19.12 Baking

Hello, and happy Friday,
I’m glad I’ve created some excitment for my giveaway…stay tuned for that!

I also wanted to say a great big THANK YOU for the kind words and support regarding my letter to my 16 year old self,
words can’t explain how much that means to me.

It is now ONE WEEK today till Christmas (eek) and having been awake since some un-earthly hour, I found myself at a loose end with an overwhelming urge to bake.

So I did, the first of my holiday baking (still to come, shortbread, puff pastry christmas trees and peppermint creams)
Today I bring to you, Cornish Fairings.
Not typically associated with Christmas, but these cookies are made with ginger and mixed spice and that makes them perfect for this time of year. They come out wonderfully chewy and quite a lot like gingerbread; just much easier to make, I think this recipe took me half an hour from start to finish!





(why yes, the first tray did overbake a little!)

The recipe I used is from the Christmas edition of the Somerfield Magazine (small UK supermarket chain)
The recipe makes around 18 cookies.

You’ll need:
225g (8oz) Plain Flour
2tsp Baking Powder
2tsp Bircarbonate of Soda
2tsp Ground Mixed Spice (or, if you dont have that, cinnamon)
2tsp Ground Ginger
100g (3.5oz) Butter
100g (3.5oz) Caster Sugar
60ml (4tbsp) Golden Syrup

1. Preheat oven to 200*c, 400*F, gas mark 6 (you might want to set it lower if you have a fan oven).

2. Sieve together the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, and spices.

3. Rub in the butter using your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs, then add the sugar.

4. Pour in the golden syrup. Mix well until you get a fairly stiff consitency (at first mine was a little dry, so I added a touch more syrup)

5. With floured hands, roll the mixture in to about 18 walnut sized balls. Place these on a greased baking tray allowing space for each cookie to spread.

6. Bake in preheated oven for 10-12 minutes (mine took just under 10) until golden brown. Leave to cool for a few minutes (until they are hard enough to move) and transfer to a cooling rack.

The cookies will keep in an airtight tin for up to five days.


90 comments for “19.12 Baking

  1. The cookies looked so yummy. I envy people who can bake from scratch. I try to but I’m not always successful, like 80% of the time, my baking sucks.

  2. I love how you’ve got the recipie from somerfield =) They look very tastey πŸ™‚

  3. Those look scrummy!

  4. Those cookies look yummy! πŸ™‚ And yes the photos are amazing. Has it snowed where you are today? xxx

  5. Mmm, look so yum! I might have to try these – I’m a sucker for anything with spice and ginger in them!!


    ps: The support for your letter was truly overwhelming! So many kind and beautiful words!

  6. Okay, first, I went to the wonderful Red Boots blog (which I hadn’t seen before!), read your letter, and burst into tears.

    2nd: my plans changed today & I don’t have to be on Portobello Road at noon (in one minute) & I realised I’ve got all those ingredients at home. I’m baking cookies, babe! ; )

    My husband & I both love gingerbread & ginger cookies. Which is weird cause he doesn’t like ginger generally. And, being American, it’s the pumpkin pie thing. (If you want to try your hand at something fabulous, get yourself a tin of Libby’s pumpkin puree, follow the recipe except double the spice. The best thing in the world world!)

    Glad you’re enjoying pre-Christmas, and thanks for the recipe. xoxo

  7. Oooh the cookies look delish!! Hope u have a lovely weekend xx

  8. Wow I forgot to comment on your letter, its beautiful and youre words of wisdom are very true! : )

  9. yum.yum.yum.

    thanks for the lovely comment

    Stay safe and chic darling
    English Rose x

  10. Oh I just read your letter- you should be so proud of yourself and how well you are doing now!


    Also- I’m totally making those cookies!

  11. I have to say they look good!

  12. Wow I just read your letter, so powerful. I hope you can recognise the strength you have gained since then.

    And as a fellow baker, I will be bookmarking that recipe for sure πŸ™‚

    Hannah xo

  13. OMG! Look so delicious! Thanks for sharing, I will try this on the first day of Christmas…

    Wishing you a lovely weekend, cheers: Evi

  14. These look fabulous! May have to give them a try. Thank you for posting the recipie!
    Claire xx

  15. These look super delicious! Thanks for sharing your recipe!


  16. Yum yum, I’m drooling over your cookies! Send some over here please:)

  17. yum, those look delish! xx

  18. Yummy! Yummy! Thank you for the recipe. πŸ™‚ I will have to make these this year for sure!

  19. Those look scrumptious! I miss my Omi’s Christmas cookies. One batch was butter cookies with sprinkles and the other something with nuts and chocolate!
    Now my mom just makes peanut butter balls which are to die for. And I… don’t bake.

  20. Love the cookies, big work deadline over now, so can breathe again, and have done the last of my posting and xmas shopping today, so i’m going to have a relaxing weekend of sewing and baking..glad the card made it xx

  21. Oh, Cornish Fairings – my grandma used to make those, I’ve come over all nostalgic. Thanks for sharing the recipe – your food photography is excellent.
    Very moving letter on the Red Boots blog. You’ve made tremendous progress although it must be stupendously difficult.
    Keep strong.

  22. These look so so yummy!

  23. yummy!!!
    thanks for the recipe.
    and thanks for your comment!

  24. Yummy post, darling!
    Thanks for the recipe!


  25. Thank you so much !! πŸ™‚
    And oh, such a inspiring letter you wrote ! honestly, really inspiring and I hope you feel better now, today !
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear !

  26. looks yummy,thanks for sharing darling!

  27. Thanks for sharing! These are perfect for around the holidays. So yummy!

    xo, Becs

  28. My baking shall start tonight too! These look yummy!

  29. They look yummy! Too bad it’s not possible to have a taste or at least a sniff through the internet lol

  30. yum those look delicious! I can’t wait to get my holiday baking on! Have a wonderful weekend!! xox

  31. OMG Laura! I didnt get to read that lovely letter to your 16 year old self until today. It made me tear up a bit. Just goes to show how past experiences make us stronger and better. You’re an inspiration, dearest!


  32. Just made a batch & I’ll attest: they’re excellent! Husband & just polished off a dozen while watching The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (I must have made them a little smaller as I’ve got half the mixture left for another dozen.) & I made about 50% more spice cause I like that extra bite.

    Even took pictures. When I upload them I’ll email you one or two.

    The hard part was having the laptop in one room & running back & forth to the kitchen. But because the measurements are the same in a few cases, it was really easy to remember. Just took about three trips to check I was doing the right thing.

    Thanks Laura! xox

  33. They look so gorgeous, i love baking, will be able to do some over the Christmas period, yay!!! x

  34. Eri

    You got my mouth watering… will give a go on that soon. Have you got a receipe for a chocolate one too?


  35. Ginger? I like it so much, these cookies looks very good! Thanks

  36. they look really yummy!

  37. Iva

    mouthwatering!! πŸ˜‰ amazingly delish!

  38. yummy my Mom made peanut butter cookies the other day and sent some to us <3

    I love my Unicorn necklace, thank you!! πŸ™‚


  39. I love ginger cookies and these look amazing! This is certainly a recipe worth trying!

  40. MJ

    I love ginger biscuits – but then, I’m biased!


  41. Kb

    Yummy cookies, I need to get the baking urge back!

  42. YUM!!! i want one! πŸ™‚
    Merry Christmas my dear!

    magpie-girl.blogspot.com xo

  43. Lovely post!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Thank you so much for participating on my giveaway, stay tuned because there will be more soon πŸ™‚
    Have a lovely weekend!

  44. Ooh those cookies look so delicious!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. awww, yum! :)) I can’t wait to have the recipe to good shortbread cookies! it’s my fav :))
    have a lovely day, darling.

  47. mmmmmmmmm I love xmas baking! my aunt makes the best family monte carlo biscuits. I love gingerbread too so I’ll have to give yours a try!! xx

  48. me and my sister just made these! thankyou so much sweet πŸ™‚

    the mix is yummy, hehe. I love cookies in winter with a glass of milk but I guess I’ll have to deal in summer, haha. very looking forward to these, they’re in the oven at the moment!

    I didnt have mixed spice so i used cinnamon and nutmeg, mmm. and it didnt say where to put the ginger in so I just did it with the sugar πŸ™‚

    will let you know how they taste, thankyou for sharing :):)


  49. those cookies look gorgeous! i would make them like right now if it werent for my oven going all wonky


  50. i need to try those cookies! yum.. my mom and i have a tradition of baking cookies every year around this time, we’re up to 20 varieties believe it or not!

    ps: that letter is so so good.

  51. Oh, I am so hungry now for these cookies. Thanks for the recipe!


  52. Jen

    Your letter was very moving. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, hey? So glad you’re in a happier place now.

    Thank you SO much for the Christmas card – I’ve displayed it proudly. Oh and yummy cookies!

  53. These look very tasty and thank you for sharing. I would like to become better at cooking.

  54. Those cookies looks delicous… I’m so hungry right now haha…

  55. Mmmm…these look absolutely heavenly, Laura! You are an amazing baker!! πŸ™‚

  56. good recipe πŸ˜€
    u have a nice blog πŸ™‚


  57. they look amazing, definately going to try them when i get home! xx

  58. wow those look delicious.. i may have to jump on that recipe asap!

  59. looks so yummmmazing! thanks for sharing the recipe. i think i’m gonna try it. =)


  60. yummy! these look soooo good! xo, Mel

  61. They look deliciouuuuuuuuuuuus, makes me hungry.


  62. I seriously have to make these! The photos are already making my mouth water! YUM!

  63. Jen

    i’m drooling a little right now looking at those cookies. they look absolutely delicious. πŸ™‚

  64. thanks for the sweet comment! i’m quite jealous as i’ve been dying to bake, but i have to wait until i’m back to good health again!
    these cookies look amazing!

    ChloΓ© Mae.

  65. never heard of Cornish Fairings before:)
    sounds tasty!!! gonna have to try this recipe out:)

  66. Mmmmmm. I can’t wait to start baking tomorrow!

  67. never had these before but they look delish. can’t wait to make peppermint chocolate chip cookies soon πŸ™‚

  68. Wow seems yum ! I wish I can bake cakes . Haha .

  69. Oh, Daisy, thanks for the recipe, I’ll try to prepare it for this christmas!! <3

  70. yumm god make me so hungry!!++

  71. i am in love with you and these cookies…how yummy…i wish i was a good baker πŸ™‚

  72. gaaahh only one more week and i still haven’t gotten my shopping done!
    & these look freaking deelish! i gotta try out the recipe sometime!

  73. welcome πŸ˜€
    btw wanna follow and linked each other ?

  74. Oh yum! those look so delicious!

  75. Mmm those cookies look delightful. My plans for this winter include learning how to bake cookies from scratch. I generally end up with overly flat or burnt cookies. So wish me luck πŸ™‚

  76. these look wonderfully delicious. i might just have to try this recipe out!

  77. I’ve been planning to bake for a while but you’ve really put me in the mood! I think that’s what I’ll do tomorrow πŸ™‚

  78. Anonymous

    Wow, I just read that letter. I loved it. πŸ™‚ -Feather

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