Holiday Hair with Mark Hill

My hair and I never seem to get along in the summer months. The humidity levels in the UK, the sun and generally being outside more make me what can only be described as a walking ball of frizz and I seem to be in a constant battle to keep my hair tamed. I was lamenting this fact on twitter the other week when the friendly folk at Mark Hill offered to come to my rescue by sending me some of their “Holiday Hair” range of products, desperate to feel a bit more confident with my unruly mane I very hastily accepted their kind offer!
I’ve used a lot of sea salt sprays* in my time and was genuinely impressed with the lasting power of this one as I used it once before a weekend away in Devon and my waves stayed well, wavy until I next washed my hair which is nothing short of a miracle. The dry shampoo* was also lovely and refreshing. It’s a toss up for top spot really between this and my beloved Batiste but I know I’d definitely buy this again as the can is the perfect size for stashing in a weekend bag and I loved the smell and the fact it left behind no residue on my hair. It gets added bonus points for making me forget I was potentially carrying half a beach in my hair for most of the weekend.
The shampoo* and conditioner* come in a handy 50ml tube perfect for travelling light. I’ve used each of these once with impressive results but don’t want to comment too much on their powers until after my week in Spain later in the year which is guaranteed to put them through their paces a lot more than one day of glorious sunshine down in Devon. My hair does feel lovely and soft after using these though and they look lovely and tropical sat in the bathroom (yeah, I’m a sucker for nice packaging!)
The serum* in this range has become my new secret weapon against frizzy hair this summer. I popped some on after washing my hair on a Friday morning before heading down to the sea side and two days later there was still barely a hint of frizz whereas usually I’d be desperately searching for a hair tie and a hat in attempt to exercise damage limitation. For any frizz prone ladies out there I’d definitely recommend this and at £6.49 I think it’s a bargain as it holds it’s own far better than products I’ve used that have cost twice the price. The cover up spray* came with me to the beach and seemed to make my hair feel less straw like than usual on the one really hot day we had, again I think this is another product best tested in sunnier climes but I have high hopes for this one too.
There are still some products in the range I’m itching to try, I’ll be picking up the anti-humidity spray next time I’m in town as I think that this and the serum combined will be an un-stoppable force in the fight against frizz. Let me know if you’ve tried any of these products and what you thought of them, or if you have any other advice for keeping hair sleek and smooth this summer.


Summer Hair Care from Allcures *infographic*

It’s a well known fact that Summer weather can be harsh on your hair. I don’t even have to leave the country for mine to start getting dry and ratty. Add in a week away in the sun with chlorine and sea salt to contend with and I’m a walking birds nest. That’s why, when I saw this infographic from allcures featuring some new to me tips for keeping your hair in top condition I couldn’t resist sharing.
I’m not sure I can stomach oysters any time soon but I tend to forget that what you eat can have a positive impact on every part of your body…pass me the carrots and kale!

I tend to wash my hair more in the Summer than in the Winter months so it was interesting (and somewhat alarming) to read that it should be the other way around. In my defense I do use less heat styling when the weather is hotting up but I think some re-thinking of my washing regime is needed. Likewise on the oil front. For some reason my hair gets greasier from May-September so adding oil in seemed counter-productive; any recommendations for something light?

How do you care for your hair in the Summer months? My split ends are crying out for your answers.


New Hair Hero Products

I know, a hair care post on this blog is even rarer than a beauty one (no, I don’t quite class them as the same thing!). I’ve been trying to take better care of my hair lately, having made the switch from my natural waves to a straighter style I had started to notice it becoming a little bit frazzled from the heat.

I was recently contacted by the team over at to see if they could help out with any hair or beauty problems, so I mentioned my fried locks and then sat back awaiting a miracle.

I wasn’t disappointed when two new products were delivered to my door, the team picked well when it came to solving my hair woes and things are already feeling in a lot better condition than they were a few weeks ago.

The first product was the most repair revival cream from KMS California which is a leave in conditioner that promises to restore the moisture balance within your hair. After just two uses of this product my hair was really feeling the benefit, no longer afraid it might snap off it looked healthier and felt much, much softer to the touch. Previously I never thought of spending £13.50 on a hair product but this will be part of my regular routine from here on out.

The second little miracle worker was a heat protection spray from KeraStraight. Again this has gone straight on the regular use list, cost aside. I’ve been on the hunt for a decent heat protection spray for years but have never found one I really loved. From the first use of this I knew I was on to a winner- with shiny, sleek hair with no fried ends after my (somewhat amateur) attempts at styling my hair this has well earned it’s £19.00 price tag.
What hair products do you know you can always rely on? One thing I have learnt from my forays in to hair and beauty posts is that it often is quality over quantity where my hair is concerned. I always find that my hair responds best to the higher end products than it does to cheaper ones- and I need to use far less, meaning lazy old me gets less build up and therefore doesn’t need to wash her hair as often! Now, if only I could become a wash and go girl my life would be complete…


Cat out of Hell

It’s been at least a couple of weeks since I last featured cat themed clothing on the blog- I can’t have my reputation as a cat lady slip so I thought I’d better rectify things sooner rather than later with today’s post…

Dress: River Island via ASOS | Blouse: Monki via ASOS | Boots: Miista

I can’t even remember the last time I wore this blouse, I was drawn in by the cat print (of course!) forgetting that I really am not a shirt or blouse kind of girl! Still, I can’t bring myself to get rid of it so decided that I’d best make an effort to get a few wears out if it at least- I’m having a major declutter of my life at the moment and anything un-worn for more than 3 months is heading to e-bay or the charity shops/clothes bank. Half of my battle with blouses is knowing HOW to wear them, they remind me so much of school uniform that I have some kind of mental block. I think I did ok with this leather look pinafore though, and my beloved (bargain) Miista boots that are quite possibly my favourite shoes ever.

My hairs looking a bit out of control in these photos, it’s got so long all of a sudden and I’m at a real loss as to what to do with it. I can’t afford to go and get it cut and coloured at the moment, and even if I could I don’t want to just go for the same old thing. Leave me some suggestions below, perhaps I’ll sell enough of my unworn items to splash out and go wild on a brand new ‘do!


Chocolate Shampoo? I’m a fan!

One thing I love about blogging is that I am fortunate enough to get to try products that would otherwise pass me by. I’ve been introduced to many brilliant companies and have found a lot of new staple products that I’ve re-purchased time and time again. I’ve just added another product to that list, the Chocolate Shampoo and Conditioner (yes, you read that right!) from Faith in Nature.
When Faith in Nature contacted me and asked if I’d like to try a couple of their products I couldn’t help but opt for this sweet sounding set of hair care. With it’s blend of organic Cocoa and Vanilla blended with Sage it sounded right up my street, and I’ve been in dire need of some new products for a while.

At £5.50 per bottle the price is comparable to other Shampoo and Conditioners on the market and I like that these are organic and natural as despite bombarding my hair with dye and heat I do otherwise like to keep it as chemical free as possible.

Now, don’t go expecting these to smell like a bar of Dairy Milk because they don’t! But they do have a familiar and rich smell of chocolate (that makes me hungry every time I wash my hair). I have found in the past that natural products don’t leave my hair feeling as clean as standard shampoos and conditioners but that wasn’t the case with these, and after a couple of washes my hair was starting to feel normal again after a bout of struggling with somewhat dry and frazzled strands. Far from being a novelty with it’s confectionary based smell these are products that I really rate, it’s ages since my hair has felt this clean and soft and I put a large part of that down to regular use of these two bottles. They are already added to my re-purchase list, along with the refreshing sounding Pineapple and Lime range. I might just stick a few body care items on the list for good measure- I mean I’m majorly feeling then need to match my shower gel to my shampoo at the moment, how can a day start wrong when you’re washing yourself in something so sweet smelling? Chocolate is an instant mood fix for me, in the food form and that’s now transferred over to my shower habits too!

Have you tried any Faith in Nature products before? Which would you recommend?
