How I Wish I Wore Them

Once upon a time, about the same day my back went a pair of very beautiful red shoes landed at my door 
They came via the lovely people over at Spy Love Buy and the intention was I’d style them up and review the shoes.
It became clear quite immediately that my back wasn’t going to get better fast and that the outfit post was probably not going to happen this side of December and perhaps not even this side of Christmas so I had a little think and decided to chuck some clothes (I can’t call it anything other than chuck, I lack artful draping skills that other bloggers possess) on to my bed and show how I *would* have worn these beauties– brilliantly named Minx instead.
I decided with the festive season coming up I’d use a day dress and glam it up a bit for early evening drinks with friends as tartan always reminds me of Christmas (one too many tartan dresses for the Christmas school disco I think). This Vintage dress was purchased via Hello Terri Lowe last year and is one of my favourite dresses ever. I’ve added in some thick-ish Primark tights and a chunky cardigan from New Look which was a recent bargain and I’d simply swap my usual chunky boots for the fierce Minx shoes.
As it stands, my outfit for the day looked more like this
(Cat slippers from Primark)
I have been spending a lot of time relying on walls for support. Or friends and family who have all been amazing. The NHS have been amazing too. Taking excellent care of me and my local non-work medical center have dealt with my catheter woes without batting an eyelid.
Hopefully by the time you read this post (as I’m writing things in advance lately) I will be a bit more mobile. I’ve discovered a wonderful Osteopath through work who is working magic a getting my spine in a better position to heal itself. And maybe, just maybe by the end of this week I’ll no long have a catheter. I know not everyone wants to hear about that, but well, if you ever end up needing one for any reason…it’s nothing to be ashamed about and I wanted to try and break down the stigma just a little.
Back on track with this post though, which shoes would you like to Spy Love Buy?

15 comments for “How I Wish I Wore Them

  1. Anonymous

    Oh my goodness. Do you think your fashion friends want to know all about your catheter?

    • This is Laura’s fashion and lifestyle blog and by definition, she can post what she wants – unlike some bloggers who only portray a ‘rose tinted’ glimpse into seemingly perfect lives, Laura blogs her ups and her downs and is refreshingly honest. I personally think this makes her and her blog come across as approachable and relateable; also, as she says, there’s no need for stigma around a catheter – it’s simply a medical issue like any other, and if Laura is comfortable with sharing her problems then it’s rather uncalled for to indicate she should be ashamed or to try and make her embarrassed about them. I hope if you ever suffer such problems people will give a little more sympathy and kindness than you’ve shown here.

      Hope you feel better soon Laura! xx

    • Anonymous

      Oh you know Laura. Anything for a bit of attention!

    • I don’t wish to get into a comment war because it’s just not worth it, especially with an anon, but if you don’t like Laura or her blog then it baffles me why you take the time out of your day to read it and then leave mean comments! Surely you could be doing something more constructive that you yourself enjoy and that doesn’t hurt other people’s feelings?

  2. Take care Laura, hope your back gets better for Christmas (maybe write to Santa?), I love the shoes – such a great colour although I would fall off them in about 2 seconds!

  3. I knew as soon as I saw the homepage that I be checking out the riding boots and these are my favourites –

    The Minx would work so well with tartan, I hope you’re up and able to wear them soon x

  4. Sorry to hear you’re still not better, sounds like you’re having a pretty tough time of it lately. I love the dress, I wish I could find such good vintage pieces – I’m not great at spotting them. I hope you’re able to wear the gorgeous red shoes soon! Take care x

  5. Sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time lovely, and I hope you start on the road to recovery soon. Fingers crossed you can lose the catheter soon, it can’t be pleasant for you but I’m glad you’re coping with it alright. The shoes are gorgeous, maybe you can sit down with your feet up and have someone put them on for you so you can just look at them and admire how pretty they are! Get well wishes being sent to you xxx

  6. Oh no, poor back! Hope you feel better soon. The shoes are lovely though, Laura!

    Corinne x

  7. Love the tartan dress – it’s adorable! Hope your back gets better soon – sounds like you’ve had such a tough time lately 🙁

  8. Anonymous

    oh no – such gorgeous shoes and to not be able to wear them !! get well soon
    fashmr p.

  9. The shoes are lovely, adoring the red colour. Just perfect for the Christmas season.

    You really have been threw the mill haven’t you? Sending gentle hugs. Get better soon sweet.

    X x

  10. Liz

    I had a catheter once. A fit young male student nurse removed it for me. How’s that for a moment of catheter-related mortification?! Hope you’re feeling better lovely xx

  11. Gem

    Love this dress, the colours in the tartan are very festive! Great to hear you are on the mend x