Weekend Casual

Happy Sunday all, hope your having an enjoyable weekend? I’ve been struck down with the lurgy, and currently have NO VOICE, at all. Haa.

Yesterday I embraced casual wear with denim shorts and a striped top. It felt good to actually dress down!



Flash wanted to show off his new food bowl
(why yes, he is a mucky little critter!)


On the hit list this week?
Spring/Summer collections hitting the shops! Top of my wishlist right now is this Daisy dress from New Look
and these shoes from Matalan

On the Shit List this week?

Being ill…first Mum, now me (and half of the other ladies I work with!)

What’s hot or not in your world right now?


50 comments for “Weekend Casual

  1. I hope you get better soon.
    Love the vest… it adds such a casual yet chic twist to the outfit.
    Wish you a great week

  2. I adore your outfit :] Hope your voice comes back quickly xx

  3. Flash is so adorable. I just canΒ΄t get enough of him.
    I have been having a bit of cold as well lately. My throat feels really sore and dry. I know how hard it can be so I hope you get better soon.


  4. LOVE the stripey top and waistcoat! Where’s the waistcoat from?
    Hope your voice returns soon!

  5. gett better sweetie! my brothe was sick for a long time too!

    hot: turtle necks. i dont know why but i refused to wear them and my mom has a million, and i’m so cold lately and love the minimalism of the look πŸ˜›

    not: the cold. LOL

  6. Great casual outfit. I really like the daisy dress and shoes too. Would get the shoes myself if shoes fitted my feet better πŸ™‚

  7. Feel better soon , love this outfit on you very classy xoxo

  8. Love the outfit, works really well together. I hope you feel better soon.

    Sadie x

  9. I actually think your outfit is very stylish and professional looking!

    xxx Charlie
    Feminine Bravery

  10. D.

    I love the outfit, it’s very classy.

    Feel better soon!

  11. Poor sweetie πŸ™ hope ur feeling better today. I’m nursing my very own sickling.

    love the vest.


  12. great outfit

    hope you feel better soon,ive had a cold for about a month it seems haha


  13. Aw dear, hope you’re feeling better soon! Love the second photo of you, the outfit is great! xx

  14. Such a great look on you. Hope the voice returns soon. xxx
    PS cats are such mucky little devils when the eat.

  15. you look adorable! hope the job is going well πŸ™‚ xx

  16. You look adorable! I hope you feel better soon.

  17. You look lovely, Breton stripes are always a winner. πŸ™‚ xx

  18. Whoa! I didn’t even realize that the new season clothes are coming in this week.. now all that i’m missing is some money to be able to afford it! I hope you feel better soon.
    Ps. Totally hot, in my humble opinion, have lately been matte nail polishes! I want to buy one, but didnt get a chance to pop to town ! πŸ™‚

  19. I love that second picture of you – very cute!

    Hope you feel better soon, it was bound to happen working in a doctors’ surgery! xx

  20. my mums being sick all week too!! must be something going about πŸ™ x

  21. I love the Piped Daisy Dress you were looking at. It would look fabulous on you. Please do take good care of yourself (you are worth it). Hope you, your mum, and the ladies you work with all take care, get and be well, and have a healthy happy year. Love the photos of your cat (adorable).

  22. Such a cute little outfit, i really like it, very casual & stylsih:)
    Hope you feel better soon! xxx

  23. Hit List; looking at teapots and other attractive items instead of revising

    Shit List; looking at teapots and other attractive items instead of revising..

    πŸ™‚ x

  24. Lovely French isnpired outfit! Totally luv!


  25. Aw hope you feel better soon! I love the daisy dress, I’m excited that S/S clothes are beginning to hit the shops, I’m so bored of winter! x

  26. Get well soon.
    Love the stripes with the waistcoat.


  27. I love this outfit, the stripes are lovely. Flash is ever so adorable (even if he is messy!) xx

  28. Oh I really like that waistcoat on you!

    I just wish my flu would sod off. I am SO BORED of being ill.

  29. Love that outfit – so chic and simple. I wish my cold would go away, it’s been dragging on for ages. My eyes are so watery I look like I’m crying all the time! xx

  30. I’ll definitely be drawing inspiration from your outfit. Love it! The waistcoat looks so good.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  31. I hope you get better soon! I’ve been fighting a cold all week….

    I love the striped top with the vest!

  32. You can never go wrong with a striped t shirt! I love it with the waistcoat!

  33. You looks great!!!

  34. Oh you look great!
    Ooh hot things: brogues. I’ve seen a pair I really want from Topshop and not too badly priced either.
    What’s not: I still have the sniffles, I’ve been ill for two weeks, want it to go away now!

    Get better soon!

    Bhav x

  35. Love this outfit!

    I hope you feel better soon πŸ™‚


  36. That New Look dress is lovely. The stripes are great too. Hope you feel better soon xx

  37. hehe I love that photo of you saluting! Striped t-shirts are a staple for casual wear!

  38. you look totally cute in that vest! I love your kitty πŸ™‚


  39. hehe cute bowl for your kitty, and looking lovely dear. hmm for me, the “not” is the non-existent summer weather, the hot is yummy veggie satay πŸ™‚

  40. you look lovely! i hope the new year’s treating you well my dear bloggy friend!

  41. oh i love the outfit, and the daisy dress you linked to is major cute!
    feel better soon! :)Xx

  42. That dress would be so pretty on you.

    Flash can get away with being a little messy cos he is so cute! x

  43. Oh I like those shoes your wanting! Very cute.

  44. I really like your casual look, and also the daisy dress you linked to! Cute!

    Feel better soon!

  45. Great outfit, I really need to buy some more shorts!