crazy for co-ords

If you follow my twitter you might have seen my vague ramblings about actually really rather liking the co-ord trend that’s knocking about at the moment. I’m yet to invest though, as most of the prints I’ve loved have involved a body-con skirt, or a cropped top, or both and those things just aren’t me at the best of times let alone when sporting something so bold. It seems though that I might have found the perfect trio of sets that will see me take the plunge when I’m ever a) able to narrow it down and b) actually be able to afford to shop again! Behold…
These sets are all from new to me shop, Wishbone who have a seriously covetable catalogue of pieces available. After much time spent browsing, and adding things to my virtual basket only to have to empty it again, I picked these three sets (or six individuals) as my co-ord shortlist.
Sadly for me, Wishbone does not run cheap, each piece I’ve picked is around the £50-£80 mark, so the cost of each set is double that, eek! Still, I’m trying to be more about quality over quantity and one day, when I’m not on a spending ban one day and raiding Primark the next I’ll save up some pennies and invest.
Which set would you choose? Have you taken on the co-ord trend? Link me to your outfits below!


5 comments for “crazy for co-ords

  1. I love the top right set! 🙂 x

  2. I love co-ords, they’re so versatile! New Look have some cute, cheaper alternatives although these are SO lovely! x

    Josie’s Journal

  3. I like them but probably won’t be buying as they’re expensive everywhere! X

  4. I absolutely love co-ords at the moment but sadly I don’t own one yet! Love love love the one in the top right, gorgeous picks!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

  5. Not sure about whirring them together, but as separates I love the green set and polka dots!
    Two Hearts One Roof