
I had anticipated a longer break from blogging, but then I hadn’t factored being off work sick for two days, literally (occupational hazard).

I would like to express gratitude from myself and my family for the kind words about Flash. They are deeply appreciated. It’s so very odd, not having our little buddy around and it’s going to take some getting used to not having him always two steps behind us wanting a cuddle or causing some kind of havoc.

This is a casual outfit from earlier in the week (Tuesday?). The jumper is from TK Maxx, the jeans were pinched off Mum, the scarf was a Sunday purchase from Yumi who are recently back on my radar, and the boots are Irregular Choice via Sarenza.

It’s been an odd week, one I think we’d all rather forget. Hopefully I’ll be back at work tomorrow and some sense of normality will resume. I do wish someone would tell the patients to stay at home when they have a highly contagious vomiting bug, but you know…win some lose some, I’ve managed to crack on with some Christmas shopping at least (anyone else started?)


28 comments for “20/10

  1. Such a cute and cosy looking outfit missy 🙂

    Im off work sick too,boo to that 🙁 Hope u feel better soon. Between being ill and losing poor Flash u really arent having the best of weeks are u? Hope u are ok,or as ok as possible.

    I havent even thought about xmas shopping eeeek! Ive promised myself to be super organised this year though 🙂 xxx

  2. Vomiting bug? That doesn’t sound good!

    Yeah, I know, it’s so weird having your cat not there. Even when you are not actively doing something with them, you sense that they’re there and you just feel like something’s missing when they’re not.
    But eventually you won’t be sad about it anymore and just be happy and grateful for all the good times you had:)

  3. Only seeing your post about your little kitty Flash now, so sorry for you. We had to get our dog of 12 years put to sleep last year so I know how your feeling. Getting back to work and normality will defs help you, so hope the bug passes soon.

    You look fab as always

    Love, Claire xox

  4. I hope you are feeling better, you look fab in the photo and I really like that scarf.

  5. Aww hope you feel better soon hun. I have done a little bit of Christmas shopping, some wrapping paper and a couple of gifts.

  6. that scarf is all kinds of amazing, love it.

    still so sorry about Flash, he reminds me of Thomas’s cat Timmy who died a few years ago now, neither of us have really gotten used to him being around either but it is great to have such fond memories of him and we talk about him a lot, so it doesn’t really feel like hes gone completely.

    feel better love x

  7. so sorry to hear about flash lovely..
    i hope you feel better soon xx

  8. Hope you’re getting better! Love the outfit!

  9. Such a lovely casual outfit – perfect for days spent indoors! Hope you feel better soon x

  10. i love your scarf and sorry about your kitty….i had my cat from a kitten and she died when she was 15 so i know that it can be more upsetting then people realise 🙁 x

  11. so sorry to hear about your little buddy. hopefully your home if full of good memories of Flash

    Vi from Cali

  12. I love your jumper it looks so warm and snuggly. Sorry to hear about Flash its horrible when pets die 🙁 Hope you feel better soon X x

  13. Hope you feel better soon Laura 🙂 x

  14. Your sweater is gorgeous! And I hope you’re feeling better dear.

    Actually, haven’t thought about Xmas shopping yet. =)

    style roulette

  15. Love your jumper!
    Visit me too? Would be super cool 🙂

  16. That scarf is lovely! Yumi is a fab brand. Hope you are ok? Sounds like a pretty horrible week x

  17. My

    you look stunning! feel better soon 🙁

  18. Lovely outfit 🙂

    You’ll never properly get over loosing Flash, I still look for Smudge when I go up my parents, but now we just reminisce and laugh about the good memories of her xx

  19. I hope you’re feeling a little better soon. Your scarf is so classic and lovely

  20. I love that scarf, I do love Yumi as a shop, they do have some good things – some seem a little over priced though but good all the same!

  21. Lovely sweater dear, I’m a sucker for a stripe! Hope you’re feeling better now xxx

  22. Hope you’re doing ok. Was so sorry to hear the sad news about Flash. xx

  23. Great jumper! I love it 🙂

  24. love your jumper! that scarf is just lovely too x

  25. Nice outfit 😀 I’m so sorry to hear about your cat though-that’s so, so sad 🙁

  26. tough week 🙁 losing flash and now being sick, thinking of you

  27. i’m so sorry to hear about flash 🙁 i hope you feel better soon. <3
