10.02 outfit and haircut

Hello, mid-week again…somehow. How are we all? Surviving I hope?

Sunny day today, cold, but I’m going nowhere so less layers required in my outfit. I’m so sick of wearing five or six layers, spring really cant come fast enough.


without cardigan



with cardigan.

And yesterday I had my first hair cut in over 18months. I hate having my hair messed with and as a consequence it was far too long and out of control!
eight or nine inches later and I have something I can deal with


It feels so good, and so light! My hairdresser straightened it for me, but I am queen of low fuss hair, and look forward to experimenting with messier ways of wearing it down!

off to do something productive, like working on my course!


08.02 more colour and an award

Good morning, Happy Monday; hope you survived the weekend! What are your plans for this week? Anything exciting on the horizon?

We’re expecting another “big freeze” later this week, so I’m making the most of the currently tolerable temperatures and embracing colour again.
Not that our big freezes are anything like those in the USA (and other countries) and this time I doubt it’ll be more than a slight flurry of snow!



This top is a Primark find, and the last thing left unworn from my shopping trip a couple of weeks ago. I’m clearly taken with the nude colour trend for spring, and added pastel tights that I had forgotten I owned.

Starting afresh with my tag and award resolution, Florrie has awarded me with this


So I have to tell you all ten things about me and then pass the award on to ten other bloggers.

1) I used to be quite a party animal and always the first to pass out drunk. Now I prefer quiet nights in and never touch alcohol. Does that make me boring? Perhaps so, but I am much more content.
2) I have a thing against vowels and even numbers, they make me feel uncomfortable for some reason.
3) I am a total bookworm and a fast reader.
4) Although I’m very girly now, a few years ago I was more in to Judo, Kayaking and all kinds of outdoors adventure things. I’d still do it now if I had the chance.
6) I’m shy, especially around new people, but once I warm to you, you’ll have trouble shutting me up.
7) I am addicted to butternut squash.
8) I find Topshop hideously expensive and way out of my budget, so I pretend I don’t like the shop so I don’t get too sad about never being able to afford anything!
9) I have an awful short term memory but can remember the most insignificant little details about past events.
10) I get utterly random and insatiable food cravings from time to time. Past oddities have included bananas with dairylea “cheese”, and pineapple chunks dipped in ketchup. A great source of amusement to my friends.

Now, I’m meant to tag 10 bloggers but truly, I cannot narrow it down. So, if you want to do this, then consider yourself loved and awarded! I look forward to reading your answers.

Haircut tomorrow. I have NO idea what I’m going to end up with!


07.02 a winner, an apology and a bracelet

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and taking life easy. Just a short post today due to being too tired to be wearing anything decent, haa.

Thank you to everyone who took part in my Topshop Voucher Giveaway in association with www.discountcoder.com
The winner of a £25 Topshop voucher IS….(thanks to random.org)

Caroline, congratulations! I’ll be in touch shortly.

I’m hoping to hold another giveaway soon.

Secondly I would like to apologise to everyone who has tagged me, or given me an award over the past few days/weeks. Because I am lame I have totally lost track of who has given what and where, so I’m going to do one big THANK YOU, I really appreciate it I promise to be more on top of things in the future!

And finally, I’d like to offer up this charm bracelet for sale


The price is £10 UK/£12 overseas including postage, due to the cost of making it. If you are interested leave a comment, or e-mail me directly 🙂

And that’s it for today. I’ll have an outfit post tomorrow I hope.


05.02 colour

Woke up this morning to the sun shining for what feels like the first time in ages, so I decided it was about time I injected a little more colour in to my outfit and dug out the brightest tights I could find.




I also decided to make the most of the ground being dry and ditched the boots in favour of something a bit more girly and delicate.

Roll on spring!

I also have three necklaces up for sale, at the price of £4 for UK people, and £5 for overseas.
Leave a comment with your e-mail address, or e-mail me directly if you would like one, and watch this space for some new stuff soon!
(I accept paypal, or trades)

Silver plated Ark pendant (opens up) on 17 inch silver plated chain.

Toadstool and enamel rose on 16 inch silver plated chain.

Sail boat and baby glass whale on 17 inch chain.

The price includes shipping.

Enjoy the last day of the week! What are your weekend plans? xxx

03.02 softly

Mid-week, what is on your agenda? For me it’s studying for my course, I’m quite enjoying it so it isn’t too much of a chore.

Today I am wearing another of last weeks purchases, this nude dress from Zara. It is so insanely comfortable, much like my grey one and will be wearable throughout spring and summer (if they ever arrive)




Thank you for the wonderfully sweet comments and for the vast amount of awards and tags that have been passed my way, I’m very behind with those at the moment but will hopefully catch up and spread the love soon!

UK people, don’t forget the topshop giveaway (2 posts down), open until Noon on Sunday!
