20.12 slacker

Woah, I’m slacking, this is outfit was worn on Friday, although it’s been so cold out it didn’t last long before being covered up with leggings, cardigans and god knows what else.




I’m glad the recipe and photos went down so well, I will try and share what I bake more often,
who actually made them? What did you think? They proved a hit here, so much so, I’ll be making more tomorrow when I do the rest of my Christmas baking. I must dig out my shortbread recipe
a) so I can make it, and b) so I can share it!

Five days to go now, the big day will be over before we can blink! Busy week ahead with last minute preperations and my Mum’s Birthday on Tuesday.

Tonight I’m meeting up with friends to exchange gifts, I’m excited but worried they wont like what I’ve got them!

If only life were this simple eh?


Oh to be a cat!

92 comments for “20.12 slacker

  1. hello pretty girl, how are you? I bet they will like their presents. Is this your kitty? he is a cute one. It’s a he right?


  2. Is that a bowtie? If so, great accessory! And I’m thinking about getting a cat…it’s a bit lonely in my tiny apartment.

    There’s a lingerie giveaway for a black satin bra, panty, and garter belt set worth $85 happening on my blog right now. You should totally go enter! 🙂


  3. Truly what a great accessory is right, bowties. I would have never thought of doing that!

  4. Hey girl…that outfit is sooooo nice, no need to apologize. Love that skirt and the bow tie and the colors. Perfect in my eyes.

  5. Love what you’re wearing though understand about the layering – I feel like I can’t dress for times when it’s uber cold or uber warm. That said, my denim shorts feature highly for both – Class-mate – “Aren’t those very short shorts given it’s snowing out there?” Me – “I’ve got two pairs of tights on, I am toasty-warm!”.

  6. indeed oh to be a cat I ponder that one all the time 🙂

  7. I love your outfit, especially that skirt! And I’ve also often wondered what it would be like to be my little Lion dog (he’s a Peke) … he rolls around and plays and eats and gets lots of cuddles all day. Sigh!

  8. I love the outfit, especially the bow-tie! 🙂

  9. Flash looks so snuggly and cosy … and you look as pretty as ever!
    Loving the baking posts, very inspiring. Going to attempt the fairings this afternoon!

  10. love this, the skirt is so cute. my sister and I attempted the cookies, much failure abound. Cookies never go well with our family, my mum’s anzac’s fail miserably as well (just realise you’ll have no clue what anzacs are but can’t be bothered to delete that)… So yes, ours went quite flat, not sure if we should’ve took them out earlier or left them in longer. I think longer… curious.


  11. I don’t think your friends won’t like what you got them! impossible :))
    this outfit is so pretty.
    have a sweet day, darling Laura!

  12. Sweet black and white outfit! I really like the bow tie!! I’ve wanted one for so long:)

    Can’t believe Christmas is in 5 days! Buying gifts are somewhat pressurising, I really want the person I’m buying for to like the gift too!


  13. WOW! Lovely outfit! Reminds me of Francis dress. 😀

    Please don’t forget to enter the brooches giveaways!


  14. Ah, thanks for your comment… That’s a lovely skirt. I loved reading your baking recipe, the biscuits look so good on the pics!


  15. lovely outfit and cute cat! thanks for your comment btw 😉 xo

  16. love the bowtie hehe

  17. the ruffle skirt is so pretty and the untied bowtie is a genius touch

  18. Jen

    That bow tie is rocking my world right now. I didn’t try the recipe as I’m the world’s most hopeless baker! Never mind… look forward to your shortbread recipe, they always look and sound so yum!

  19. I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends, Laura!! No stressing allowed – I’m sure they’ll adore everything that you got them. Remember, it’s the thoguht that counts!!

    Ah, love your kitty!! 🙂

  20. I love this outfit! you look gorgeous
    and what a cute cat!

  21. I love that top! Flash is looking gorgeous as ever. I’m sure your friends will love what you have got for them xxx

  22. aw the bow tie is very cute… spices up the outfit!!++

  23. J

    cute outfit! it looks warm but stylish!

  24. Major bowtie love! It looks so great with a casual outfit (I never would have thought!)

  25. FAB skirt! Is it your cat in the photo? It is very cute! I often want my cats life – so chilled out!
    I am sure your friends will love their gifts.
    Claire xx

  26. Love the black & white outfit dear, hope you had a great weekend!
    And oh how great the life of a cat must be! haha

  27. loving that skirt and your cat is so cute xxx

  28. i am so in love with this.

  29. love the bow tie, its freezing here the snow came down pretty heavy during the night, im pretty much snowed in!
    magpie-girl.blogspot.com xo

  30. Hello’s hun, thank yooooouuuuuu so much for the brilliant xmas gift the card is gorgeous too!
    You really shouldn’t have though I’m glad you did as it made my day!
    I’ve got your gift here I shall be posting all my gifts this week ( Iknow foolish I always leave it too late every year. I never learn)
    I still have to get my xmas tree ekk *help* lol!:)

    peace & hugs*

    prettyneons xxx

  31. i love your outfit. it’s really stylish.

  32. that bow tie looks utterly original and adorable xx

  33. Wow – despite freezing weather you are looking stunning (as usual)!

  34. Love the bow tie 🙂
    You are so slim!! Everything suits you 🙂 http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  35. nice outfit, love the undone bow tie again! I liked the look of your cookies but I leave the cookie baking to my sis Im better with muffins!

  36. you look so cute!!! im inspired, and i think i need a bowtie 🙂

  37. Oh, to be the cat, lol. Couldn’t agree more. Can’t wait to see how the recipe came out. Happy bday to your mum, hope she has a great day.


  38. very cute cat ad love the bow tie ^^

  39. lovely simple outfit! <3
    Omg sometimes i wish i was like my cat too, sleeping, eating and pooping. Well my cat is extra lazy so she doesnt play a lot haha.

  40. I heart this black and whit ensemble! The bowtie is finishes it up with a great oomph!


  41. What a lovely outfit!! I adore the ruffles! I’m waiting until the last minute to buy presents…I’m so bad! xoxoxoxoxo

  42. love the outfit. the idea of the untied bowtie is really zany, i might just follow it 😮
    so dont be shocked if my next post has an untied bowtie too, its a really cool idea, and ima give ya props for it *points finger guns at you, winks, and does that weird clicky sound used to catch people’s attention*


  43. the cat is so lovely… but not as lovely as your outfit dear. you always look gorgeous! have a jolly good Christmas!


  44. oh my god that is TOO cute! what a genius outfit the bowtie looks radical! xxx

  45. Love the bowtie!! your kitty cat is adorable!




  46. cute skirt! Love that Flash is actually under a blanket! cats always lead cool and stress-free lives!

  47. Love your outfit! Love that kitty 😉 You are so cute to worry about your friends not liking your gifts. I am sure they will love everything! It’s the thought that counts 😉

  48. Ur kitty is soo cute and I luv ur outfit!!! Hope u had a good wknd xx

  49. love love love this outfit, Miss Laura!

  50. Cool outfit. I love the bowtie added as a twist.

  51. Love the bowtie and the skirt Laura!! You look great!

  52. Your cat is so cute 🙂
    You like great-I especially love the touch of the tie 🙂


  53. I love your top and black and white always look perfect together. Thats such a cute cat.

  54. Miaow. Love the cat!

    And I’m sure they’ll love the gifts, don’t stress.

    p.s. absolutely adore the open bow tie. That’s all kinds of perfect right there.

    Enjoy the countdown to Christmas 🙂

  55. That cat is gorgeous! And I love the top you’re wearing 🙂 x

  56. Kel

    I love the bowtie!!

    And Flash (I’m guessing that’s your cats name from previous comments!) is looking so cute and snuggled up.

    Love reading your blog and thought the open letter a little while back was really honest and brave.



  57. I love your skirt in the first picture, it’s lovely! Hopefully i’ll be getting a really pretty skirt like that for christmas, i’m missing a one….

    Thanks for your sweet comment, as always, it made me smillee.
    Panda xx

  58. Adorable outfit. That skirt is so cute and I love how your wearing the untied bowtie.
    I just started my holiday baking yesterday 🙂 I’ll have to check out your recipe from the other day.

  59. I absolutely love your outfit!! And girl, you’re so beautiful. I rarely see such amazing girls like you are 🙂

  60. No problem, it’s a lovely peom 🙂 I love that outfit btw xxx

  61. wow! my gosh!
    lovely cat! :}
    beautiful look.

  62. I’m sure they’ll love the gifts. You’ve got such style.

    I bet kitty believes he has a stressful life…it’s hard to eat and nap!

  63. I love the bow tie and your cat is so cute!


  64. Love your bowtie and that adorable kitty!!


  65. MJ

    Is that the Topshop vest that had a bow tie attached, or did you just root out a bow tie? Either way, inspired! 🙂


  66. I’m sure your friends will like the gifts, don’t worry about it!!!


  67. i always see girls in ties but never bow tie i love it. hope you moms bday is great

    Vi from Cali

  68. This is one of my favorite outfits of yours EVER. I love it!! So cute and so perfect. 🙂

  69. Can’t go wrong in black+white 😉 nice outfit!

  70. you super cool honey! utterly chic.happy birthday to your mum honey!
    ah to be a cat indeed,whata luxury it would be.

  71. I say that all the time “I wanna be a cat” the just sleep, eat and stay cute.
    Your cat is very similar to one of my cats.
    Love your outfit!

  72. love your outfit!!!
    your skirt is awesome:)
    I haven’t tried your recipe yet but I’ll come back and comment to let you know when I do:) it’s definitely going to be soon:)
    aww cute cat!

  73. I love this outfit..the bowtie is cool. Adorable cat.

  74. Jen

    i love the untied bowtie with this outfit, it looks so chic! i remember district of chic working one too in a previous post 😀

  75. Cat’s seriously have the life, don’t they?

    I asked my cat if she wanted to trade boots the other day and take my place at work. The bitch didn’t blink.

    How rude, right?

    Cute bowtie today. XO


  76. E

    Oh to be a cat indeed! And your bowtie – you know I am a fan 😉

  77. cute kitty! I’m sure they will love what you got them! I’ve got the same worries myself tomorrow

  78. Oh, I love this n you – the black and white really suits you, plus it’s such a classic colour scheme! xxx

  79. That’s a very cute outfit. I lvoe your blo. It’s amazing. Following you 🙂
    -The Trendy Fashionista

  80. Love that outfit!
    You have a cute cat(if it is in fact your cat), looks like one you’d like to pet all day…

  81. Love this outfit it’s adorable. Is that a real bowtie I spy?

  82. Love the undone bow tie. I have an undone bow-tie dress!

  83. Haha, the sudden onslaught of snow has also meant that I’ve changed my outfits to accommodate the cold too. I love that skirt you’re wearing!

  84. Like the tiered ruffled elastic waist skirt. It looks stylish, feminine and comfy.

  85. love the tie! that is so fab

  86. You could easily pass off as a shopbop.com model. You make people want to buy anything you wear cos you make it look so good – born model

  87. Anonymous

    LoL. Flash is looking adorable.-Feather