Dream in Pastel

Blouse c/o Apricot
Skirt: Zara
Shoes c/o Shoe Zone
Back to work after a glorious Bank Holiday weekend, Spring may have taken it’s time arriving but that just makes the sunshine all the more appreciated. Most of my weekend was spent chilling with the boy and catching up on rest after last week’s adventures, I feel refreshed and ready to take on just about anything (you can quote me on that at the end of the week!)
I featured this blouse a few weeks ago on a wish list post and Apricot kindly sent me one of my own. It’s such a pretty piece although very sheer for day time…there’s potential for a slightly more revealing evening look there too!
These wedges are an absolute bargain at £12.99 and so, so comfortable. I went up a size as I’ve found Shoe Zone’s shoes do come up a little small and I can see myself properly living in these come the time for bare legs (and when I eventually put away the A/W clothes and bring out the summer dresses!)
I hope everyone had a brilliant Bank Holiday whatever you did…
got up to something exciting? Spill the beans here…

23 comments for “Dream in Pastel

  1. Ohmygosh, hun… i LOVE those shoes!!!!
    ive started to feel all summery now, getting out of the chunky jumpers and phasing into pretty tops and stuff 🙂

    It all serves as a reminder that if i want to be able to enjoy summer, i need to REALLY take recovery seriously now, no more uhmming and ahhing.

    Hope you enjoyed the bank holiday… how amazing that we ACTUALLY had good weather, thats almost unheard of for a UK bank hol!!! xx

  2. oooh, love those floral wedges very much x

  3. I love love love your wedges!
    The blouse is pretty to 😀

    Kelly || DayDreamsDaisyChains.com

  4. Such an adorable outfit! x

  5. That blouse is really pretty, such a yummy colour 🙂


  6. very great shoes, and the blue of the skirt is fantastic, thanks for the post

    Lolo Concept

  7. Pretty wedges indeed. I’m not even sure if we still have a Shoe Zone.

  8. I remember seeing this on your blog, I didn’t think it would be so sheer! It looks lovely on though 🙂 perfect for this sun we’ve been having! xx

  9. You look major cute and love those shoes!x

  10. You look lovely! I love the blouse and the summery wedges. Perfect outfit for summer!

    Em x

  11. Those wedges are beautiful and such a great bargain!

  12. Look at you, gorgeous lady! Glad you had a fab weekend, sooo happy that we had a bit of sun xxx

  13. love love loveeeee the shoes hun!!! I just got out of hospital after 4 months and am back in the blogging world with a new blog! Missed u!!!! x

  14. I’m afraid I had a really boring bank holiday feeling poorly but I appreciated the sunshine nevertheless 🙂

    This is such a pretty look! Loving the lace blouse and the lovely floral print on those shoes.

    Florrie x

  15. I love pastels, the best shades of colours 😉 <3
    you look stunning ! ! ! !


  16. Such a lovely outfit, that shirt is so pretty 🙂 xx

  17. ahh that blouse is so delicate and pretty! xx

  18. You look lovely! I love the blouse and the summery wedges. Perfect outfit for summer!

  19. Has been hard going getting back into work after the bank hols. We went camping in Weymouth. I really love that pretty blouse. Hoping for more sunshine so that you get the chance to wear those pretty shoes again!

  20. I love those wedges! Who knew Shoe Zone had such loveky shoes x

  21. Those shoes are absolutely darling, I would have never ever guessed they were from Shoe Zone! xxx

  22. Ooh that blouse is lovely, been after one like that!

    Karys x