I have no witty title.

I’m pretty sure that if I tried hard enough I could come up with some shoe related pun, but as my obsession has yet to fade and doesn’t look likely to any time soon, I figured it could wait.
This time the target of my obsession is Chie Mihara who up until a few months ago I didn’t even know about. One of those brands that is just far enough out of my price range to maybe one day be affordable (unlike the Louboutins, Prada and Chanel that will remain dreams, and only dreams) the clunky, chunky look of these scream “wear me with everything” year round.

This is the Falco pair, quite possibly the perfect example of my dream work shoe. With bare legs and a midi skirt for now, and with thick tights and knitted dresses when we are plunged in to winter.

Edesa, yellow. A shoe colour so often overlooked, these look like they could be paired with practically anything. High enough to keep trouser hems out of puddles, too.

The Falla shoes make me want to retract my previous statement about dream work shoes. I can’t make up my mind which I prefer, of these and the lace ups. Clearly the only solution is to win the lottery, or elope with some un-suspecting doctor and get both pairs.

And if I’m planning to splash out, what harm would Ethel do as well? Summer sandals in autumn colours…

Oh help.

What’s caught your eye?
Who has a grand plan for getting rich, quick?


(all images from Spartoo)

25 comments for “I have no witty title.

  1. I lβ™₯ve the falco pair, Edesa and ethel. I want to have that shoes on me.
    Me i have plan to get rich someday. and when im rich im going to buy all those shoes ^_^

  2. They are all gorgeous but I especially like the Edesa yellow ones so cute.

  3. I think, before your shoe obsession goes any further, you need to develop a fail safe get rich plan. I like the unsuspecting doctor idea. Or, even better, locate a man who designs amazing shoes. Then they will be free, leaving you to splurge on tights πŸ™‚ <3 xxx

  4. Ooh shoes!!
    I love the second pair, but the first ones would look fab with a dolly dress, tights and some chunky finger bling.


  5. I am working on a plan ! πŸ™‚

  6. ooh that yellow pair…!! *swoon*

    I should of won the Euromillions the other day. Oh well…

  7. -E-

    “the shoe must go on”?

  8. i do like that shade of yellow but i don’t really like cork-look soles..

  9. Ahhhh I love the edesa and fallo pair! Both are gorgeous !xx

  10. Those yellow shoes are amazing! Well they all are pretty damn yummy looking!

  11. I can haz them all? Yes?

  12. The yellow ones are amazing. I am afraid I couldn’t possibly divulge my get rich quick plan.

  13. Falla Please!
    I shop vicariously through your blog. I haven’t shopped in YEARS and it’s always something plain basic and cheap but I swear I have a good style sense SOMEWHERE.

    PS- I think “I have No Witty Title” Is pretty Darn Witty.

  14. I love the first image! Great shoes πŸ™‚

  15. Kat

    Love these shoes, I’m always drawn to chunkier heels! Love the new hair colour by the way, so bright! Looks amazing πŸ™‚


  16. a boutique right by my house sells chie mihara and I have lusted after every shoe ever they have made for about 3 years. I have decided to try ebay stalking them now!

  17. MJ

    The heeled fringed loafers are lovely!

  18. Anonymous

    You say you are going to be trained to take bloods at the dr surgery? DON’T YOU need a few years at nursing college and science to DO THIS? It takes a few years until somebody can actually do this. Why are you full off stories. your life isn’t that dull.

  19. The 1st pair are sooooo lovely. xx
    We Shop Therefore We Are

  20. love the first and the last one!

  21. The first pair are definitely my favourites, they’d be the perfect work shoes, as you’ve said. They’d look so good with a dress and skirt for the winter too. I need a job…xxx

  22. Me han gustado mucho los primeros zapatos, son muy bonitos, Un beso desde http://meritxell-calvo.blogspot.com/
    Te sigo πŸ™‚

  23. They all look so gorgeous .. wish my feet was not so petite and I could own some of those gorgeous beauties πŸ™‚

  24. First, freaking LOVE the red hair. You are so awesome it kills me.

    Second, I want all these shoes. Omg. The first pair is especially fabulous. πŸ™‚

  25. Anonymous

    Ooo. They look quite comfy cuz of the thick heel. I got a pair of Hush Puppies sandals that are <3. They are sooo comfortable. so I can't wait to get another pair from HP.
    Getting rich quick…hmmm..ebaying all my old junk. ^^