Brain Freeze

The cold weather this week has seen me sport an array of headwear; I’m not usually a hat girl, I always feel a bit silly in them and because my hair is usually tied up they don’t sit especially well on my head…but needs must!

1. Primark earmuffs

2 + 3. Bobble hat and Faux Fur trapper hat both from New Look*

For some reason (hello inner child) I’m most attracted to novelty hats; on my wish list right now? This little beauty from River Island!

Are you a hat wearer? What type do you favour?


44 comments for “Brain Freeze

  1. I’m not a hatwearer, which is probably why I always get ill in the cold. I refuse to wear anything that makes my hair even fluffier πŸ˜› x

  2. I like hats but they don’t like me. I will be wearing one when I venture out into the snow later but that’s for warmth rather than style πŸ™‚

  3. I love the last one!

    take a peak at my blog please <3

  4. one of the things I loved about my recent Japan trip was that I got to wear a cute winter hat!
    You look so cute in all of these. I especially love the earmuffs πŸ™‚

  5. Yes I love hats! The fur trapper one is amazing.

  6. You look so pretty in your hats! I rarely wear them myself though because of the problem you mentioned of ponytails not really being the ideal hairstyle for hats. I wear my earmuffs a lot though.

  7. They all suit you very well, and of course the leopard print is my favourite πŸ™‚ I also love novelty hats, but unfortunately I’d look like a kid – boo hoo πŸ™ xxx

  8. I’m not much of a hat girl either but all of these are gorgeous! Love the ear muffs to, they are ridiculously cute! My inner child wants the River Island hat too πŸ˜‰ xx

  9. I have an awesome hat from H&M with a cute bobble at the end but it makes my head itchy after like 30 mins grrr. xx

  10. It was so cold trecking through the snow yesterday that I really didn’t care how silly I might have looked in my New Zealand hat complete with ear flaps!

  11. Hats are definitely necessary in this weather! I think I need some earmuffs I love yours!

  12. I’m not generally a hat wearer, but in this weather it is a definite must

  13. Yup. During these cold days I have been wearing trapper hats! I found this lovely one in tk Maxx but could not afford it, and one day my fiancΓ© met me at the station back from my daily commute and he had brought me it as a surprise πŸ™‚

  14. Love all your winter woolies and I have to say how stunning you look in that second photo πŸ™‚

  15. I wear hats to keep warm. If I don’t look awful then that’s just a bonus!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous, they are just so sweet.

  17. I love that trapper hat on you, very fetching indeed! x

  18. I am not a hat wearer, I just don’t look good in them =-(

  19. Vix

    I love a hat, winter or snmmer. You really suit them. x

  20. Ah you look cute in the last picture! And not silly at all! Although I feel sort of the same, I think its because I have shoulder length hair and I long for long locks to flow out of a hat. Reallly want one of those fury old woman style ones but I just know it’d look odd on me.


  21. Cute! It is definitely the time for wrapping up warmly! x

  22. Would love to wear hats but they don’t really suit me! You look great:)

  23. love that last photo of you! that hat is amazing! πŸ™‚ xx

  24. I really want a pair of earmuffs now. And that leopard hat is amazing! xxx

  25. nik

    Hello! I just found your blog and I think it’s AMAZING! The pics are great and I can see that You really like what you do here! I love people with great ideas, like you!
    Your blog is inspiring! I will follow you!

  26. Hats really suit you! I will definitely be wearing my big furry hat tomorrow if this snow stays xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  27. I always wear my ear muffs if I have my hair tied up – can’t stand a hat on my head when my hair’s in a pony! I do love hats when my hair’s down though, I favor berets.

  28. Lovely hats! I am not normally a hat wearer but in this weather it is a must! x

  29. They look brilliant on you. I’m certainly not a hat wearer, they really don’t suit me at all.

  30. Jo

    I’m surprised you’re not a hat girl as you really suit the ones you’re wearing in those photos. I’m most certainly a hat girl. The only hat I feel I can’t fully pull off is a beret which frustrates me! I love cosy bobble hats at this time of year.

  31. You really suit hats! I tend to wear a bobble hat in winter but othre than that I dont wear the, all that much

  32. Any that keep my head toasty warm! And that don’t make me look silly, which is a very tall order I can tell you.

    X x

  33. I really want some ear muffs but haven’t found any decent ones. Yours are lovely, I just never seem to make it to Primark.

    I’ve got a hat like your third picture. I feel like an evil Russian in it (don’t know why) but it keeps me so warm.


  34. You look lovely in them! You know my opinions on hats!!! Er- obsessive is maybe the word!!!!! πŸ™‚

  35. Aww that river island hat is adorable! You look fab in your hats, especially the leopard print one- it looks so cosy. Unfortunately most cute hats don’t agree with the size of my head and/or my super thick hair πŸ™

  36. I feel your pain, I used to wear my hair up a lot too and it’s so hard to wear hats that way. Thankfully there are earwarmers out there!

    Hats look great on you though:)

  37. Hats have never seemed so appealing, My head gets so cold, and I often have my hair down, but it gets blown around. Unfortunately I have seriously tiny head, so the last time I had a hat (it was deemed necessary when it dropped below minus 10 when living in Germany…) it was an age 3-4 years from H&M…. kind of embarrassing…..

  38. Ooh I love the leopard print hat! I don’t usually wear hats as I think they look a bit weird on me, but I have a few that I really should wear more!

    Gillian x

  39. Ah I love hats and these really suit you πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  40. Ooh, I like the one in the middle. It makes you look sophisticated but cool at the same time if that makes sense. Lovely lovely xx

  41. wow, that looks really great

  42. Ahh i love hats. I have so many but never wear them really. I must wear them more! x

  43. That fur trapper hat is fab! Looks great on you πŸ™‚

  44. I’m loving all the bear hats that are about at the moment!