
I bought this collared jumper quite a while ago now from New Look but hadn’t got round to wearing it. I get like that with new buys sometimes, I want to make sure the time is “right” and on Monday it kind of felt like that time had come. I teamed it with the bargainous tall skater skirt which is some comfortable and flattering I shall be buying at least one other colour.
On my feet I had these Clarks loafer/slipper shoes, ideally I’d have heeled boots on but as we are all well aware by now (sorry!) that just isn’t possible; spot the chubby foot!

I have my physio assessment today, I hope something comes of it. I’m also really glad the weekend is in sight, it hasn’t been the very best of weeks and I could do with a few extra hours in bed at the very least!

Do you have any quirks when it comes to new clothes? I have far too many pieces still with tags, my mission is to wear them and sell on the old. I think I’ll feel more like wearing things when I can finish outfits off with proper footwear.

(Don’t forget my Amara giveaway)


P.S. big shout out to the lovely ladies on Twitter last night, super interesting conversation going on!

P.P.S. Have just re-read this post and it’s really badly written, sorry!

13 comments for “collared

  1. Loving tipped collars at the moment, will have to get myself some!
    Will keep my fingers crossed for you at your physio, hope all goes well x

  2. Hey Laura,

    Saw your comment on twitter about comments going down. I just wanted to say that I load up your blog and read it on the tube ever morning, hence the lack of comments from me. But I do read everyday and love it 🙂

    Think you are doing amazingly. I know how hard it is. It is so easy to focus on what we perceive as negative changes. But there are so many positives that I have been noticing recently. Things that I never thought would be possible are slowwwwlllly changing.

    Love and hugs xxxx

  3. I do like this outfit, the collar tips are really cute, I have a collar clip brooch which I am really not sure what to wear with..

  4. Definitely put the old stuff you want to sell up on here, I hate my entire wardrobe at the mo and you have some fabulous stuff, would probably buy a load off you! x

  5. Love the detailing on that collar, I’m the same with new clothes I’ve been shopping recently so I’ve got several things with the tags on that I’m just waiting for the right time to wear xoxo

  6. The little detailing on the collar is major cute!x

  7. Such a lovely outfit – the shirt is great, and I love the pop of colour from your shoes as well. Hope you are holding up ok xx

  8. Love the collar on your shirt, also adore those leopard print shoes! x

  9. I saw your tweets yesterday too. Your blog is one of my faves and I have been reading for ages and ages! You’re not doing anything wrong, keep up with all the good work you’re doing, Laura! x

  10. Love this outfit, especially the collar, plus we are shoe twins! 😀

    Maria xxx

  11. I always seem to hoard my new clothes away for as long as possible before wearing them just to keep their newness!. I love the shirt and the slipper shoes. I prefer flats most of the time.

  12. Lovely collar… well lovely outfit all together! Hope your assessment went well!

  13. LOVE that collar. This looks like a super stylish school uniform. I hope your foot is feeling better!! My knees have given way at the moment, it sucks not being able to wear heels dosn’t it!xx