A Good Old Bean.

Confession…I did not participate in any Royal Wedding Celebrations. Yes, I drooled over the dress, but that was about it. I think I was so over-saturated with the hype that I let the big day pass me by (and I admit now, I regret it).
I thought it unlikely that anything Royal Wedding related would catch my attention, but forgot the power of Twitter and my friends over at Bean Cellar.
You see,
they tweeted that they were munching on Royal Wedding themed jelly beans. I replied in disgust, that I had no jelly beans (I have a serious addiction) and seconds later I had an e-mail, and a couple of days later I have this.

Genius. Utter genius.

For those who don’t know, Bean Cellars are a website dedicated to all things jelly bean! Their quirky bottles of beans make the perfect present for all occasions and you can also buy by the flavour (right up to 4.5kg which is like, a weeks supply, right?)
The prices are fantastic, starting at £2.99 for a bottle of individual flavour beans.

Is there any better way to thank a friend?

Or say Happy Birthday?

My flavour of choice. I know, I’m in the minority here but OH MY SO GOOD!

Check out the shop for the full range of gifts. What’s your flavour?


P.S. Bean Cellars did not ask me to write this post. I’m doing it because I love them and I LOVE jelly beans.

Live for the (long weekend)

The best thing about the impending Royal Nuptials? The two day work week! Wahey…Tuesdays are my day off, so I only have to be in Wednesday and Thursday. Unfortunately we have a new system launch on Thursday, which is also my birthday and we’re going to be working flat out to provide our usual standard of service, so there won’t be much celebrating going on (8am start, 6/7pm finish, no thanks!)…however, the next day being “that” day means I have have belated celebrations with the people that matter most; and maybe crash a few street parties!

Anyhow, I’m getting ahead of myself. First we need to finish this long weekend, and it will be done in chilled out lazy style.
Yesterday I barely moved off my ass, which was hugely satisfying. Today I predict more of the same, perhaps interjected with a trip to Tesco for essentials; girl cannot live on Easter goods alone (as much as she’d like to try)

Easter Haul!


Sadly that bag did not hold the Prestat egg of my dreams, but it did contain sweets and eggs of the miniature variety!


For the first time in years I was willing and able to take part in some Easter eating


(little steps Laura, little steps)

And cover my blisters in truly epic plasters


I’ll be 24 going on 4.

Today I’ve ditched the floral dresses for my “jazzy trousers”




For all you Haviana fangirls out there, I’m A CONVERT. My feet are so grateful


((I hate feet))

I leave you with cuteness


And wishes for an awesome extra day off


P.S. vote vote vote.

The Best Things

This has been a good weekend. Fact. Today has barely started but I can just tell it’s gonna be a good ‘un.

Yesterday involved:

– sunshine (mainly)

– a picnic in Castle Park with one of my best friends who amazes me more and more each time I see her.

– realising how much I LOVE life.

– getting an early birthday present, and it being exactly what I NEED/had been wanting to buy.


(thank you again Becca!)

– Barry M crackle polishes on two for £5 in Boots. Well, it’d be rude not to


– Laughing like a maniac on the bus home because of a flurry of text messages involving a very random in joke.

– Having to go back out to hold Mum’s hand as she took her car to the car wash. The fact she’s scared of it really makes me smile!

– The return of Britains Got Talent!

Today involves:

– More sunshine!

– Spending time with Trudi who I don’t see enough of any more

– Also seeing my grandparents, with Trudi, because she is family.

– Granny shorts




Vintage Laura Ashley random ebay purchase. Thankfully verrry cheap!

– People! All of you people who make me laugh, entertain me on twitter, leave gorgeous comments and take my BBM virginity!

What has made your weekend great?


The Random Sunday Post

Wow, has it not been an utterly gorgeous weekend so far? Yesterday was pretty good, Mum and I popped in to work for training that wasn’t to be
(oh yes, our super new computer system that launches on my birthday apparently doesn’t work at weekends…which is fine, ya know, we all need time off BUT we run a Saturday surgery!) Fail.

Beside that, it did mean Mum and I had longer in town. I feel a bit sorry for Mum, she had to deal with my PMS-y irritability and my “oh my god, crowds, heat, I might pass out” tendencies (Becca, I’m hoping this passes by next weekend, I wouldn’t inflict that on you darling!). Despite my…quirks, we had an ace time. It wasn’t toooo busy anywhere except Primark, and really, we should have known better!

I managed to score a dress in River Island that I’d wanted to buy via ASOS at £39.99 in the sale for £20…one left. My size. Thanks. I also grabbed a dress and a few random bits in Primark…but I think mainly I bought non clothes things!


A duvet, £8 in Primark! I’ve never bought myself a duvet before (haa) so this was a novel experience for me. Oh and Paperchase, how I love that store. Dinky cup, snacky box and pen…I needed none of them, but could not leave without.

Other highlights this week;


Suprise post from Matalan! who also sent along a copy of their swimwear look book. I don’t *do* swimwear but still found plenty so hanker after. Ohh and penpal letters. I <3 my penpals.


My favourite piece.



The weather…the glorious weather. It’s making me hyper. I just love it.




Cath Kidston Uniqlo tee. This delights me. Mum treated us to one each on payday. I want them all! The length and fit is perfect.

Thankfully the downsides this week have been few and far between. I am laying the blame for anything negative on hormones. Next time round I’m coming back as a man.

How has your week been?


Are you a flip flop snob?

I could actually date the origins of this post back to last Summer, where I was once again bemoaning the demise of my £1 Primark flip flops after only a couple of days.
Previously I had never thought of flip flops as something worth investing in…I mean surely foam and plastic were one and the same no matter what the price?

I got mixed responses, some people, like me simply replaced the cheap pair with another cheap pair (I easily spent £20 doing this, and the rest!)
The others swore by Havianas, lasting them all Summer and beyond making them worth the price tag.

Enthused by this news I ordered two (pink and black, because I couldn’t decide) of Havianas, although I am yet to wear them because face it…it’s hardly flip flop weather outside right now…and by this point it was the end of last Summer and time to move on to more covered shoes.
I’m looking forward to breaking in these pillows of heaven (if hype is to be believed) and apparently saving myself time and money in not constantly having to replace…
but is this true?
Have I been suckered in, or are these really superior footwear? I don’t give harsh wear to my flip flops…a quick trip to the shops, or pottering around the house and garden is about my limit, so I’ll admit my hopes are high.
What is your experience?

Here are some styles catching my eye right now!

My classic black pair, still sat pristine inside the box waiting for warmer days (blue feet are SO last season)

I really like the FIT style, they look like a comfier alternative to gladiator type sandals that kill my feet, and yet I still insist on wearing!

Silver…because everyone’s feet need a bit of bling (except mine which fail to turn even the slightest bit golden in the Summer and therefore metallic make them look like corpse feet)

This is the other pair I have. I’m a girly girl who loves pink, and when I find the perfect slouchy jeans I plan to wear these with pride.

opinions wanted! Have I wasted my money,
will I be left sobbing on my way to Primark to hand over my last £1 for some emergency replacements
or am I right in thinking it’s ok to become a bit of a flip flop snob?

I’d also like to know where you get your old faithfuls from.
