top c/o Skip n Whistle
skirt c/o Ax Paris
boots: Bertie via TK Maxx
It was only a matter of time before this top made another appearance, I can’t get enough of it! I actually wore this twice this week, once for a work evening out and then again yesterday for a freezing cold but utterly wonderful Sunday in town.
I am so over this weather, we’ve been lucky with no snow here but argh, SO COLD. It almost feels colder than most of the winter but I think it’s more that since it’s almost April we expect it to be a lot warmer!
At least this week is a short week (and next week too, yay!) I’m steeling myself for a manic one at work- a doctor’s surgery closing for two days appears to induce a mad panic in the general public. Bring it on I say! I’m looking forward to the Easter weekend with my brother home and time to relax.
Do you have any special plans?
Oh gawd, good luck with the surgery madness! I can imagine people getting unreasonably stroppy. When I used to work at Waitrose people would buy insane amounts of food just because we were closed for one day and shutting early on two others! Crazy!
I’m super looking forward to the days off, though – now that I have a new job I can enjoy bank holidays!
That jumper is brilliant – I want one!
Just to let you know, I’ve started a new blog over at incase you’re interested in following still 🙂 x
LOVE the jumper! (and the skirt and boots too <3) xo
I love your top! We have so much snow here it’s insane, but we made the most of it yesterday (if you can’t beat em, join em!) xx
ha that t shirt is ace!
That top is fab! Very you indeed xxx
It is awesome! I ordered the shirt for my mom yesterday, from Fab. I treated myself to an Orla Kiely mug though;)
This jumper is just too cute!
The Style Rawr – UK Fashion and Style Blog
Haha I think my cats would agree I could do with having that sweater too!
ahh love thisss top! crazy cat ladies UNITE! x
I love the jumper!
My special plans in include work work work work work. =( I have Saturday off and I am working the rest of the dayz!
Corinne x
I love your shoes Laura and hopefully the shorter week will temper the busy week you’ve got ahead. xxx
I love your “Crazy Cat Lady” top c/o Skip n Whistle, your Ax Paris skirt, your hair, eyes and makeup and most of all those fabulous poses.
I couldn’t agree more about the weather and the season. I’ll try my best to enjoy the brief beautiful Spring weather when it arrives. I haven’t made any Easter plans so far.
That top of yours is a real smile-maker. 😀
That top is AWESOME.
Hehe love that jumper! I’m really looking forward to Easter; I’m going back to Somerset for a few days then my friend is coming back up to London with me. Even after all that, I’ll still have another week off work… Working in a school is ace! xx
Love those boots! YES YES, I am so over winter. Can’t take this. too cold for far too long. I may have to leave, the heating bills are too much! I want to spend that money on clothes and makeup, boo! 🙂 Hope you have a good weekend. Yay for 4-day weekends! x
Ohhh… ABSOlutely stunning booties dear!!!And you’ve got a gorgeous blog too!!!
*Check out my blog to discover the Marilyn Monroe of the 21st century— I’ll be waiting for you!!! (We could followed each other by GFC, Bloglovin’ or Facebook)
Fanny J. ABSOmarilyn | The Marilyn Monroe of the 21st century
Both the boots and jumper are required in my wardrobe!
I’m looking forward to relaxing this weekend 🙂
Omg yes, it’s SO cold! I love this jumper xxx
Yeah, snow in March = I am not happy!
I lovelovelove that jumper though, it looks perfect and baggy and cosy! 🙂
I have to get that top it is awesome!
Loving the velvet boots! Such a cute look.
Ashleigh x
Doctor of Fashion
You work in a doctors surgery?! You must have so many stories!! I love this tee too, cat ladies together?!
E x
Your hair looks great
I love the color 🙂
also nice combinations!!
I love the sweatshirt its so cute..I think I need that x