hair heroes

My hair and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the colour…but that’s about as far as it goes, or at least, it did. This year (although only a few weeks in) I seem to have finally found some miracle products and tools that really work for my thick, wavy and often frizzy locks…and finally I’m starting to enjoy taking care of my hair and feeling satisfied with how it looks.

1. Osis by Schwarzkopf hair body style and care spray was promptly stolen by my Mum who has done nothing but rave about it since. A woman obsessed when it comes to her hair, she usually uses multiple products to get the effect she wants. Since using this she’s stopped that, this, she says is all that she needs, and after pinching it back one morning, I’d be tempted to agree. It’s non-sticky and helped tame my hair in to submission without it getting frazzled or totally flattened.

2. Schwarzkopf Professional BC Bonacure Oil Miracle Oil Finishing Treatment is quite possibly my hair saviour. I’ve only used it twice and already my hair is much, much softer to touch and straightens much better. I have an oil aversion, it’s a standing joke with people who know me, so I was hesitant to say the least to give this product a chance…but sometimes it pays to take a chance, I wouldn’t be without this now, and even the price tag (£15.99 on Amazon) won’t put me off.

Both of the above products were sent to me for review, but this hasn’t affected what I’ve written. I’m not one to easily give praise to hair products; especially as many don’t make a difference to my locks, so please believe me when I say these are EPIC!

Stockist wise, you won’t find these in Boots or Superdrug, but a bit of google searching will find you the full range with varying prices.

3. Hair straighteners. Before these Corioliss C1 pro irons came in to my life at Christmas I fully believed that only GHDs would work on my hair, and I wasn’t prepared to spend that kind of money on the part of myself that I hated most! My Mum had a pair of these back in October and raved, so I caved in and let her get me some. CONVERT! No more spending an hour trying to get semi-straight hair. Ten minutes and I am fully presentable if I want my hair tied up…a little bit longer and I can rock my hair down without looking like a mad professor. Anyone looking for a GHD alternative would do well to get these. We got mine from here which seemed to offer the best price.

What are your hair miracle products? Does anyone else share my general hair hatred or have you learnt to love what you have?

12 comments for “hair heroes

  1. i’m loving my Argan moroccan oil. It makes my hair soft, shiny and it smells soooo good!

  2. Might have to try the products… I long to be able to fight the frizz and actually wear my hair down! Also wish I was brave enough for your hair colour.


  3. I have the opposite problem… my hair is fine and seriously lacks volume. I’ve yet to find my perfect hair saviour but I do love VO5 miracle concentrate as it makes my hair super soft without losing what little body it has.

  4. As of late I’ve been a big fan of Lush’s R&B cream!
    And I had a Glamour Queen spray by Osis in last months GlossyBox that I really enjoyed too.

    Also, my must-have: Frizz-Ease by John Frieda, can not do without it.

    And latest conditioner I love, again by Lush, American Cream.

  5. I;m so glad you love corioliss, I’ll never ever understand the GHD hype with these things around, I blogged about mine a while back <3

  6. I love the fact those straightners are zebra print too 🙂 xxx

  7. I love the shine spray by treseme [not sure if that’s its proper name] but it leaves my hair really soft. I have a love hate relationship with my hair too. Its nice just after it’s been dyed but it just never does what it’s meant to do.

  8. I just seem to hate my hair whatever it does haha! However living in Wales isn’t helping that..

    Osis sounds really good though, i may have to try it!

    I just awarded you the Liebster blog award, it’s on my most recent post 🙂 xxx

  9. I use Moroccon Oil and love it!! And Im glad you love your products.

  10. my hair gets extremely frizzy so i may just have to try out the osis spray!

  11. I’ve never been that fussed about my hair, so I don’t have many products, but I can’t imagine life without dry shampoo! x

  12. I really want to try an oil on my hair as I keep hearing how soft and lovely it leaves your hair but I’m nervous it’s gonna make my hair greasy :/
    <3 Holz oxo