Fresh as a Daisy

Oh come on guys, you KNEW today’s post would feature the daisy dress, right?! I just had to be.
It’s a little on the short side, but that is part of the parcel of being tall I think, so I’m doing to rock it regardless with my dignity just about intact.




(hi there Flash, attacking my feet, again)


The ring up close. It’s adjustable so perfect for everyone. I have chunky fingers and often find it hard to get rings to fit so this is A++


A pair of Mum’s old earrings. And by old, I mean older than me.


I just *love* early mornings. Yeah.

Happy Friday Guys, what are you up to this weekend? We’re having our house invaded by Richard Parker for a couple of nights (The Croft. Sunday. 7:30pm. Tickets on the door. BE THERE) so it’s gonna be a mad ‘un.


P.S. In honour of it being Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I’ve been featured by butterflyshapes on her blog. Check this girl out, she is the sweetest.

58 comments for “Fresh as a Daisy

  1. my fav outfit on you so far . the misture of earrings are perfect and your legs look amazing in that dress

  2. Cute dress! It’s really predestinated for you. Suits you well.

  3. Oh this looks amazing!

  4. I love the daisy dress! I don’t think it is too short at all! you look great in it! love the shoes as well!

  5. Oooh the dress looks fab on you!! It is my aim to buy some prints this spring, I usually stick to plain colours (boring!)

  6. awww I love the print and so right for you and your blog and it is not too short esp with the black tights like how you rocked it with a pair of kick ass wedges xoxo

  7. yay i love the daisy dress, and it looks great on you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. You and that dress were meant to be! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. It is so pretty on. Don’t think it looks to short on, especially not with the tights. Lovely earrings.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend. I have a work night out tonight. x

  10. i love that dress on you!

  11. I love-love-love the dress and the ring!
    happy Friday, dear <3

  12. Ugh, I’m with you on the early mornings ๐Ÿ™

    Dress is lovely and I don’t think too short – you’re right tho – peril of being tall!

    Good luck this weekend with a housefull of boys!

  13. love the earrings. those teamed with the shift dress make you look like a 60s babe x

  14. you’ve shocked me with this outfit post….not! LOL. I love it and those earrings are super cute too x

  15. Laura it looks gorgeous! SO so sooo perfect for your lovely figure, and your blogging identity ofc!


  16. That dress is just perfect, it’s very you! Love your Mum’s earrings too!
    Kandi x

  17. I love it short… as you have probably noticed by now!

    You are the gal to wear daisies… ‘par excellence’.

  18. ahhhhhh I want that dress even more now, thanks Laura. anyway, you look amazing with it, a bit short yes, but still wonderful!

  19. This looks lovely on you !

  20. love LOVE that dress on you so pretty xoxo

  21. that dress is perfect on you!! You can totally rock the mini dress look.


  22. i have that dres and the the gold leaf ring!! we clearily have amazing taste ๐Ÿ™‚ lol xo

  23. How fun! Kudos on being featured!

  24. Love that dress, I just bought the topshop version from a blog sale and I had to make myself not buy this one too! Just too similar! Looks great on you x

  25. Gorgeous. Love your blog. Now following. Hope you’ll follow me back.

    Check out my blog if you’ve got time and feel like it. It would mean a lot. I’ve just started.
    Karoline Kalvo

  26. ~k

    Darling daisy dress! I loved the wedges paired with it for a bit of an edgier look! Checking out your feature now.

  27. absolutely love the print on this dress! and it is very fitting for your blog title, of course.

  28. yay! that dress looks fantastic on you! i don’t think it’s too short! That’s going to look fabulous in the summer with flip flops and wide brimmed hat!

  29. such a charming print!
    So lovely on you!!

  30. Ohmigosh Laura this dress was made for you; I absolutely adore it!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. O I just love the dress; and you look so good in it. You should definitely wear shorter things more often, because they fit you really well. I mean you look so tall!


  32. The daisy dress looks so pretty on you! I love it.

  33. I love that dress. Looks perfect on you…not too short at all!

    Have a great weekend!

  34. oh this dress is perfect on you! love the print and the length is great, it makes your legs look longer than usual!


  35. your dress is so cute!

  36. Love that dress, it’s so cute! I love all your piercings as well ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  37. The daisies on your dress are amazing and beautiful! What a find! The ring is pretty (and your fingers are not chunky at all).

    I’m so glad you did that interview (Butterflyshapes: A Daisy Chain Dream.) for Eating Disorders Awareness Week. I think you are probably helping a lot of people by candidly sharing your story. People in the fashion industry need to become more cognizant of Anorexia and Bulimia and I have more to learn myself.

    On that same subject, thank you for having offered roxxybelle an ear over at Roxxy Cambridge – This Year So Far Has Proved Rather.

    I hope the Richard Croft invasion goes well. Have a great weekend.

  38. Love that daisy dress!

  39. Love the dress! It’s sooo perfect. I also love the ring. I have a similar one and always wear it.

  40. Gorgeous dress and you look gorgeous in it! I love stealing vintage jewels from my mum, they have the best stuff!

  41. The dress looks fantastic on you ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. gorgeous dress – so so pretty.

  43. Yes, lovelovelove that dress, and it looks amazing on you Laura!
    I have that ring in silver :)+ i love old jewellery, i steal bits & pieces of my mums, i just find pieces fascinating, and the earrings your wearing are gorgeeous!
    Supporting NEDA… will be checking out butterflyshapes! xxx

  44. Super cute dress! The boots go so well this outfit too. about to check out butterflyshapes blog now. Hope you well xxx

  45. That dress is gorgeous! You look lovely.


  46. This dress was made for you xx

  47. Yey! It looks amazing! The shameless plug made me laugh – it is unlikely that i’ll be in the vicinity of SC but if I am I’ll drop in. x

  48. Hello! The dress looks great on you! I thought it was a bit short too at first when I put it on(I have it too!), but it just works! Any time I’ve worn it, it’s been greeted with compliments!
    Peacocks have got a really cute collection of flowery earrings including mini-daisies that would go great with it!

  49. Love the dress!!

    And thanks so much for sharing your story ๐Ÿ™‚ I love learning more about the people behind the blogs I read. And you showed me butterflyshapes, and I am so glad I can read it now!!

    Take care and enjoy your weekend ๐Ÿ™‚


  50. Oh that’s not too short at all – it looks great on you!

  51. Ohh Laura i knew this dress would look good on you, its not too short at all, you look FANTASTIC X