A Cake

Everything I learnt about baking came from my Nan; one of my earliest memories is making rock cakes with her whilst my Grandad cleared up the mess, and as the years progressed the things we made got more adventurous and I became more independent. Actually, I never used to bake at home, I always went to my Grandparents to do so (maybe because I have a natural flair for making a mess) and thus, when it came to providing refreshment after her funeral today, it seemed only right that I baked my contribution.

I opted for a Sticky Toffee Date Cake, found on this delicious blog


200g of dried dates
275ml of boiling water
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
175g soft light brown sugar
150g  butter, room temperature
3 eggs, beaten
175g self raising flour


  1. Pour the boiling water over three-quarters of the dates
  2. Leave to soak for 30 minutes
  3. Preheat the oven to 175degC
  4. Blending together the butter , sugar and the soaked dates (including the soaking water)
  5. Add the eggs and finally stir in the self raising flour and bicarbonate of soda
  6. Finally stir in the remaining unsoaked dates
  7. Pour into a 30cm square lined cake tin
  8. Bake for 40 minutes until firm to the touch
  9. Allow to cool , cut into squares and serve

What was the first thing you learnt to bake?

Thank you for the continued support, maybe now things will find some semblance of normalcy…


23 comments for “A Cake

  1. I am sure it was delicious and your Nan would be very proud! Hope everything will get a little easier for you:)

  2. I think Victoria sponge was perhaps the first thing I made.

    Sounds like the perfect way to remember your Nan. Will be thinking of you today x

  3. Thinking of you today xxx

  4. Like yourself i learnt to bake through my gran. And what a great legacy to leave with us.

    Your cake looks scrummy, a fitting feast that your nan would be proud of. I hope all goes well today for you and your family.


    X x

  5. Massive hug Laura.

  6. Hope your ok chick xxx My baking and cooking memories are all with my grandparents, both my nana and grandma were dinner ladies!

  7. It looks lovely, your nan will be so proud! xx

  8. Looks delicious and a fitting tribute! Hope things are starting to feel better sweet!

  9. Yum!! Lovely blog post.

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  10. It looks delicious and is a fitting tribute – I’m sure your Nan would be very proud of you.

  11. This looks great, the perfect sendoff. I hope the funeral goes well, you’ve been super strong about it. xoxo

  12. How lovely that you’ll remember her evey time you bake – people live on in all kinds of ways. I always wonder if my Mam’s looking down proudly whenever I manage a half-decent gravy! xx

  13. Sending you my thoughts for today Laura x

  14. Aw it looks and sounds delicious. Hope you’re ok, and sending thoughts to your family xx

  15. That looks delicious, so nice of you to contribute by baking, I am sure she would appreciate that.
    I am so sorry, you are coping so well and I really admire you. Big hugs xx

  16. I had a Homepride Fred Baking set when I was young and used to bake gingerbread Freds.

    Your cake looks delish. You should be proud.


  17. Mmm that looks yummy!

    Thinking of you hon.

  18. I used to make rock buns with my grandma but the first pictures of me baking are of me covered in flour and jam so it has to be jam tarts!

    Maria xxx

  19. Mmm that looks so good! I remember cooking with my grandma too – we used to make scones.

  20. Hi Laura,
    Hope everything went ok today. Thinking of you and your family. xx

  21. *much much love*
    the cake looks amazing by the way,

  22. Hope you’re okay Laura and today went well. Been thinking about you all day. xx

  23. Hope all went ok. And that cake looks great.