first outfit post of the month

I hope everyone has recovered from Halloween festivities by now?
I can’t believe its over and now the countdown to Christmas is well and truly on! I suddenly feel so behind.

Weather here is truly awful today. Black skies and pouring rain, I got soaked on my way out with Mum earlier.

Outfits from Yesterday and Today (someone was too lazy to post yesterday!)



*My arms are behind my back here*


What are your plans for this week?
I’m hoping to go Christmas shopping at some point, but that totally depends on the weather.
Perhaps some online shopping is in order, though I’m saving my pennies for the next installment of Giles Deacon for New Look (out next Monday, preview coming soon!)


89 comments for “first outfit post of the month

  1. I love the poncho, where is it from ?

    I really like both of these outfits 🙂

  2. the first outfit is adorable 🙂

  3. oo lovely tights!

  4. Anonymous

    Love the second outfit. You have a great collection of tights and I love them all!!

  5. Oh I love everything bout the first outfit and the poncho in the second outfit is covetable!

  6. Lovely! I especially like the poncho xx

  7. I love everything! really pretty

  8. love the brogues. have two pairs myself–a black one and a cream and white one. have no idea how to wear them but thanks to you, now i do!

  9. Eri

    Cute! I love the first outfits, the colours are nice, especially the tights.

    See you soon hon!

  10. Cute outfits! I especially love the first one. Your dress is so cute and I love the pink tights. Hope better weather comes your way soon!

  11. I love the shoes! Have a nice month doll!

  12. I’m starting to get really jealous of your tights collection… and your amazing dresses.

  13. That dress in the first post is just AMAZING. I love it!

  14. Ooh, that grey cable knit cape is heavenly. Absolutely loving the way you paired your tights with it!

    All I know is that on Friday I am going on a shopping spree at Irvine Spectrum; but now I feel sick, so who really knows if those plans will come through for this week. 🙁

  15. Gorgeous outfits, darling!
    Love that capelet!


  16. I love those shoes so much 🙂 you look stunning, dear.
    have a great day, xoxo

  17. I love both the outfits and I am soo lusting over that cape!

  18. love those spectators xo

  19. Those shoes are fantastic!

  20. Love them both. Really love yesterday’s!

    Christmas shopping? Aren’t you on top of things! Hope you are having a great day!

  21. love how your dress look with that tights.
    Great two outfits.
    Thanks for visit my blog!

  22. Thanks for the comment telling me where the jacket was from – you did get the right person lol.
    Love both these outfits, especially the first dress! So gorgeous, and with the rasberry tights and brogues… perfect 🙂

    Have fun Christmas shopping.

    xo Hannah

  23. Love the dress! I feel your pain – I got stuck in a massive thunderstorm on the way to a job interview, drenched is never a good look!

  24. LOVE the tights and of course the shoes. I got rained on today too, it sucks x

  25. aw i love thecombo of the berry red tights with that dress, adorable!

  26. ahhhhh…..what a cutie.. 🙂 x love the shoes and the pink tights..

  27. Sam

    You just inspired to wear my bright pink tights again! Great outfit with them! I also love the second one. I some way I just love wearing grey with purple

  28. I love that dress on the first pictures 🙂

  29. Kb

    Love the shoes and that cape, and you too look gorgeous in absolutely everything. Plus I’m extremely jealous that you’re 5’10 and have model-like proportions. Christmas shopping will have to wait for now, I’ve been very distracted by all the new Christmas collections…

  30. Great way to start the new month!

  31. Your second outfit is possibly my favourite of all time! LOVE that cape, love the soft, cool colours, love the shoes. Fabulous!

  32. Amy

    Ooh I am dying for your cape coat. It is lovely!


  33. Lovely cape!! It looks so pretty on you!! I didn’t really pay much attention to New look as much as Topshop but today I looked at their stuff and I love it! xoxoxoxo

  34. love the grey poncho! wanna get one too, but I think I’m too short to wear that, it would look ridiculous… like a little batman or something :S


  35. the colours are so pretty! <3

  36. love the splash of colour!

  37. Love the first outfit, the colour is awesome. I have nearly finished my xmas shopping luckily! My mother is always mega organised and I seem to have inherited that from her!

  38. cute booties! The weather here horrible too..

  39. I love EVERY outfit you post! The first one is so cute!

  40. Ooh those outfits are so cute! I can’t wait until Christmas either! I’m already starting my countdown.. hehe. 🙂

  41. the gray tights are so classy. And the little cape is fantastically cozy. Here in the states, xmas countdown doesn’t start until after thanksgiving, though I’d love to ge in the holiday spirit now.

  42. Both the outfits are just lovely. The dress and tights are like from a fairy tale in the first one and I love the dreamy feel of the second. Gorgeous!

  43. I really really love how you pull of coloured tights.. somehow it never works for me.. !

  44. whoaaa very nice color combination,…. your dress is absolute beauty and your leggings are hot,, shoes? flawless ;D

  45. Anonymous

    always tights…it’s a delight…love all them¡¡¡

    buy do you wear them outside???

  46. LOVE that second look, the purple and grey looks amazing together!


  47. Love the dress & the shoes! Where is the dress from? It’s wonderful!

    Congratulations, you are the winner of the Carolyn’s Kitchen giveaway!!! 🙂

    I think that I already have your address, I’m just going to check my emails to see that I still have it.

    My e-mail is: lecabinetdecuriosites (@) hotmail (.) fr

  48. Almost missed out on leaving you a comment on this gorgeous outfit! sooo lovely!

  49. the second outfit is amazing! i love that cape.

  50. The shoes are sososo cute. *

  51. love love love all the tights xxxxx

  52. Oh jeez. Christmas shopping! You’re the first person to actively talk about it and now I’m panicking. I’m usually so organised. Thanks for the nudge though 🙂

    p.s. I covet that cape in the second pic. You wear it with such panache. Fab, fab, fab!

    Love it.

  53. Awesome outfits!! Really love your shoes on the first outfit… And the total outfit from the 3rd picture is gorgeous!

  54. honey !!!!!!!!
    gorgeous shoes !!!!!
    love that cardi
    and the dress so lovely !!!
    nice post
    here in Greece we don’t have Halloween 🙁
    Kisses !!!
    Do you like Christmas?? Usually i am sad at Christmas and i don’t know why ! hope this year i won’t be!

  55. That’s some real smooth colour matching – chain cable knit cape + pale lavender dress + grey leggings. Could you try mustard or patterned leggings next?

  56. those berry color tights are a splash of bright color. adorable!

  57. Really like the cape/poncho! The dress is gorgeous as well… really love the floral detailing. I love Christmas, but was almost upset the department stores here have already been putting up Xmas lights and decorations. Then again, I guess it’s only a little over a month to go…

  58. Just found your blog and love it! I love this outfit- perfect! XOXO

  59. Chloe / Lola

    Hey – I noticed you commented over at bglam/dailystyleguide – just wanted you to know that the domains were sold and that they have nothing to do with me now!

  60. i love the boho feel of the first dress and that capelet looks so amazing.

    I Am Denise Katipunera

  61. the last outfit LOVE! The colour combo so pretty those shoes are to die for.
    I’m literally counting down the hours for monday- roll on!
    Never thought I’d say that about a monday.

    prettyneons XxX (:

  62. I adore those shoes!!

  63. Love the oxfords! I have a very similar pair.

  64. Oh I like the cozy cape. I’m so not ready for xmas yet… there’s still guy fawkes to be had tomorrow and then I may start considering it! 😉

  65. LOVE the cape and those pretty tights!

  66. Love the tights! I can’t even think about Christmas shopping right now.


  67. Amazing outfit!!!!!
    And I LOVE the shoes 🙂
    I’ve seen Giles Deacons collection and it’s amazing isn’t it?!
    🙂 ♥

  68. love the shoes honey! another cute outfit honey

  69. Looking very, very pretty in your pictures as always and yes it is a travesty that the men have the best legs…grrr. Are you on Facebook at all lovely? xxx

  70. v cute-love the grey cape xo

  71. I love your cape/poncho, such a chic alternative to a jacket! The red tights with your shoes is so cute! Fab as always.


  72. Jen

    Lovely dress my dear! 🙂

  73. OoooOo pink! You always rock the most lovely coloured tights! xx

  74. E

    Once again, you are the master of tights and all things pretty. I love that dress. I love those shoes. I love that cape.

  75. Meg

    I really love your black shoes!

  76. love the shoes.. and that cape!

  77. Hi, thanks for the comment, your post just woke me up.. Lol
    Check out my blog, I may take you to the next Paris Fashion Week 😉
    I’m following you now with rss feed, follow me too!


  78. O..M..G.. Giles Deacon for New Look. How fantastic. We never get any *really* good collaborations over here. You look great!


  79. Ooh, love the tights! It’s finally cold enough to wear them here in Hong Kong, and I realized I don’t really have any. Oops.

  80. ooooh…. yaya. you are too cute

  81. Wow you look gorgeous, love the shoes! xx

  82. Anonymous

    Oh wow @ the first outfit. I want those shoes!-Feather

  83. Love your shoes!
    And that cape really suits you 🙂

  84. Woah you are organised, Christmas shopping already! Haha I had a massive binge the other day (which involves adding loads of crap to my “wihs list”) but that is as far as I have got.
    Once again I love your tights! How many pairs have you got?
    Very pretty photos

  85. Hey your outfit is really nice looking.

    Lingerie forum