December’s Snapshots

Never want to take this Asda George dressing gown off. Snuggly AND Disney? I’m in heaven.

Mum crammed one of these in my stocking, far too excited!

Mae joined in on the advent calendar action.

Best cushion in the world, fact.

Sally arranged a get well campaign for my poorly back, this was just one of the amazing parcels sent by a blogger.

More sweets! My body is on a constant sugar high.

December is always glitter eyeliner month. My collection…I swear I used to have more.

A gorgeous gift from my Grandad. It reminds me of my Nan so much.

More jewellery, this time from Guess. I love this!

Another sugary parcel with added CATS!

Owl print duvet from Primark. As you can see, I’m a little owl mad.

Our postman was kept very busy during December.

Mae’s standard look of contempt.

Blogging fuel.

My little Christmas crew.

No such thing as too much sparkle in December.

Our modest little tree.

Mae was terrified of this toy. I don’t know why I waste my money.

These two are total frenemies. Usually Mae is found running away from Ben as fast as she can.

Safe to say I did!

Good hair day.

Hates toys yet spends an hour in a carrier bag. 

Mum made me snap a picture of these which I bought her as she is obsesed with the damn game!

I was too excited to find these in Asda!

We got Tobias in to the Christmas spirit.

He broke in to a bag of treats then collapsed in to a cat-food coma.

Random selfie.

Never too old!

Festive treat from a Canadian pal.

Daisy necklace from my Brother, he has good taste!

Loved this from Monster Sweets.


FINALLY back to work!

Another epic stocking filler from Mum.

As you can see, I didn’t get out much in December. Here’s to a more sociable new year!

9 comments for “December’s Snapshots

  1. You really have had a sweet December! Glad you are back in action and able to work again. Here’s to a great 2014 🙂

  2. Great blog! Nice pictures!
    Have a Happy New Year <3

  3. Love that owl necklace! Hope you have a great time this evening and a marvellous 2014!

  4. So many sweets! And cats! And owls! It’s like a montage of my favourite things, xxx

  5. Happy New Year 2014 Laura, hope it’s sweetie filled and joyous! You’re looking pretty damn hot with the red hair in December madam!

  6. Love these pics; looks like a perfect December 🙂

    Ha, aww I love how Mae is so keen on the ASDA bag, at least she’s keeping it real huh?!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year & an even happier 2014 xo

    Sophie xo soinspo

  7. Vix

    Happy New Year, Laura! Hope is wonderful for you! x

  8. Looks like a pretty good December! Love the blue glittery bow with yor hair colour – such a great colour combination! Happy 2014!

  9. Our cats never were into cat toys (at least proper cat toys aside from paper bags and my hair ties) until our neighbour gave us a spare Cats Meow toy – it’s the first toy they constantly play with once we turn it on!

    Have a wonderful new year!