Ahead to A/W

The Matalan Autumn/Winter 2011 look book dropped through my door some weeks ago now, and I put off looking at it for an age, because I thought it too early to think about layering up and waving goodbye to Summer.
Gradually though, photos started appearing on other blogs and my curiosity got the better of me; I dived in head first and fell utterly in love with oh, pretty much all of it!
Matalan is one of those shops that seems to get better from season to season. Gone are the days where it never crossed my mind to browse there, now it is one of my first ports of call.

Here is a little taste of what is to come…

And so the saving commences! Although to be fair, not much saving needs to go on to afford Matalan’s more than reasonable prices. Score.

Stay tuned from more from A/W…I’ve been wandering around the shops compiling massive wish lists (and may have made a sneaky purchase or two!)


20 comments for “Ahead to A/W

  1. I’m so excited for this collection to hit the stores!

  2. looks like a great selection. I’m after a poncho this year, hoping Matalan can oblige!

  3. I love the fourth photo! It’s a shame as we don’t have a Matalan near where I live! 🙁

    Julia @ Retro Jules

  4. LOVE that second dress!

  5. Hi, Matalan have really come on recently, I love the new collection. I couldn’t help noticing recently the amount of animal print that’s in the High Street shops for A/W. I love it but I think you have to be careful how you wear it http://bit.ly/nr0FQi What are your views?

  6. Great images, I’m loving all of these looks from Matalan! Will have to get my hands on them!

  7. Oooerr… please tell me I’m not the one who feels terrible for wishing for winter!
    If it’s not gonna be sunny I’d rather it be nice and cold so I could snuggle up in layers 😛

  8. ohh so nice, i love the chunky jumpers. im coming to the UK next month and im so so keen to shop. xo

  9. I’ve never shopped in Matalan before but after seeing these photos I think I’ll make a stop there at some point. A/W fashion has always been my favourite. xxx

  10. I cannot WAIT for A/W I am super psyched this year and I don’t even know why! Matalan looks fab too 🙂

    Maria xxx

  11. Autumn/Winter hasn’t crossed my mind until now! The horse print dress is stunning, one to look out for in the shop for sure xxx

  12. I am so excited for Matalan’s A/W collection to get to the shops – they have some seriously gorgeous clothes here!

  13. ooo the one thing about summer is that i do miss wearing scarf’s!

  14. Oh I love that red skirt! Must visit Matalan soon.

  15. Looks great! Can’t wait to see more!

  16. They’ve got the odd piece in store already that will be perfect for autumn – I’ve already snapped up some suede desert boots and a big woolly jumper.

    Starting to think winter has started early actually – I’ve got giant socks and a hoody on right now and I’m FREEZING!

  17. Anonymous

    I love Matalan, just wished they did something smaller then 8s or 10s. i’ve never seen a uk 6.

  18. loooved these!

    Click here to check out my summer giveaway. I’ll keep my fingers-crossed for you!
    Good luck!


  19. Matalan have some brilliant things I like the new range xx