by the sea

Dress c/o Jolie Moi, Ombre Cardigan, £12 from Primark, Lilac tights, gift (but via Amazon), Toms, £40 from ASOS.

This dress with it’s little sail boat design seemed to be the perfect choice to wear for Saturday’s seaside adventure. I teamed it with this ombre cardigan that I grabbed in Primark a month or so ago and then forgot all about. I never think of Primark for knitwear, if this is anything to go by then I shall be heading back soon.

I’ve hunted high and low for lilac tights and it was my Mum who found, and subsequently purchased these for me. She found them on Amazon for a reasonable price (I can find the seller if you wish) and they are impressive quality! As for the Toms, well, I’ve gone from owning no pairs, to three in the space of five weeks…they are just TOOO comfortable. I do need to reign it in though. My shoe situation is beyond crisis point (where my once famed tights one is sadly dying).

These photos from Saturday sum up the day perfectly. Especally the last one. It STILL, almost three months on doesn’t feel real.

20 comments for “by the sea

  1. The dress looks lovely on you, the colours compliment your skintone and hair beautifully.

    Hope the seaside was nice, I love being by the sea (think it’s because I live in the Midlands – no sea for hundreds of miles!).

    Hope it wasn’t too hard without your nan. (If I’ve remembered that incorrectly I do apologise!)


  2. Oh honey, bless you grandpa and you! Hugs!

    I’ve been seriously tempted by red sparkly Toms for a while now! You look beautifully sealike in this outfit!

  3. Your seaside photos are beautiful, I hope it wasn’t too hard for you all.


  4. I love Primark knitwear!! You look lovely.
    Glad to hear you had a nice day out, hope your family are okay.


  5. That cardigan and dress combo is to die for!
    The last picture is beautiful, I bet your grandad was so glad to have you there 🙂

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  6. I’ve seen Toms talked about in American blogs, automatically assumed we couldn’t get them here … they instantly appeal to me 🙂

  7. Why cant I find this in Primark its gorgeous! The pictures of your grandad are so sweet xxx

  8. You look very marine-y! Like a mermaid in all your aqua and sea greens. X

  9. oh Laura that’s such a beautiful dress! It looks like a perfect beach, so quiet, just the crashing waves. A place for reflection x

  10. Beautiful dress and lovely photos angel!

  11. Love your cardigan, will have to look out for that in Primark when I go!
    Hope you’re okay lovely!

  12. Love this cardigan and these seaside pictures.

  13. Une très jolie publication… Merci pour l’ensemble de vos belles photos.

    Gros bisous.

  14. I love that dress and the ombre cardigan! I think anything ombre is beautiful!

  15. Big hug Laura!
    Love the ombre cardigan, i spotted it at the weekend. Might have to go back and buy it now!

  16. Ahh I hope the day went as good as it could do. Your photos are beautiful. <3

  17. Oh my god, I love this dress! Very vintage looking and it really suits you M<3

  18. I love the pastel ice cream colours of your outfit, SO perfect for a breezy seaside day 🙂

    Florrie x

  19. beautiful dress 🙂 such gorgeous photographs!
    Love Holz oxo