Harry Potter at Paladone*

Items gifted by Paladone

Ever since the books launched I’ve had a soft spot for Harry Potter and his wizarding pals. Fifteen year old me named my black and ginger guinea pigs “Harry” and “Ron”, and whilst now, 17 years later I’m a bit more restrained in my love of these characters, it’s still very much there.

Gift brand Paladone have an amazing range of Harry Potted themed merchandise and very kindly allowed me to pick out a few pieces for myself. With Christmas rapidly approaching (I hate to say it, but it’s true) I thought this would be the opportune moment to start introducing some gift guide type posts.

Travel Card Holder, £5.99

I love this little travel card holder, and whilst I don’t have need of travel cards I’ve been using this to keep my most used bank cards handy on my lunch break when I don’t want to take my whole bag out with me. This is the perfect little stocking filler for any Harry Potter fan.

Hogwarts Travel Mug, £11.99

This travel mug is a lovely, grown up gift for Harry Potter fans and super useful. I collect travel mugs like I collect normal mugs- you can never have too many in my eyes. I love the burgundy colour and the proud Hogwarts crest.

Hogwarts Mug, £8.99

Sorry for the terrible photo, I really need to get a light box or something for photos as our house doesn’t lend itself to good lighting. You can still see how awesome this mug is though- designed like the travel mug with the Hogwarts crest, this is a great gift idea for grown up, and not so grown up Harry Potter fans and ideal for a restorative brew.

Paladone is a new to me absolute treasure trove for gifts and inspiration- make sure you’re following them on instagram too for all of their greatest releases.

Birthday Gift Ideas For Women*

There is nothing nicer than picking out a birthday present for someone that you are close to. Seeing the smile on their face when they open the gift you have bought them is a fantastic feeling, however, coming up with original gift ideas year after year can provide a stumbling block for even the keenest of shoppers. So, to give you a helping hand this article will provide you with some top birthday ideas for her.

Photo by Lumitar on Unsplash

Clutch bags

A clutch bag is a great option because it is an accessory which is solely focused on the look and design. You need not worry about practicability or whether the bag will go with an array of outfits. A clutch bag is used for special occasions and so you can go for something completely original and unique and order to ensure your present stands out.

Something personal

You are guaranteed to impress if you go for something personalised. There are so many different personalised gifts available today. All you need to do is look online and you will find everything from engraved glassware to unique wall art. However, if you want to think outside of the box, why not go for a personalised number plate? This website explains how to go about the process and the different options that are available.

Photo frames

A photo frame filled with a memory that you and the birthday girl have shared together is a great personal present which shows that you have put a lot of thought, time and effort into deciding what to buy the person receiving the gift. This is a great way to ensure that your present is not duplicated as the photo inside will be unique to you. Another really nice idea is some wall art that is personalised to her tastes.

An experience

Another option is to purchase an experience gift, which you can enjoy together or the recipient can enjoy with a loved one. From 30-minute flying lessons to afternoon tea, there are so many options, so you are bound to find something suitable.

Put together your own gift selection

This is a fantastic option if you want to be original and make an impression. You should buy a nice gift box and fill it with an array of goods which the person you are buying for will love. This is a much better alternative then buying a readymade hamper. Some of the things you should consider including are; scented candles, champagne, chocolates, a DVD, a CD and bath oils.

There are so many gifts available that are assured to make a great impression. However, sometimes a little inspiration is needed to spark off a fantastic gift idea. Hopefully this article will have provided you with some birthday ideas for her that have given you the answer to your present worries. 

Posted in gifts


Mother’s Day Inspiration from Newbridge Silverware*

[Post contains gifted items.]

With just a week to go until Mother’s Day I left it a bit late to be doing a gift guide, but some items are just worth sharing, and these beautiful pieces from Newbridge Silverware definitely fall in to that category.

Inside the beautiful blue boxes were two items that I instantly fell in love with, and these were just the tip of iceberg when it comes to what the company have to offer, as you’ll find out if you read on.
The silverplate bracelet with coloured stones* is a gorgeous piece that costs a very reasonable £38.00. I love the spiritual meaning behind it- designed to inspire and enhance creativity, emotion and intuition. I gifted this to my Aunt who is visiting from Holland at the moment and she absolutely loved it’s delicate beauty and the meaning behind it.
I was also sent the gold plated necklace version* which carries the same sentiment – it was almost impossible to get photos that do this piece justice but you can see much better on the website. This costs a very reasonable £43.00 and looks stunning when worn.
You’ll also find a whole host of other gorgeous giftware on the website, I’ve popped some pictures of some other favourites below to help inspire your choices. My Mum sadly can’t wear jewellery due to several metal allergies but there are plenty of other options available if you find yourself in a similar situation.
All products can be purchased online at www.newbridgesilverware.com at the showrooms at Newbridge Silverware, Co. Kildare (Ireland) or to find your nearest Newbridge Silverware stockist call 00 353 45 431301. You can also follow @newbridgesilverware to see all of the latest new products and lifestyle news stories.

Building the perfect gift*

With Mother’s Day creeping up on us (here in the UK at least), and the seemingly never-ending arrival of Birthdays and other gift-giving occasions there’s never a bad time to do a gift guide kind of post, especially not when it’s one where you can really give the personal touch. Nomination Bracelets are one such perfect gift, you can buy it for one celebration and then add to it for years to come; from Zodiac Charms to birthstones, quirky slogans and pretty prints, there is a something for everyone and every occasion- tell someone you love them, celebrate a special holiday or just let someone know you are thinking of them. I think these are perhaps more wearable than traditional charm bracelets as they sit flat on the wrist, some of my favourite picks for a Mother’s Day bracelet are below:
I’m really enjoying the Birthstone range as a starting point for any bracelet. Your birthstone is said to bring you luck, and each stone has a unique positive energy which is supposed to be transmitted to its wearer. I think it’s a lovely place to start. I’ve surrounded the Birthstone with other charms that represent my Mum and what she means to be; I’ve also included her zodiac sign, a cat (I inherited her crazy cat lady genes!), a couple of little reminders of what she means to be as well as some cute and quirky disc charms to give the bracelet some texture and provide random reminders of stupid conversations we’ve had and things we’ve experienced together.

I’m a firm believer in giving gifts with a personal touch and this is the perfect way in which to do. Every item is made in Italy, where the brand originates from and is made to the highest standards. Who would you build a bracelet for? Head over the website to discover more!

Hair Secretz Diamond Brush

So Laura, how often do you brush your hair?

Shamefully it took moving house to realise I didn’t own a hairbrush, it’s that infrequent! I appear to be one of the lucky few who can get away without it. Partly because my hair is often curled, but when I do wear it straight it just doesn’t seem to knot and I don’t get the dreaded bed head.

Still, every so often I do feel the urge to smarten up my act and stop using my fingers to style my hair each morning so I was quite excited to be sent the prettiest hairbrush I’ve ever seen from UK brand Hair Secretz

Featuring a sparkling Swarvoski crystal, the diamond brush is ready and waiting to take pride of place on your dressing table, or in your handbag.

Ergonomically designed to fit in to the palm of your hand (for maximum control), it also features three different length bristles so ensure it glides through even the most tangled of tresses.

Another winning feature of this brush is that the bristles can be lifted to reveal a diamond shaped mirror, ideal for styling on the go. The pod created by this design is conveniently the perfect place to stash hair ties or grips meaning no more scrabbling around to find one at the last minute; in my case they have mostly been stolen and chewed beyond all recognition by Pablo so this is just perfect.

The brush comes in a choice of three colour combinations: red/black, white/pink or blue/pink and costs £12.99

I’m delighted to have such a winning product in my possession, it delivers on both style and substance and would also make for a lovely gift.

Available on the Hair Secretz website, which also offers free UK delivery on all orders!

Product sent to me free of charge for blog consideration, I was under no obligation to write this post and all opinions expressed are my own.