
Well done miss “I Need More Clothes“…a.k.a. gorgeous Eloise, you are the lucky winner of the giveaway with Very!
I don’t know what I’m more jealous of, those gorgeous undies or all those sweets!
Thank you to everyone who took part, I love hosting giveaways! There’s still time to enter the For Your Eyes Only one, and watch this space as I plan to hold plenty more!

6 comments for “Congratulations!

  1. Well done Elose you jammy girl!

  2. Congrats to Eloise!

  3. Oooh so excited!! Thanks for emailing me too Laura! I shall reply when I’m not running around with wet hair, cannot wait to scar down some chocolates!

  4. Yo Eloise you little lucky egg! WHOOOOP!

  5. Well done Eloise!!! šŸ™‚
