About a Cake

Thanks for the fantastic comments on yesterday’s post, glad I made so many of you giggle (and that you did the same in return!)
As I mentioned, and as some of you would have seen on facebook and twitter by now, I made a birthday cake for my second mum (does anyone remember the hot pink star covered one from last year?) and as promised, here are photos.

Much of the time I bake completely from scratch. I don’t know why, but I prefer it (despite my thinking that box mixes are the same, just someone has done the weighing for you!) I saw this mix in TK MAXX weeks ago (when I should have bought a comic relief tee) and just knew it’d be perfect for the occasion, and being from the USA something Mum2 won’t have had before.


The box doesn’t lie…this does indeed seem to be a super moist cake…we’ll be testing it later at work…and the smell when this was baking = doubly more amazing than usual baking cake! All it required was a 1 1/4 cups water, 1/3 cup vegetable oil and three eggs.


The dry mix.


The baked cakes, my oven was a bit too hot causing the cracked tops, but otherwise perfectly cooked!

For decoration I used a firm setting royal icing, some pink food colouring and the British Classic- Jammy Dodgers, which Mum2 is addicted too (and rightly so, they are delish, if you haven’t ever tried one, DO IT)
The icing isn’t perfect, it set too fast to get it neat around the sides, but overall I’m pretty pleased with the cake.



I’ll report back on how it goes down!

What do you think of cake mixes? Cheating or not?
Any favourite icing recipes (I’m always looking for new ones)
and most importantly
DO YOU LIKE JAMMY DODGERS? If not…what’s your favourite biscuit?


P.S. you have until Sunday to enter the giveaway!

P.P.S. if you want the flapjack recipe, shout and I’ll post it.

30 comments for “About a Cake

  1. it looks yummy 🙂 and cute 🙂
    happy birthday to her <3

  2. Wow, totally loving the pink icing, yum!

  3. That icing is fab, I’d never have thought of using Jammy Dodgers! Not had them in ages!
    I’d like the flapjack recipe please, and advice as what what type/size of tin is best for them!

  4. that is so cute!! love that you put cookies on top.. and no totally not cheating.. real cake from scratch is too time consuming haha.

  5. Wow its amazing! I have used the Betty Crocker and they are always really yummy, I’ve never seen this recipe though!

    I’d like the flap jack recipe please 🙂 I’m trying to do more baking, I just don’t have a clue where to begin 🙂 xoxo

  6. I tend not to bother with packet mixes, just cos they’re usually stuffed full of things I’m allergic to. That one looks like a good one though! Love the Jammy Dodger topping 🙂

  7. It’s so cute with the jammy dodgers. I’m sure she’ll love it.
    Not really a biscuit fan myself but I do like a jaffa cake biscuit. x

  8. using cake mixes is the only way I can ever bake! so no way would I call it cheating, haha 😉

    That cake looks brilliant. I bet she loves it!

  9. the cake looks nice, but I have to have my cakes done homemade…. me mam shows me how to do a great sponge cake recipe that looks & tastes delish!


  10. Do i EVER love jammy dodgers.

    There’s no other biscuit in my eyes.

    Cept for maybe dark choc digestives. And oreos. And viennese fingers. And ….ok. biscuits are just gooood


  11. Not so fond of jammy dodgers, but love oreos. I like baking from scratch as then I know there are no nasty added stuff. Your cake looks so pretty 🙂

  12. It looks amazing – I love the jammy dodgers as decorations! x

  13. Happy Birthday, Laura’s Mum! That cake is insane, love it! xxx

  14. Oh that looks so yummy Laura <3.

  15. omg jammy dodgers! amazing :3 i wish I could help u taste the cake :3 XD

  16. Kat

    Ah tis cake looks amazing! I made a chocolate heart shaped cake for my boyfriend and used a cake mix from a box- it was easy and tasted delish- great when you haven’t got time for all the measuring 🙂

    Hope mum2 enjoyed it!


  17. Cake mix kind of gives me the willies but this looks amazing. Love the decorating and obv love jammie dodgers although the chocolate digestive is the biscuit champion of the world. x

  18. MJ

    Ooh, looks nice! And who doesn’t love jammie dodgers?!

  19. Aww, your second mum will be chuffed! It looks amazing! I made a Betty Crocker Devil’s Food cake for my boyfriend’s birthday and it was out of this world.
    Love your decorating skills 🙂
    I don’t really like jammy dodgers… I am very much a choco fiend, so it’s Maryland cookies all the way for me!

  20. Love the icing!! So cute!!

  21. I have to say I do think cake mixes are a bit of a cheat, and in my experience they’re not as good as the real thing – you’ll have to let us know what this one tastes like.

    LOVE the biscuits-as-cake-decorations though, will definitely be doing that one of these days. More of a Custard Cream girl myself 🙂

    Ooh, and Malted Milks!

  22. That mix looks amazing with those multicoloured rainbow bits, and who couldn’t love Jammy Dodgers, they are the best! xx

  23. omng you have just reminded me i own a jammy dodger necklace – need to find that!!

    i haven’t ever tried packet cake mix, but i like the idea of the colourful bits in the cake, and it looks sooo cute iced with the jammy dodgers..

  24. ohhh this looks amazing. I have been known to use cake mixes but like you i much prefer doing it fron scratch xx

  25. This cake looks yummy!

  26. haha oh! ignore my comment on your latest post! read these in the wrong order! downside of bloglovin! never thought of putting jammie dodgers on a cake! amazing!!

  27. ooh I must visit tk maxx to see if they have any american cake mixes in! I can’t wait to see what it looks like when cut in half, please take a photo! Hehe