Ants on my cake.

I finally got a chance to bake yesterday; it’s been a while due to adjusting to my new work schedule. I’d promised my Dad a Birthday cake and after thinking for a while about what to do compared to previous years I settled on one that features his favourite creature…Ants (the story of which is long and complicated and involves great theories).

I normally bake from scratch, but after seeing these Mary Berry cake mixes on special offer in Waitrose (and Marry Berry being my baking idol) I deemed them worthy of trying and bought one of each flavour.
I used to chocolate fudge flavour for Dad’s cake.

I cannot recommend these mixes enough, really. So quick and simple and the results were amazing! They also come with their own baking tray for the perfect size/thickness of cake!

(photo from Mary Berry website)


The additions.


Result! Happy Birthday Dad!

And as a “bonus” here is what I wore yesterday. The jumper was a recent purchase from New Look, at only Β£6 in the sale it was a no brainer.




Enjoy the last day of the Bank Holiday weekend! I hope it’s been a good one. What did you get up to? Any May Fairs near you? I might venture to our local one later.


P.S. Please keep voting adaisychaindream

19 comments for “Ants on my cake.

  1. Ann

    Mmmmm…. That looks delish! And I love the skirt! Seems very comfy πŸ™‚

  2. N’awww bet your Dad loved that πŸ™‚ Are they spiders on top? Is he a creepy crawly fan? hehe β™₯ Claire @ Jazzpad

  3. Love the ants but I have to say I’m surprised about Mary Berry doing packet mixes – how does she expect to sell any books now?!

  4. I will definitely be checking out these cake mixes. My girls love cake mixes as they can make them without any help. The jumper was an amazing bargain, love the skirt too.

  5. the crop top is so cute. p.s theres a phishing detected in ur blog 0.o

  6. I’m a bit jealous of that cake, it looks tasty. Love the green icing and decoration, so cute.
    Nice outfit, that jumper was a bargain!

  7. I’m a bit shocked Mary Berry has gone down the packet mix route! Most of her cakes are dead easy to make anyway, but I suppose this just simplifies things that bit more. Plus I do like the idea of being given the right sized tray with it.

    The finished result is brilliant! Love your ant decorations πŸ™‚

  8. Looks delicious πŸ™‚ I love baking but always mess it up lol!! Love the skirt too xx

  9. That is a supper cake. Get you! Bet your dad loved it.

    Can’t beat a nice piece of cake.

    Loving the jumper. No May fairs here I’m affraid. Never mind eh!

    X x

  10. Looks delicious.
    There was a “giant” car boot sale in my local area this morning so I went to check that out. Didn’t buy anything but bought a few things in a charity shop which I stopped at along the way including Dawson’s Creek series 1 on dvd for Β£1.50. Bargain πŸ™‚

  11. The cake looks amazing – love the little ants!

    Hope it tasted good too!

  12. yum the cake looked so nice ! might have to try out a Mary Berry cake mix! πŸ™‚

    http://www.katie– xxxx

  13. Happy Bday Ur Dad!


  14. Lovely outfit and this is such a great cake.

  15. Happy birthday to your dad!

    Wow you look gorgeous in that skirt and jumper, how I regret not getting the skirt at zara when I could have done it for only 3 euros!!

  16. Love the cake :).

    Sadie xx

  17. Beautiful cake, love it. Wish I’d been about for my dad’s birthday (also Mother’s Day this year) because I’d love to make him cake.

    Loving the jumper also, definitely a no brainer. Currently trying to wrestle paying Β£36 for a blouse from Topshop. I love it, but it’s more than I usually pay.

  18. That cake looks super yummy, I wish I could come and steal a piece haha. Love that outfit, such a bargain find! xo

  19. ur outfit reminds me of the seaside :3 it look comfy and snuggly and it was sweet of u to bake for ur dad πŸ™‚