These are ALL signs

Now I’m aware that I may well be regressing, I’m noticing proof everywhere…

– A need to nap at least once a day else I get cranky
– Ever decreasing road crossing sense
– Being attracted to anything pink, sparkly and miniature
– Getting overly excited about the littlest things “ohh YAYAY cute bird in the garden *Squuueeeeee*”
– An insatiable urge to tune in to Cbeebies.




– Wearing an outfit consisting of the two oldest pieces in my wardrobe. Both H&M from years gone by


– Craving favourites from my childhood



– Baking flapjacks (the first thing I learnt to bake) and neglecting to use an oven glove.

In fact my only saviour might well be this coffee.


Hands off kids,
this one is ALL MINE and I’m NOT sharing.


((and there ends the most random post I think I’ve written, and probably outfit posts for the week, however I am making a birthday cake for Mum 2 later, so expect baked good spammage!))

47 comments for “These are ALL signs

  1. Loving your blog, especially this post πŸ™‚

  2. Bless you!

    Loving the dress It’s very pretty. Plus you have some of my favourite sweets, sugar laces! They are the best ever! And your flapjacks have just made me hungry which isn’t good first thing in the morning! Ive go to run first!

    Enjoy your baking. I shall look forward to seeing your creation later. Have a great day.

    X x

  3. Ha Ha I am thinking that your dad might be right but there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a kid again it is soooo fun. At least the coffee confirms that you are still an adult. Love the dress and the cute touch of pink. xoxo

  4. Oh Laura I love this post!
    I know what you mean about regressing – babysat my cousins t’other day and was v upset when they asked to turn cbbc off!! I left it on, naturally πŸ˜‰


  5. Bee

    Dolly mixtures πŸ˜€

    I do like that mug and you got a polly pocket tooo! I’m jealous because you actually have a polly!

    Have a good day angel


  6. Mmm that flapjack looks amazing! Maybe a post with the recipe? I want to do more baking. Mine consists of cupcakes and chocolate brownies x

  7. cute dress; and I haven’t had sugar laces in ages!!! oh and I bet you’ve been watching that CBeebies show with Reggie Yates in it.. i dunno what it’s called but it was on the local news the other day with parents being outraged that toddlers are being taught jamaican slang… IT’S JUST A BIT OF TELLY!!! pfffffft!!

    anywho, cake = yum!! πŸ™‚ can’t wait to see photos!


  8. What a pretty dress.

    I find all of these things completely acceptable and if they are a sign of regression then I’m probably there too, apart from the cbeebies part. x

  9. I was about to say that you’re probably turning into a granny, then I read the cbeebies thing, haha. Either way, sounds fun to me!

    That coffee looks LUSH! I’ll have to keep an eye out for it in the shops. Ooh and speaking of coffee and cake, I thought you might like this –

  10. OHMYGOD i love your mug, i need one like that xx

  11. Bec

    I’m glad that you’re regressing in a good way…..I was a bit worried when I read the first line! πŸ˜‰

    Polly Pocket and Dolly Mixture are awesome! Did you have Sylvanian Families when you were a kid? I saw them in a catalogue last Christmas and they now have Sylvanian meercats! Cute! xx

  12. That dress is gorgeous. Loved this post – made me laugh. I could eat one of those flapjacks right now!

  13. lol. Well the napping sounds good. they say people regress in times of stress. Hope you are relatively stress free

    Bright Green Laces

  14. I love making flapjacks, I tend to stick glace cherries in to make them extra yu,.
    Great cardi. Good luck with your regression!

  15. I’m meant to be 12 Laura and I still watch Spongebob Squarepants and read books intended for teenagers, and you know what? I don’t think I ever will grow up! I also love kids sweets, they’re better than adult sweets! Have you tried Sainsbury’s Eric Leads the Way? They’re the yummiest fruit gums I’ve had in years! Kids get the best food…Love this post and you look as pretty as ever! xxx

  16. BRILLIANT post – loving this…. Tbh i’m feeling this at the moment – im thinking be a true brit, and let’s blame it on the weather?! It’s not spring or summer… it’s raining and not snowing/christmas. So it’s that confusing bit in the middle – for me at least this means lots of comfort baking and comfy jumpers
    much love

  17. Jo

    Nothing wrong with being young at heart. If it keeps you young and happy then it’s all good.

    I was 35 on Sat, (thanks for the cardm it was gorge) and 2 of my favs pressies were a Malteaster and Hello Kitty hairband and hairbbrush.

    Nothing wrong with enjoying things that make you happy. Enjoy it.

    Flapjack looks amazing.


  18. u looks so awesome dear and the outfits s cool on you :))

  19. I love your dress and cardigan and this is one of the best outfits you have posted. I adore what you wrote at the beginning of this post because it made me smile.

  20. Love your outfit, I totally live on sweets I’m surprised all my teeth haven’t falledn out with the amount of sweets I eat XD

  21. Love that dress. It’s so nice when you discover something old…almost the same as getting something new again.

    Also liking the picture on the calendar. πŸ™‚


  22. LOL, you are hilarious! Nothing wrong with indulging in some childhood sweets though πŸ˜‰

    also, I like your calendar picture.

  23. hahah , so cute, especially the part when u said u squealed at every cute thngs haah πŸ™‚ plus the Dolly mixture package is so cute πŸ™‚

  24. I have no idea what exactly a flapjack is, but it looks delicious- well worth regressing for!

  25. FLAPJACKS AND COFFEE <3 Nice blog, there's so much to read!

  26. Aww, I think this is cute if a little bit mad…! x

  27. Ahh that’s a great dress, I think things from H&M really stand the test of time

    And OMG flapjacks.. I’m so jealous of your baking skills!

    Bhav x

  28. There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to anything, pink, sparkly and miniature. I love the print on the dress xx

  29. Hey Laura, I love you blogs so much I thought I’d do one myself havent a clue what I am doing though… Hope you allowed yourself a slice of the cake after all your hard work. Looks lovely and so does the outfit!

  30. I love your leopard print mug!

  31. loving that dress πŸ™‚
    and the flapjacks look yummy!! x

  32. N’aww, cute post, got to love all the randomness of it! cute outfit, i love finding things from years back, and wearing it again! Those flapjacks look delicious, one of my favs! and omg, dolly mixtures, my childhood favourite! xx

  33. home made flapjack is without a doubt the best thing! your making me hungry! xxx

  34. Kim

    Oo now you have me craving Mum’s lush flapjack! I love your mug by the way! xxx

  35. yummy looking flapjack and the colour of that cardi is lush.

  36. like your blog! and your looks and clothes!
    follow u!

  37. like the dress. I always have and always will be a fan of child hood sweets πŸ™‚

  38. Mia

    Your dress & the mug are my two favourite things from this post. I love a bit of kids tv in the morning, helps get me out of bed x

  39. heheh I think we all have big inner kids in all of us! just some are not so ‘inner’ πŸ˜‰ hmm that flapjack looks amazing.

  40. sometimes i think, im still 3. ^_____^ hahahaha…but yeaaah…that’s alright i guess.

    misss your blog laura and your outfit posts….your tights especially! weeeee! take care darling! xx

  41. i love you dress <3 that flapjack looks yummy πŸ™‚

  42. what are flapjacks? whatever it is looks good!

    so does the candy! i have never seen that kind before!!

    and your outfit is pretty, as always!

  43. dan

    love the dress, so pretty. them flabjacks look so good! xx

  44. This post made me laugh too – I need to nap or else I get cranky, and I really want to try and bake that flapjack, it looks amazing! x

  45. there is something refreshingly nice about old comforts sometimes disney movies and toys! πŸ™‚