10.02 outfit and haircut

Hello, mid-week again…somehow. How are we all? Surviving I hope?

Sunny day today, cold, but I’m going nowhere so less layers required in my outfit. I’m so sick of wearing five or six layers, spring really cant come fast enough.


without cardigan



with cardigan.

And yesterday I had my first hair cut in over 18months. I hate having my hair messed with and as a consequence it was far too long and out of control!
eight or nine inches later and I have something I can deal with


It feels so good, and so light! My hairdresser straightened it for me, but I am queen of low fuss hair, and look forward to experimenting with messier ways of wearing it down!

off to do something productive, like working on my course!


161 comments for “10.02 outfit and haircut

  1. love that dress…is it primark? If it isn’t I was debating one very similar back in the summer for Β£5 in the sale and wish I’d have bought it in both blue and black!

    Once again I’m loving the hair, it really suits you x

  2. Jo

    Love the hair, it really suits you. Cute outfit too.

    Have a productive day.

    Jo xx

  3. You look lovely! I like this cut πŸ™‚

  4. How funny, I just had my hair cut for the first time in like 7 months (with a new blog-friend, Jen of the Style Crusader) and she had gone 8 months.. we were like a support group! I LOVE your cut, Laura.

    When I eventually post on it (or maybe, soon) I’ll link to this post.

    AND the turquoise nails… which brand? xx

  5. oh look at you!! you look gorgeous! i love this haircut on you. it is liberating to get that much hair cut off. oh my… seriously, i adore it. and i love your outfit. that belt looks great. xx

  6. I love your outfit and your hair looks sooo pretty! I hate having my hair messed with, too, and it’s so hard to find a hairdresses that does just what you want.

  7. hey, the new haircut is definitely awesome (my evil hair is misbehaving today, so i may have to brave the hairdressers soon πŸ™ )
    and i love the outfit..it’s been crazily bright this morning, but not v ery warm either! xx

  8. That length really suits you πŸ™‚

    I love the belt, where is it from?


  9. I really like how you wear that belt over the cardigan, definitely something I’ll try out too.

    Love love love the hair! I always ask for low fuss hair at the hairdressers, they normally don’t listen to me, but this time I’m pretty low fuss too.

    Blogging is so distracting I know, although today I was actually being very productive, this is just my little break.

    And off I go too again.

    Have a nice day!

  10. Your hair looks lovely =)
    I’m sick of layers but it keeps me warm so I’m not going to complain πŸ™‚

  11. Kel

    I stupidly left the house with ballet pumps on, and leggings, so my feet are now blue and ice like. πŸ™ not cool.
    Lovely outfit, the belt with the cardi and dress looks great.

    And the haircut, really really nice, suits you, can’t wait to see you style it.

    X x

  12. WOOOOW!! you look absolutely gorgeous with your new ‘do! πŸ™‚ YAAYY! Funny I just had my hair done yesterday too! hahaha! AND am loving that dress on you….very chic Laurie! x

  13. Kb

    Gorgeous dress and hair! I too am sick of so many layers, I’ve forgotten what Spring is like! And it’s snowing crazily here today and I have no decent footwear!

  14. I love navy things! Your hair looks lovely, I imagine it look really good mussed up a little too!

  15. More hair pics, yay! It really does suit you so well πŸ™‚

    Love the belted cardi over the dress.

  16. tres fab!! love the hair too babe!!

  17. Laura – I love it! Shows your cheekbones off to perfection and frames your pretty face perfectly.
    The dress is beautiful, too.

  18. thanks. i like your eyes ;O))

  19. Lovely, lovely hair, and the belted cardie with the dress looks fab. xx

  20. I just want to tell winter to get the hell out of here, I want summer dresses and peep toes! NOW. Your hair looks fab girlie. xoxo

  21. Lo

    the haircut is perfect!

  22. Hi dear how are you? I’m finally back from blogging.

    I love your outfit today. so pretty.


  23. The haircut totally suits you, looks no fuss, stress free too!

  24. Love the blue dress! Really pretty πŸ™‚ Your is looking gorgeous πŸ™‚

  25. Oh I love your new haircut! Makes me wanna chop of my hair too and feel the lightness again:P

  26. Eva

    I really like the dress πŸ™‚ the belt really makes it perfect .
    your hair is really pretty .. im usually terrified when going to the hair dresser :L

  27. Lovely easy-breezy hairstyle!
    love the belt as well~

  28. Ooh I hate getting my hair cut too! Cute outfit!


  29. your hair looks lovely!
    i’ll be keeping mine at that length when i decide to grow it back. have you seen nicola’s hair from girls aloud i love how she styles it looks fab!

  30. Your hair colour is amaaaazing!

  31. i love your new haircut! you look stunning!!!

  32. ahh still stuck in my room due to snow, my week feels like the same day over and over

    love this outfit, the belt is great

  33. Cute dress and NICE hair, girl! I’m getting my hair cut on saturday, can’t wait! Soooooo sick of the cold too, spring/summer can’t come quick enough!!


  34. I absolutely adore the way you’ve styled that dress with the belted cardigan – it is absolutely stunning! And ohmigosh Laura you look like a movie star – your hair is divine!! πŸ™‚

  35. you have such gorgeous hair!
    the color of the dress looks beautiful on you πŸ™‚

  36. I love the belt and the hair cut really suits you – having a great haircut is the best feeling! πŸ™‚

  37. Your facial structure is wow. Love the belted cardigan look on you πŸ™‚

  38. I love this outfit. your haircut looks lovely too.

  39. Beautiful dress! <3

    xoxo M.

  40. Amy

    Ok, how about I send my Target dress to live with you and you send me this dress to live with me…sound like a good plan? ;D

    Your new haircut looks wonderful!



  41. Ah I love the new hair sweetie, you look so fresh and gorgeous!


    it inspires me to take the leap and get my hair cut!!

    and your outfit is adorable!
    so ready for spring!

  43. I love the hair! It’s so chic!

    That belt is really fantastic! I seriously covet it.

  44. Love your hair! It looks good on you to be honest! The dress suits you well, I like the way you tucked in the cardi with your belt!

  45. it looks great!love your new haircut!

  46. I’m nosey too haha πŸ˜‰ what’s in your bag?


  47. Cute dress!! Love the new haircut!!

  48. love the haircut! suits you well

  49. i love the belt!! very cool!

    Patty Ann
    AlphaBetaChic Blog

  50. I love your hair. It frames your face beautifully. xoxo

  51. Oh my! That belt is fabulous!!!.
    Nice outfit!

  52. that studded belt is really cute!

  53. short hair is sweet πŸ™‚ not being biased or anythingg… πŸ˜‰ ahaha
    I’ve always liked that colour blue/navy

  54. love the hair-and your belt is amazing xo

  55. Thanks for your commnt girl!!*
    ….iLOVE your blue dress & your belt!*



  56. wow, this belt really gives such a great edge to the outfit. Love it

  57. I love the hair, it suits you so well! The dress is also perfect! πŸ™‚

  58. Love your new haircut! I get lazy with going to the hairdressers as well, but you do feel like a new person once you’ve gotten a trim!

    Lovely outfit by the way… I like both the versions with and without cardigan. That belt does wonders!

  59. Jen

    Your hair is wondrous. I just LOVE it! It really suits you and shows off your killer cheekbones. You look so fresh faced and pretty in that last photo – swoon! πŸ™‚

  60. Great haircut, and that cardi looks all snug and perfect for the weather right now! You make me want to go for the chop with my long hair…

  61. gosh you totally don’t need me to say this after 54 other comments, but your hair looks so pretty! It’s makes such a big difference and its so perfect! x

  62. Love the new haircut, your hair looks so thick!

    Mine never tends to grow past my shoulders, would love to have long hair for a change!

  63. hair looks stunning!


  64. Gorgeous hair, you look beautiful, love the belt over the cardi too.
    Vicki xxx

  65. Lovely hair cut – reminds me I need to get mine done soon!

  66. love the new hairs! great length for you, perfectly frames your lovely face πŸ™‚

  67. That belt is fabuluos. I love how it completes both outfits, wether your dress has a carigan, or if your wearing it by itself. Always a good sign of a great belt!


    ps. your hair looks great πŸ˜‰

  68. really love the new hairdo! i always love getting mine cut and styled, it’s so much fun

  69. really love the new hairdo! i always love getting mine cut and styled, it’s so much fun

  70. I love your new hair cut. I’m all for low-maintenance hair styles myself. I just don’t have it in me to look after my hair every day!

  71. I won’t wear navy as my school uniform was navy and it gives me bad memories! Look fantastic on you though, it’s a fab colour for you.

    Still love the hair too. Looks really healthy!


  72. You look beautiful with your new hair and yes Friday is fine, no worries at all πŸ™‚ And I’m glad to cause your craving for kettle chips, they are yummy! xxx

  73. your hair looks great honey! love the denim dress too

  74. Woow, this hairstyle suits you so well! And you have such beautiful eyes πŸ™‚

  75. i know what you mean. i am DYING for spring.

  76. oooh how exciting! its so energising to have a change no? I think that’s a great length to pin up in a messy style, or slick back, or wear out and wavy and cute, or a straight bob. So cool cant wait to see what you do with it!

  77. Your hair looks really great! Simple but very chic, it really suits you!
    Oh by the wayI have tagged you for an award. If you want to play, you can come take a look at my blog…

  78. Gem

    Love the shorter hair! Looks fab!

  79. beautiful haircut! it looks great on you!

  80. Actually, I think your hair looks awesome now, dear! And blue always looks os great on you πŸ™‚
    I’m following you on twitter!

  81. Great haircut! It looks good on you!

    Also, love the belt with its studs.


  82. Love the dress, and your hair looks great!

  83. dress is gorgeous. πŸ™‚

  84. You look beautiful!! I LOVE your hair!

  85. Aw Thanks sweetie ! You looks so pretty, and your hair turned out so nice!

  86. looks great! love the cut. and the dress looks really good with that cardi belted over the top, nice πŸ™‚


  87. Your hair looks great! I love the look here. I love when people belt things on top of a cardigan, it just looks so nice!

  88. belt! love your belt!

  89. thats a gorgeous belt πŸ™‚

  90. The dress is gorgeous but the belt – divine! I love how you stacked the big belt over the elegant dress and delicate cardi.


  91. Jen

    i realy love this blue dress with the gray cardigan. this is such a great look! i’m definitely looking forward to not having to layer as well πŸ™‚

  92. Love the way you wore your dress!! The belt is gorgeous!! I think your new hair cut is really fresh and looks great on you! xoxoxoxo

  93. Gorgeous dress!

    Loving the haircut- tres chic!


  94. hey you look great! that’s a lovely hair length for you.
    i also hate having my hair touched (by ANYONE) but for some reason that doesn’t stretch to hairdressers – i love getting my hair done. i find it relaxing!

  95. the cut suits you!!

    will be glad 2 see you in mt blog!

  96. such an adorable dress! and i especially love your belt. i hate getting hair cuts and i am pretty sure ive never coe out of one feeling satisfied [sigh]

  97. Pretty dress, love the color too.


  98. Pretty dress, love the color too.


  99. yay for the new hairdo! gorgeous. you look so pretty in that dress.
    have a sweet day, darling.

  100. WOW! Your shorter hair suits you perfectly, it seriously looks amazing – I have hair envy right now!

    I had an appointment with my hairdresser yesterday but I’m not so impressed – the cut is nice, although he cut more than I would’ve liked (only about two inches but I still feel naked), and he used lighter shades of blonde for my highlights whereas I wanted to become a darker blonde, ah! I always suffer from hair-mares!


  101. i agree. this hairstyle suits you real well πŸ™‚

  102. hello swetty sorry for the luck of comments but i had a hectic time with my exams…(i got to finish uni at last..)
    how are you?
    still snowing there?

    love the blue dress ad the is belt so ethnic…

  103. U are so beautiful!


  104. E

    That belt is fabulous and I love your hair!!

  105. love the outfit πŸ˜‰ that cardigan is so nice!

    your new hair style looks awesome!


    p.s. my sister and I are having a giveaway come see πŸ˜‰

  106. The hairstyle soooo nice and really suits you πŸ™‚
    Love the dress, especially paired with the cardigan and belt

  107. love the hair & dress!

  108. MJ

    I wish I could have what you just did backwards… my hair won’t grow fast enough! It does look great on you though.


  109. outfit fab as always, love that belt!! XX

  110. Gorgeousgorgeousgorgeous – your hair looks fab as do you =]

    Eugh, I know – i’ve become the queen of layering, i often wear 12 or 13 its so ridiculous – roll on spring!

    Merci beaucoup for your wonderful comments =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  111. don’t you feel wonderful with the new cut…i did the same with my hair about a year ago. so happy with the results!
    xox alison

  112. LOVE your new haircut!
    The new and shorter length really suits you and of course it is really easy to maintain πŸ™‚

  113. new haircut is fab!

    For everything about fashion:

  114. I absolutely LOVE your new haircut. It frames your face so prettily. I know what you mean about layers….so annoying..

    Love Jojo

  115. omg! you hair looks GORGEOUS. really suits you <3

    the cardigan with the dress is so cuuttee!

  116. Love the new look!! Fabulous!
    Stop by BBB for a little humor if you need a break in your day ~~


  117. You look gorgeous <3

  118. I’m baaaaaack!!! how I missed u girl. I love the haircut, you look so stunning. xxxxxxx

  119. your hair is gorgeous! I love the new look.

  120. Thanks for commenting on my last entry, you must be a very busy blogger these days with all these comments!

    I love the belt over the cardigan. I don’t know why I don’t ever do that since I always approve when others do!

    You look very graceful and lovely and the haircut is splendid.

  121. Looking gorgeous with the hairstyle πŸ™‚
    And love the new outfit post!
    Simple and classy πŸ™‚

  122. Your new haircut looks fabulous. I like that look a lot, and you look very pretty in that last (close-up) photo. It would make a good profile or portfolio picture.

  123. that color looks amazing on you, and that dress is cut gorgeously. Great haircut too! All around all-star look.

  124. your new haircut is super cute!

  125. Your eyes are so pretty πŸ™‚

  126. Anonymous

    Oh wow! Your hair looks fantastic! The length is great for you. πŸ™‚ -Feather

  127. The new hair looks gorgeous–I love the volume, and you look like Laura Flynn Boyle! (<3 Twin Peaks Donna) Please be careful and don't lose any more weight. xoxox

  128. Meg

    I love the colour of your dress and your hair looks great.

  129. Oh, I love your new do! And I like the outfit too. I know you hate layers, but I think it’s better with the cardigan over.

    I also just wanted to say so thanks so much for stopping to comment on my blog. You get so many visitors…it really means a lot that you spare a bit of time for little old me. πŸ™‚

  130. awesome belt! liking your hair short πŸ™‚

  131. great haircut…it looks so fresh and fun for spring time! I am thinking of chopping mine too …and this is just tempting me more.

    Have a great friday love!

  132. You look gorgeous!
    Wish you a fantastic Valentine’s Day!
    Don’t miss my giveaway:-)

  133. LOVELY new hair do !

  134. Very pretty new hairstyle! lovely.

  135. That dress looks great belted!

  136. Love your hair! It looks so good on you!

  137. Love love love the hair,looks so light!

  138. adorable outfits as usual!!!

  139. love you hair alot! I’ve been thinking about cutting since it is having a nervous breakdown. But for now I’m doing lots condition and oil treatments to help bring my hair back to life!

    And love the outfit!

  140. love the belt!

    Vi from Cali

  141. Ah I love love love everything about this outfit with and without the cardi. amazing!

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