What Katie Drew

So, by now you’ve all seen my new header, right? It was created by the wonderful Katie who In her own words says:
“I’m an illustrator & designer based in NE England.  I was born in Edinburgh and studied animation before choosing to focus on illustration. I’m currently in my third and final year of Illustration & Design at Sunderland University and i’m looking forward to graduating and getting out into the big wide world”

Her work includes these stunning animal creations, including the cutest kitty pet portrait (when we get a new cat, I’m totally commissioning her)

Katie’s talents don’t stop there though…she created these gorgeous pictures for my blog as well as my new header, which I challenged her to do with very vague ideas of what I actually wanted!

This sketch is by Katie’s equally talented friend, Jamie.

Fancy some artwork of your own? Katie has an etsy shop; although currently it is fairly empty, this is going to change, soon!

You can also drop her an e-mail on katiedraws.hello(at)gmail.com with specific requests…she’s really very friendly so don’t be shy!

What do you think? I’ve never been drawn before so it was surreal to see myself in a 2D form. A massive thank you to Katie; I promise not to pester you too much!


((if you have a talent you’d like to see up on the blog, drop me an e-mail- adaisychaindream(at)googlemail.com))

28 comments for “What Katie Drew

  1. amazing artwork. the header is gorgeous, very ethereal.
    loving the illustrations of you & your outfit picks – she really captured your spirit.

    great post x

  2. I agree with Taffetaramblings.. amazing artwork!

  3. It’s so gorgeous I’ve actually emailed Katie now to see what she can do for me 🙂 thanks for the tip! X

  4. Wow such gorgeous sketches, I love your new header.

  5. Love the new header! Her artwork is lovely, favouriting her Etsy page 🙂 xx

  6. Her work is gorgeous 🙂 Love your new header, the colours are beautiful.

    My friend does lovely illustrations, hmm I might have to tempt her to do some for my blog 🙂 x

    sweet monday

  7. Amazing header!I adore it!Extremely cute!!!

  8. Her work is amazing- she’s so talented! xx

  9. I lovelovelove the header! Its so beautiful, it reminds me of a pattern you would wear on a dress 🙂
    Katie is really talented.

  10. D.

    I like the new header!

  11. Wow she’s done some amazing work!

  12. Love it! I did Art and Design at Sunderland Uni and did a few modules of illustration too, I’m wondering if I might know Katie, will have to check her out!

  13. such a talent! I love all her work.
    Love the sketch of you, so good!

  14. Oh what a talented illustrator. I love when bloggers collaborate with illustrators to create beautiful headers. Amazing work. xx

  15. Je me suis agréablement promenée dans votre blog et je m’octroierai une prochaine visite… Gros bisous

  16. Je me suis agréablement promenée dans votre blog et je m’octroierai une prochaine visite… Gros bisous

  17. The new header is gorgeous!!! I love it x

  18. Wow! I already looked at her website which I loved but this is great! She’s got your facial expression down to a tee!!!! Beautiful pictures, especially the yellow dress one!

  19. Fantastic! An artful “Daisy Chain” for your header! Are those daisies on the tights Katie drew? Lovely drawings.

  20. These illustrations are gorgeous! I’ll definitely be making a trip to her Etsy shop in the near future and I’m glad my Zen post relaxed you. Swimming is a favourite past-time of mine. xxx

  21. I love illustration so much, I am always drawn to quirky sketches and I love this girls work, very talented indeed xxx

  22. Kb

    Amazing new heady, it really suits the blog. She’s captured you perfectly too!

  23. wow i love her style and thanks for the birthday wishes 🙂

  24. She’s so talented! Loving the new blog header. xx

  25. Great work. Stuff like this always reminds me to paint more

    Bright Green Laces

  26. Aww, the header looks great! Really suits the blog. x

  27. I love your new header, it’s just perfect 🙂