Instant October Recap

Mummy and Me in London

Posing in awesome sunnies c/o Toms

New dressing gown- thanks Mum!

Sweetest necklace from the sweetest shop! Ginger Pickle– mid month pressie to myself

Treats from Trudi and Mum

A moment of calm

My favourite Holland souvenir, I have a lunchbox obsession

Her latest favourite chilling pose; she manages hours like this!

Crutch induced bruising

Almost too cute to eat

I was devastated when I thought I had lost my lucky tourniquet, celebratory “I found it” photo

A rare sleep shot, I swear she never dozes

Gotta love duty free!

Amazing coffee in Holland

Final frappe of the season, sob.

Well, that’s what October kind of looked liked; missing out the not so fabulous parts and those even more mundane. Here’s to more adventures (and less accidents) in November!


11 comments for “Instant October Recap

  1. Have a safe November!


  2. cats really do sit in the oddest positions! xo

  3. Looks like an utter blast. Cat is the cuest and love your wee hello kitty choc! x

  4. Aww love the photo of you and your mum 🙂 x

  5. Those Lindor look amazing! I want some! Nice pic of you and your Mum xx

  6. Here’s to a pain free, accident free November x

  7. Haha I can’t believe Mae’s position, looks so uncomfy! Yes, I hope you have an accident free November! xxx

  8. I like your pictures. May this November 2012 be your happy November.

  9. Your cat is gorgeous!

    Check out my blog?

  10. You kitty is so cute <3

  11. aww you look gorgeous esp in those sunnies. You have such fab cheekbones x