cranberry crush

Dress- A Wear, Tights- Boots, Shoes- Poetic License via TK Maxx, Necklace- EssBeeVee’s etsy

Over the last couple of months I have gone from owning nothing in pink to loads in pink…finally I’m turning in to a girl, or something like that.
Actually, the label proclaims this dress “Cranberry” but with a price tag of Β£5 a couple of days before the A Wear shop in Bristol closed down, I wasn’t going to argue that it looked more pink to me.

How cute is this necklace? Made by the gorgeous Sarah, you can get your own in her Etsy shop, I bought one for a friend and she very kindly sent me one too….Sarah, have I told you lately that I love you?

What do we think of the new header? A lovely girl named Katie created it for me, but I won’t say any more than that right now as there is a blog post dedicated to her coming up in the very near future; we go way back!

Friday is finally here. Have a Crunchie and get ready for the weekend.

((if you don’t get the Crunchie thing then we can’t be friends, sorry))


38 comments for “cranberry crush

  1. I LOVE this outfit! The colour really suits you πŸ™‚ and goes perfectly with the tights xxx
    P.S. Also lovin’ the header – i’m looking forward to your blog post on Katie.

  2. Love the new header! =)
    Can’t believe that dress was only Β£5, it’s ideal for work or going out! x

  3. Best necklace ever! Also loving the header – more PINK! It’s a Kit-Kat for me, can’t be doing with Crunchies. They’re too crunchy.

  4. Gorgeous necklace – also at Β£5, you’d be mad to argue with more pink!!
    – Love the new header too! xx

  5. Yay! Was a pleasure to create the new header πŸ™‚ Also, it matches the “cranberry” dress. It’s a win win situation πŸ˜›

    I’m planning to have a peanut butter kit kat chunky today… sorry Crunchiies *hangs head in shame*

  6. I picked up a load of dresses from A wear when it was shutting down πŸ˜€ x

  7. Love that dress, at Β£5 you can’t go wrong, I love snapping up bargains in closing down sales xxx

  8. A fiver?! Amazing bargain there Laura!

  9. Love the colour of the dress, it looks gorgeous with the purple tights πŸ™‚ x

  10. So cute, I love the colour it suits you so well xoxo

  11. Love these colours!

  12. Thank crunchie it’s Friday! Are you doing nice things this weekend?

    Love the colours, I’m not really a pink girl either usually but it’s lovely here and there xx

  13. The pink dress suits you very well! The neckless is so cute! Love it! Great header as well!

    Β You can enter our Romwe giveaway here

  14. Definitely love the new blog header, also really love the v necked backing [is that a correct term?!] to that dress! I have tattoos there too and I love them getting a glimpse of fresh air!

  15. Kate

    New header = fab x

  16. Cranberry or pink, who cares when it looks that good and is a fiver? Really like it. The necklace is also super sweet.

  17. Thank Crunchie it’s Friday indeed!!! You look fab in “cranberry” x

  18. J.

    The header is great, good choice!!

  19. A great colour combo! Love it together πŸ™‚ also the new header is very pretty xx

  20. love the new header, very you!
    The dress and tights colour combo is lovely x

  21. I love the cranberry colour with the purple tights! The necklace is mega cute too πŸ™‚ x

  22. The colour suits you so much! Have a lovely weekend lady πŸ™‚ xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  23. I love the colour of the dress! looking good <3


  24. I get the Crunchie thing but I don’t like them!!! Please don’t hate me!
    Wow, you found Poetic license in TK Maxx. Why oh why are there such MINGING shoes in there in size 8- seriously unfair!
    I love the new header!!! Can Katie make me one too please?!

  25. Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I LOVE the colour of your dress, it’s gorgeous. xx

  26. Oh I love this colour combination a lot! Oh man, Crunchies are ACE! I like them crushed and sprinkled on ice cream…yummers!

  27. I really like the shade of this dress and the header is gorgeous Laura. And have I told you lately that you have fabulous taste in jewellery? xxx

  28. Wow I can’t believe you found such a gorgeous dress at that price! That is a perfect color combination, and I agree, it does look a bit more pink than cranberry!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend! πŸ™‚

    sorelle in style

  29. Hi,

    i love your red dress!!! it looks good on you and your hair looks great especially on skin tone color like your’s which is fair…

    Rebecca @

  30. I love the dress, the back is so pretty, such a bargain too!

    The new header looks great xx

  31. Love the new header and the dress looks fab with the coloured tights.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog, I must admit I don’t feel 40 I still feel 25 lol xx

  32. i lvoe the back of the dress πŸ™‚

  33. I love love love your new header, and your gorgeous pink dress too!

  34. I love that colour on you! You look really elegant πŸ™‚

  35. Arghhh, need those shoes in my life! xx

  36. *LOVE*. And I love a dipped back. Sexy but subtle.
