bat girl

Top: ebay
Skirt c/o Ax Paris
Tights c/o Tabio
Dr Martens via Sarenza
I never thought I’d buy in to yet another trend but this top from ebay was SUCH a bargain at under a fiver and so fun I couldn’t not get it. This outfit was a bit OTT for a simple Saturday but it was fun so I didn’t care much…I think I’ve got to the stage in life where I really don’t give a crap what other people think anymore, as long as I’m comfortable then all is good.
I’m glad I didn’t jinx myself wishing for a calmer week because if yesterday was anything to go by it really won’t be. I’ll be glad when the long Easter Weekend rolls around so I can have a breather…I wouldn’t change it for the world though, I’ve never been so happy with, or in love with life. I’ve started to think more seriously about what I want to do job wise in the future and have some pretty exciting options to explore, it won’t happen for a little while yet…I need to get driving sorted for one thing but it’s something to look forward to!
Well, I hope you lot had a calmer start to the week! At least the sun shone.

26 comments for “bat girl

  1. Batman isn’t a trend! He’s forever. And who cares what anyone else thinks? Bring on Easter… X

  2. Ah Laura you look perfect for a Saturday! Love the tee!

  3. Aww this post put such a smile on my face! I’m so happy for you. You’ve worked so hard and no-one deserves happiness more than you x

  4. I really like this top and I don’t think it’s too OTT for anything!

  5. Really like this outfit, you look amazing! Glad to hear you’re so happy with things at the moment ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  6. This is my favourite style of skirt on you and the top is the coolest ever.

  7. Not OTT at all! I love the top with that skirt and those bright DMs!

  8. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Such a cute look, I was SO tempted to buy these Dr. Martens yesterday from SecretSales…Perfect for summer!


  9. Hooray, welcome to the “not giving a crap what others think” stage of life! It really is conducive to a happier and more settled existence, trust. I am in looooove with those boots, perfect colour. Would go perfectly with my Sugar High jumper which you are #1 on the list for if I get bored of it.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Also in the ‘need to get driving sorted’ boat; have said this year I will do so. Now or never so to speak, although always amazed/relieved by friends of mine who also do not drive.

    I am envious at your ability to carry anything off, I cannot carry of motif or slogan tees at all without looking like a 12 year old throw back, shame.

    I agree with the ‘don’t give a crap’ viewpoint. xxx

  11. As a Batman fan I think your tee is brilliant! That’s exciting thinking about your future, I’m sure you’ll be fab at whatever you do xxx

  12. Hello lovely, your outfit is very fun!! I’m the same now – if I like my outfit I don’t care what others think. I am quite a self conscious/shy person, but I’m getting more careless (if that’s the right word) of what people think. I think as long as you’re happy and comfortable in what you wear, who cares what others think ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so glad you’re feeling so upbeat!! I’m happy for you that your job options are exciting for the future – too many people don’t know what to do or have little options, it’s refreshing and nice to hear of someone who is happy in their job ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  13. My mom bought me that Batman shirt for christmas
    : ]

  14. THE most amazing outfit! Far outstrips my collection of Batman pyjamas!
    Love it ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  15. I love the bat top oh god you are so cute and you look like a really bat girl ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’m following you now, mind to follow back? Kisses <3

  16. hey girl – been awhile – but i have to say – YESSSSSSSS to your docs! – LOVE LOVE LOVE

  17. You look amazing and I NEED that top! xx

  18. Ahh such a cute outfit, reminds me of the stuff I wore in my teenage years!x

  19. This is so cute! I bought some batman pj’s the other day in the sale. You should always wear what you feel comfortable in and don’t give a damn what people think . Passing your test is like freedom on a plate x

  20. Hi this is a lovely blog honey I think we should follow on GFC and Bloglovin? what do you think?
    let me know I’ll follow back for sure
    New post is up on my blog you should have a look ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I want every part of this outfit, one can never have too much Batman in their closet! xoxo

  22. Such a great outfit! The 90’s is back! xxx

  23. Love your top so much, I really want a batman dress!
    So pleased to hear everything is going well for you at the minute and you’re really happy ๐Ÿ˜€ <3
    Love Holly x

  24. I love this whole outfit so much.
    Bah driving, you have reminded me I need to get my theory test booked (I was supposed to have done it weeks ago >.<).

  25. I love your bat girl top! I think people would have to be batshit crazy not to like it! The splash of pink and your poses are lovely.

  26. Erm… hello Bat Girl! Love that top and the fact it was so cheap makes it even more of a bargain in my eyes! You’re right – I’ve reached the same point of not caring what anyone else thinks anymore xxx