
Dress c/o Warehouse
Top: C&A in Holland
Boots: ASOS
As you can see, my photos (as per) fail to do this gorgeous Warehouse dress justice. I was so excited when I was asked if I’d like to choose something from the website, I just knew that this was the dress for me!
I wore it for my shopping and dinner date with Trudi layered with my ever faithful top that I picked up on my ill-fated trip to Holland- my foot still isn’t right you know?! Madness. I probably should be choosing more sensible shoes but needs must.
How’s the short week treating you? As ever I’m on my early early start for work today- as if 8am isn’t early enough! At least I finish at 1pm to hang out with someone awesome. The next couple of weeks are goingย  to be especially mad on a Wednesday as I’ll be going straight from my shift at my usual work place over to another surgery to do a clinic there to help them out. I’m nervous but really excited too as this is a great chance to build up my experience.
Anyway, enough work talk so early in the day, I’m on the weekend countdown!

23 comments for “Iris

  1. Ah that dress is pretty Laura – love the colours!

  2. Vix

    Gorgeous dress – great choice.
    It’s not a short week for us self-employed, I’m even working on Saturday – that’s if the snow ever stops! xxx

  3. Love the dress!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    My friend broke her foot and it was a good 4 months before she could walk on it properly, it’s still not 100% now. Remember your physio exercises,is all I can say! x

  4. This dress is indeed beautiful, as are you so I think you do it justice indeed!

  5. I dont mind early mornings if it means you get finished early… then you have the whole rest of the day to enjoy! and lets face it – who gets anything done in a free morning anyways! have a fun afternoon girly ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  6. The warehouse dress is gorgeous, and i’m loving that you’ve worn it with a lace top/. You look great xx

  7. I LOVE how you’ve styled this dress – it looks far better on you than on the model! Your shoes are fab, too – such a shame your foot isn’t quite right still ๐Ÿ™ x

  8. Soo jealz of this dress, you look amazing!

    The Style Rawr – UK Fashion and Style Blog

  9. Oh that dress is stunning! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. This dress is beautiful! I am counting down the hours to the weekend, I just can’t wait!

    Maria xxx

  11. Oh gosh those boots are so lovely!!! Hope your week isn’t too stressful!

    Robyn Mayday xx

  12. Love this! Love your shoes too ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Gorgeous dress, really suits you!! xxx

  14. Sounds like a lotta work! I hope you get a chance to properly relax soon! I’m looking forward to 4 days off like no one’s business! x

  15. How fabulous! I love that dress, you have good taste! Great about the extra surgery work too!x

  16. Thats a beautiful dress! Loving the colour and the style too. Plus its got my moms name so whats not to love!

    X x

  17. Love this dress its beautiful. Happy Eater!!!

  18. That dress is so gorgeous on you. Have a lovely Easter break xxx

  19. J.

    Wow, this dress is absolutely gorgeous, I love it!! And you can see that in your photos as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. I love that dress, the colours are gorgeous. Congratulations on getting another clinic to take, they must be really happy with your work! xx