Boots made for Walking

At the start of September I blogged about the “coming soon” limited edition boots from Yull. Well, the wait is over! I got home from work yesterday to find the arrival of my Chelsea boots and any doubts I had about whether I needed these or not were erased.
Say hello to the perfect flat boot. I’m so glad I went against my conscience and ordered a pair of these. They fit (true to size) like a dream and are so buttery soft. I really must resist ordering Fulham, too…that would just be greedy, right?

Happy Saturday folks,
remember today is the last day to win with Joe Browns!

32 comments for “Boots made for Walking

  1. They are very lovely and look super comfy too. Love the union jack detail on the bottom.

    X x

  2. Love the boots.. and the kitty is back! Super cute outfit too! xx

  3. Glad to hear they are comfortable, always a bit of a risk when ordering online;)

  4. How come these look so gorgeous on you and on me these kinds of shoes always make my legs look like tree trunks….

  5. Love them! I think I love the Fulham ones more though – the colour looks amazing!


  6. Great boots,they look so comfy too πŸ™‚

  7. I want a pair like that! I remember when my mum used to wear them like 15 years ago! It’s weird how the trends come back around πŸ™‚

    LOVEly boots! xx



  8. They looks super comfy, I used to have a pair just like that many years ago xoxo

  9. The do look so comfy, really lovely boots too πŸ™‚

  10. love these chelsea boots!really comfortable and classic πŸ™‚ nice choice!

  11. They look very comfy !

  12. Those are some great boots! They look so comfy!!

    Just to let you know my giveaway is up and running:
    Win the Vintage Dress of Your Choice! (open to everyone)

    x Aliya

  13. Really cute boots!

  14. Jo

    I used to have boots like those when I was little! I loved them so much. Great purchase.

  15. They really stylish and practical too!

  16. They are lovely! I’m thinking of getting under the bed tomorrow and digging my boots out, might need to add some new ones into the mix.
    Kandi xx

  17. Aw, Flash wants some lovin’. <3 Sending you both love and hugs, have a great weekend x

  18. love those boots! not only they that but they also look comfy and perfect for winter. xx

  19. I LOVE these, gorgeous!

    Maria xxx

  20. Love the detail on the boots & they look great on too πŸ™‚

  21. your hair colour is AMAZING

  22. They really are the perfect boot, great buy!

  23. They look lovely, and really comfy too! x

  24. They look great on you, I really like the design, and they seem seriously comfy. I’m determined to get a pair of decent boots for the colder months. I have a pair of army boots by New Look, but they were cheap so not holding my breath on the quality side of things, so need to get something that will stand any rain or mud. I used to wear Chelsea boots when I was a teen, so maybe the time is right to get myself a pair? You certainly have put the idea in my head xx

  25. Oh my gosh, those are amazing! Love ’em!

  26. I desperately need some flat boots for winter – these are fab! When it comes to shoes your conscience isn’t always right!

    Sarah x

  27. ha ha I live in Bristol and did not even know this was on lol x

  28. Pfft! Get the other pair too! If you find nice boots then they need to be bought immediately. They’ll last forever.

  29. I think those boots were hella made for walking xxx

  30. The little union flag on the sole is such a nice detail. Yes, you definitely needed these boots, and I would have to vote yes on the Fulham boots too! x

  31. Oh thank you! I really your shoe β™₯

    Juste Ryma