. Love that apron!!

    Powerful letter, sweetie! Thank you for letting us read it. πŸ™‚



  28. Thanks for the advice!!!

  29. Im sorry but that mini muffin pan is SO cute πŸ™‚ I definitely want one of them!! Love the website also, and i dont even enjoy cooking because im so scared that im going to kill someone!!!
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  30. what a fab giveaway.

  31. too cute! :))
    have a lovely day, xoxo

  32. Meg

    Oh, I’m excited! I really like the cute apron!

  33. Oooh! Can’t wait for the big reveal!


  34. Love them ! Seems like a nice touch when you’re cooking haha . Nice one !

  35. I love that apron! πŸ˜€ And thanks for your other commebt, only just saw it, yeah the bed is amazing why should only men get to enjoy it? xxx

  36. how fun is that mini-muffin pan? So so cute.

    May I also just compliment you on your moving letter as posted on that blog? Words of wisdom indeed.

  37. Anonymous

    That apron is so cute, and the oven mitts-lol, I know someone who would love those! -Feather