Gadget Girl: Loud and Proud with UE MINI BOOM

I’m still working on getting properly back in to music. Since being with Ben I’ve rediscovered the joys of it and also become a fan of many new artists. Most days you’ll find me with Spotify open and yet another new album playing, mostly on my iPad, so when I was offered a trial of a UE MINI BOOM portable Bluetooth speaker I was totally up for it.
The speaker itself looks quite unassuming due to it’s small size, but don’t be fooled. This can really pack a punch with the clearest sound I’ve ever heard from a bluetooth speaker. The design is great, so minimal and bold with it’s colour combinations (there are five to choose from). The compact design and easy to use controls makes this the perfect travel buddy, whether you’re taking it to a party of much, much further afield. I think it’d make the perfect festival friend myself. It boasts a ten hour battery life and a 50ft wireless radius, as well as being able to be paired with two devices at any one time. Genius. Speakers can be stacked together for more of an impact and there is a handy App available for more cool features.
Overall this is hands down the best bluetooth speaker I have tried (at least three others spring to mind) and at £79 it’s an affordable investment. Music lovers, give your sound some style! (Did I mention it also provides a crystal clear speakerphone too?!)


2 comments for “Gadget Girl: Loud and Proud with UE MINI BOOM

  1. Soundcloud is amazing to find new music too!! Check it out 🙂

  2. Pretty cool looking design, I’ve never came across these before.

    Buckets & Spades