fading out

Zara floral dress, New Look tights, Boots via Spartoo.

Worn for a fairly pointless Saturday really, I really should learn to plan better as I had potential to get so much done and yet watched the hours pass by on the clock. I’ll be glad to see the back of January on Tuesday, I’m sure the name of the month itself brings about a disposition to feel down in the dumps.

How has your weekend turned out so far?


44 comments for “fading out

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful! Love that dress! xx

  3. Lovely outfit, especially with those boots.

  4. Your dress looks absolutely gorgeous, very feminine <3

  5. What a beautiful dress, love the pattern and the length! Very romantic and paired with those boots it looks great!

  6. Oh wow, you look lovely and these photos are so pretty!

  7. Gorgeous dress and the light coming throught your window makes the shots extra pretty.

  8. Ah Laura, I super super love you in these long dresses, you look amazing! xx

  9. great combination 🙂

  10. That dress is just lovely 🙂 x

  11. Une robe tout en douceur…
    Ne vous désespérez pas Demoiselle printemps prépare son arrivée dans nos coeurs…
    Gros bisous

  12. Wow that dress looks beautiful on you xxx

  13. such a beautiful dress. you wear it so well!
    Roll on tuesday, for fun february!x

  14. Love that you paired that dress with bright tights!

  15. I love this outfit, nice and grungy! xx

  16. Absolutely love this dress, you look amaze. Xx

  17. I can’t wait for the end of January too. Hope the rest of your weekend is good 🙂 xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  18. Oh wow, you just look so effortless and beautiful in that dress, it looks so gorgeous xoxo

  19. Love that outfit! I’m with you on the January thing, I hate this month can’t wait for it to be over!

  20. Me too… The openly thing I won’t like about January disappearing is the fact that it means I am another year older as February hits…

    X x

  21. I adore how the tights match your hair! x

  22. That’s a lovely dress. Love floral patterns.

  23. This dress looks fab with those boots!
    My weekend has been pretty productive, which more than makes up for a lost w/e last week after a party on Friday night…
    I started with a treat – a hot stone back massage, I’d recommend it as a great way to start any day!

  24. Love how you’ve dressed down the dress with those boots!

  25. Lovely dress, very jealous that I probably wouldn’t be able to pull it off! Xx

  26. Mat

    surprisingly i’ve had quite a nice january but he’s to a better next one for you

  27. Gorgeous floral dress!

    I’ve been down in the dumps myself with the main respite being getting to watch my favourite television show “Nikita” Friday night and occasional comments from other bloggers.

    I’ve been hoping my spirits will lift some by Groundhog Day (2nd of February). Do you observe Groundhog Day in the U.K. ? Have you seen the movie by that title? Just curious. Looking forward to Spring – my favourite season. Floral patterns remind me of Spring.

  28. I love the dress with these shoes!!

  29. Oh my goodness, this is the prettiest outfit I’ve seen for ever! So delicate and with a really strong style about it. Beautifully unusual and suits you incredibly.

    Can you style me pleeeease?

  30. That is one seriously lovely dress. It looks so expensive. Good find! xx

  31. LOVE what you are wearing I wish I was brave enough and looked good enough to pull something as lovely as that off! x

    Jazz xo


  32. Love this outfit and the hair looks fab! xx

  33. Loving that dress! x

  34. Kind of a boring weekend for me, ah well.

  35. I have always loved that dress of yours. I’m glad to see the back of January too, it’s been a LONG month xxx

  36. I love that dress so much! x

  37. I know exactly what you mean with January but it feels like life is flying by at the moment!

    Maria xxx

  38. this dress is gorgeous!


  39. I’m looking forward to the end of January too, it’s definitely the most depressing month of the year! x

  40. Yes I felt like that about my Saturday apart from the rehearsal and concert in the middle of the day! The rest could have been so fruitful but was not!

  41. This dress is so pretty! I wish I could pull of things like this sometimes

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